
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Bottleneck? What's That?

Days passed in flashes, Minato didn't slack off slightest. He was diligent and hardworking. Thanks to the already refined 361 Tenketsu, he obtained remarkable cultivation speed. Coupled with massive Chakra he had cultivation was easy for him.

However, Minato understood that only this part was the easiest. He just has to upgrade Chakra into Qi. Once he began real cultivation breaking through cultivation realms would be harder and harder. There was a saying in his previous world, they say that Higher you get harder it becomes.

Minato firmly believed that. He remembered back then, Grand Elders of his family stuck on the Nascent Soul Realm for decades. Even so, Minato wasn't discouraged. He was thankful for the second chance of life. Maybe he would never go back to the Long family and have his revenge. However, now he has family here, protecting it is the top priority.

"I will go back to earth if I could, those things don't matter anymore. I should spend my new life happily here in this world." When Minato let go of his previous life grudges, he felt a heavy burden lifting. His mind cleared and heart settled.

Suddenly, Tenketsu in his body became more active. They absorbed the Essence of Heaven and Earth madly. Minato didn't even need to follow the [Unnamed Cultivation Manual]. Essence took the same route as the Manual and varied with the Chakra.

Minato surprised 'I actually reached Heart Like Mirrors Absolute Sincerity'

Heart Like Mirrors Absolute Sincerity is the second stage of [Unnamed Cultivation Technique]. While Supremacy of Elementals, the first stage gives him ability over the elements, the second stage grants him Auto Cultivation.

'I never thought I would reach the second stage so soon. It has only been a few days" he was truly delighted. This way he could spend more time with his family.

In the past few days, he noticed Kushina liked to spend time clinging on to him. He also liked her behavior and even without Original Minato's emotions, he loved her. If he were to cultivate all day without caring about this girl, how disappointing would that be? At that point, there was no difference between taking the Hokage position and cultivating.


While he was still engrossed in happiness, a small explosion resounded within his body. Minato hastily 'looked' into his body. Every cultivator possesses the ability to observe inside their bodies. Mostly around their Energy Field. Not mention Minato is Sensor Type Ninja, he could do it more easily.

Once he saw his Energy Field he was dumbfounded. Previously he was only around 90% complete transforming Chakra into Qi. It should have taken him another day or two to complete the full transform. But now all his Chakra glowing with a golden hue, radiating heaven shaking might.

'Haha, Good! at last, I finished it" Minato cheered excitedly. With Qi being more powerful than Chakra he was confident to face enemies to come.

However, the process wasn't perfect yet.

Abruptly, a small amount of Qi detached from Minato's massive Qi reserve. While he observed, the Golden Qi that filled with vitality and power started to circulate his entire body. Everywhere it went his body gained explosive power.

"This… This is the Body Tempering?" Murmured Minato Noticing the objective of the Golden Qi.

Based on previous life knowledge, the First stage of cultivation was the Body Tempering. The cultivator must have a strong body and mind. While the first stage refines a strong body the second stage builds a strong mind.

Golden Qi worked ceaselessly.

Body Tempering Stage 1

Body Tempering Stage 2

Body Tempering Stage 3



Body Tempering Stage 6

Body Tempering Stage 9

And finally, Body Tempering Stage 10 and Golden Qi was spent. Nevertheless, another portion of Golden Qi from Energy Field began to operate. This time Golden Qi was a little bigger than former.

Unlike last time, Golden Qi moved from head to toe, bring Minato some pain and comfort. This is the second Stage Of Cultivation.

Foundation Building

This stage focus on both mind and body, fortifying physique, and spirit. This stage has four sub-stages.






Soon, Golden Qi disappeared, but what surprised Minato was that his Foundation Building actually had five Stages. He knew this was the legendary Great Circle of Foundation Building. On Earth, in his previous world, one can only hope to achieve this stage.

He broke through Foundation Building. Thus, Golden Qi began to compress.

Profound Realm





And the Great Circle

When He breakthrough Profound Stage, Minato already feeling numb. He decided to wait patiently until Qi clam down.

Suddenly, Heaven and Earth trembled. Signs of immortality descent upon. The air around Minato replenished by vitality. He broke the Mortal shackles and step into Nascent Soul Realm. His body, Spirit, and Qi linked one another. He was shroud in Aura of Immortal.

Master of Nascent Soul could live up to almost 1000 years. This is the beginning of Immortality. It wasn't a surprise at this stage Cultivator starting to exclude Immortal Aura.

Minato's aura started soaring, Nascent Soul Realm Early Stage, Mid Stage, and slowly halted in Peak of Nascent Soul Realm Mid Stage.

If this was on earth he would consider as a peerless genius. Twenty-five years old Nascent Soul Realm Master? This kind of thing unheard of, even The Jade Emperor couldn't achieve a mighty feat like this.

Minato slowly breathed in and calmed his racing heart. He clenched his fist and felt an incredible amount of power contain within. He grinned like crazy.

'Hehe, finally I can relax a bit' with this much of power he wasn't worried about anything. Until Madara or Kaguya comes he could spend his time with his family peacefully.

Suddenly, his crazy grin turned into a gentle smile. His Divine Sense picked up the presence of Kushina.

She is back!

Decided to Leave Hidden Leaf, what do you think? Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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