
I'm (Not) Observer Alpha...?

Celesti_00 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

3rd Person POV

"Why are three of you running away from me~ come over here~♥ our playtime is not done yet~ Hahaha~," Observer said in a playful tone and cheerful expression as she throws her one large tentacle at Illustrious.

Illustrious dodges the incoming attacks still fleeing away from Observer with Daring and Manchester they are being chased for more than half an hour and the reinforcement is getting a hard time passing due to Observer tons of siren ships being summoned blocking their route way which already at the highest level they encountered.

"H-hey *Dodge the plasma* Manchester it is me or this Observer didn't attack those others I feel like she just targeting three of us for some unknown reason," Daring said still dodging the plasma and firing back at the Observer which Observer just b*tch slaps the hell out the shell of her way and the shell just bounces on her hands and explodes in another area.



"Your entirely correct she just focused on us which I don't know what her motives on but for the looks, she's planning to likely who's gonna be killed first three of us or different ways," Manchester said still having a calm face and tone but inside currently in a dilemma.


Multiple plasmas from Observer cannons in artillery blasts hit the sea floors creating large columns of water that wet the three royals' kansen who's stalling some time until reinforcement arrives in their coordinates.

"Your having fun are you?" An authoritative tone of voice can be heard in Observer's head.

"Of course~ it's kinda tasteless to stay on the base or floating around the ocean just watching the eventful events on the screen but for now there are more otherworldly kansen keep transported in this place which some entertainments to me (And you) which doings of both Observer Zero or high siren from another dimension whatever they called it and the goddess transport those world war ships or reincarnation some people to help and eradicate my whole fleet out from the edge of the world." Observer said as she blast another artillery blast from running royal kansen at her.

The 2 royals kansen directly hit from the back by the plasma which made Daring groan with pain from electric shock and rigging disable functions Manchester managed to resist but still can move but guided missiles cannot fire it will take some time before its back it fully back functional.

And Manchester didn't waste the time she drag Daring with her maximum speeds.

"Ara~ ara~ don't like to lose are we~ friendship is so powerful~," Mana said with a mischievous smile and tone.

"Oya, Where did the one go?" Observer said looking around as she playfully smirked and block the incoming rapier behind her the tentacle firmly grips the rapier as a tentacle and manage caught with multiple tentacles in tangling the culprit.

"I caught a rare fish~♥," Observer said and looks behind her it's Illustrious being tied up by a tentacle from arms, legs, and waist.

It's Illustrious trying to escape from Observer tentacles which are unsuccessful as tentacles wiggling around the body of Illustrious as she is startled by the sudden action.

"Wha- Let me go siren!" Illustrious said wiggling her body to escape from this circumstance. 

"Hmm, yeah... How about no~?" Observer said playfully tone and smirked at the Illustrious predicament.

Went Observer was about to do a bit of experiment to Illustrious wisdom cube on the center of the 2 blossoms as tentacle wiggling.

Manchester flashed appears behind her which Observer glimpses incoming to save her fellow kansen.

Manchester raises her arms holding a combat knife to stab behind her and Observer turns around and blocks it with the same combat knife of Manchester looks at.

"!?" Manchester alarmed by the Observer's knife appears out of know where she didn't see Observer holding anything items in her hands she can only think is from an odd siren ability.

As Manchester ducked and backed slightly and do another quick attack to slash the exposed stomach of Observer she still blocks it again from the knife.

Observer does a very strong jab on her left legs knee hitting Manchester's chin as she is caught off guard and as Manchester, another hit being slapped by Observer tentacle in the right side of her body which she shielded her self to reduce the damage she receives.

As Manchester slides a few meters from the ocean floor and stops as she wipes small blood coming out the corner of her lips and coldly gazes at the Observer figure holding Illustrious trying to break free and dashed furthermore and ready her combat knife.

Observer does evade left, right, ducked, side step, and blocked

Manchester knife calmly and relaxed with still a playful smirk.

As Manchester aims her turret at her and Observer playfully grins at her as she does a shameless action using Illustrious as a shield in front of her.

"Tsk! I knew it..."

Manchester click her tongue dissatisfied with Observer's action and stopped her firing plan and tried to hit the tentacle Observer on Illustrious being restrained.

And Observer yanked away Illustrious from Manchester knife which miss a few inches on the tentacle.

"*Chuckles* Ara~ ara~ your getting tricky are you~," Observer said.

Manchester didn't reply to Observer's she dashed again and slashed her knife getting blocked again by Observer and she was irritated by Observer's good defense.

Meanwhile... Daring is watching both of them exchanging blows after blows on a close-combat knife which she finds odd from Observer did use her weapon cannon.

She can't move her body so she tries to reboot all her system rigging to start functioning again to help Manchester or Illustrious to escape the tentacle being carried by Observer from behind of her.

"Just what the hell did Observer do to my body and rigging it feels like I'm being paralyzed at the same time it's f*cking painful and numbness," Daring said laying on the sea floating while gazing at the two exchanging collisions knife creating sparking fractions and clicking metal sound.

As Observer flips her knife and slammed hard at Manchester's knife which brings her down a little from the ocean creating a small shock wave.

Manchester both hands getting numb and getting exhausted now on every Observer attack on her she needs to find a solution to counter-attack this situation which includes Illustrious being held on it.

"Getting tired already~? How about taking some rest I take care of you~" Observer said mischievously as her sharp eyes glinted in strange gazing at Manchester.

As Manchester breaks away from the Observer knife and takes a deep breath to store some small stamina.

"*Pant... *Pant... Never you disgusting *Pant... Siren." Manchester said with a gloomy shadow half of she's face coldly gazing at Observer between exhausted breaths as she prepares in defense posture readying for Observer attacks.

"Ara~ what a brave woman you are~ I have my respect for you Manchester~," Observer said as she plays spinning her knife skillfully while still having a playful smile.

As Observer was about to attack again she suddenly leans her head a bit and a fast-moving shell misses a few inches and passed on her cheek.


The Observer didn't show any surprise or frightened by a speeding shell coming to she was heading to her head she just move a bit of her body.

As Observer was about to look at the culprit she move her body a bit again including Illustrious being held on her tentacle another multiple sharp shells passed on her.

And she dodges another incoming very big shell which she just slices in half using a knife creating large columns on both sides and exploding creating another column of water wetting both Observer and Illustrious clothes.

Which stunned Illustrious behind her disbelief she had just witnessed.

As Observer jumps a few meters away from Manchester and directly gazes at the culprit.

(Ignore the looking pushing backpack just the rigging.)

Illustrious was about to shout at the very looking American kansen.

A tentacle suddenly put on her mouth and the sound of muffed can be heard on her trying to say something.

Which Observer just smirked at Illustrious and looks again at the new guest.

"Heh~ I did not expect there is another one being transported from this world again~," Observer said playfully smiling and tone as she gaze strangely at the new battleship kansen.

To be continued~