
I'll Tell You Every Day

The female lead who died miserably under the hands of her scheming half-sister is reincarnated but does not choose revenge. Instead, she chooses to live for herself, to chase after her dreams, and to fall in love again. Author's Note: A slice of life, sweet and fluffy romance novel. Recommended for those who like light reading. Not recommended for those who want to dive into the action at once.

Anri · Urban
Not enough ratings
173 Chs

Chapter 5

Daiyu looked at Liu Jin, eyes wavering with fear.

"It's alright… We have an entire lifetime to fall in love again." He smiled.

"You'll forget… but I'll remember. I'll remember your warmth… your smile… and how much you love me." He lightly kissed her lips.

"I need you to forget all your bad memories… I don't want them haunting you anymore… In exchange, I'll give you a lifetime of happiness. Deal?"

"…" She hesitated.

"I'll remind you… you won't remember but I'll remind you. I'll remind you how much I love you… I'll tell you every day. Until we're gray and old." He hugged her tightly.

"Xiao Yu… give me the chance to make you happy. We'll start all over, and I'll do it right this time. I won't leave you again. Not even when you ask me too."

She giggled, wiping away a tear.

"I want to watch you grow up with my own eyes. I missed my chance before. I only got to see you again after your boobs have already grown this big."

"JIN!" She hit his chest with her closed fist.

"Do you feel my regret? Before I left, you didn't even have boobs. Not even a slight bump-

"STOP!" She glared at him and he chuckled.

"So… Xiao Yu… Take the train with me." He smiled.

After a long pause, she finally agreed.

"… Okay. But how do I leave my memories behind?" She asked.

"There's a guy here who can help us. We'll go see him tomorrow."

"Okay." She leaned in closer, resting her head on his chest.

"You better make me happy…" She lightly threatened and he chuckled.

"I can't wait to take your virginit-



Wang Jing had leaked the CCTV footage of Daiyu's murder to the media. While he didn't want people seeing his precious granddaughter face such a horrible death, he didn't want Xia Xiulan to come out with a light sentence either. He was going to ruin her slowly. The same way she did to Daiyu.

Xia Xiulan could not refute the video. While there was no direct evidence of her poisoning Daiyu, the video had clearly shown her face and how she had pulled on the dying woman's hair and continuously kicked her stomach. The audio wasn't very clear but with outraged netizens on the hunt, they came up with a deciphered version with subtitles.

With Xiulan being dragged through the dirt, the Ye family were forced to distance themselves away from her. They forbade Ye Shun from contacting her and were in the process of discussing the annulment of their engagement when the media had found out about Ye Shun's former engagement with Daiyu.

Soon, the internet was abuzz at how heartless Ye Shun was. They then began speculating that the Ye family had been helping Xia Xiulan in her schemes. The Ye Corporation stocks quickly fell and even their long-time partners were hesitant to help them in fear of the public.

Next, Wang Jing anonymously revealed the video of Xiulan disposing of the poisoned leftovers and how she cleaned up the room to get rid of the evidence. Attached with the video was Daiyu's autopsy report where it was stated that she had died of poison.

The public was once again outraged. With so many people on the hunt for her, soon, all of Xiulan's sins began coming to light.

Xia Xiulan was smart and cunning. She made sure to hide her tracks every time she schemed against Daiyu. But there was one person who knew of all her schemes because she had helped planned them with her. That was Zhao Zhenzhen.

She was Daiyu's best friend. However, she had always secretly detested Daiyu. She was jealous of how beautiful Daiyu was and how her grandfather had doted on her. The Zhao's were rich. But with a strict and conservative father, Zhenzhen could not live the life of luxury that Daiyu had.

That was why she helped Xia Xiulan. She enjoyed watching Daiyu suffer. When Daiyu would come to her for advice, she'd report everything she knew to Xiulan. This was how Xiulan was always one step ahead of Daiyu.

When Zhenzhen saw how fast Xiulan was sinking, she knew that it wouldn't be long before the public traced her participation in Daiyu's downfall. Therefore, she knew she had to move first. She called for a press conference and revealed everything that Xiulan did.

While Zhenzhen faced public backlash for her confession, they were also more lenient on her because she came out with the truth. However, with the facts laid bare, the public could no longer be appeased. They stormed Xiulan's home, dragged her out, and mocked her.

When the public disgust against Xiulan had reached its peak, Wang Jing knew it was time. He sent people after her, dragging her to an isolated pier where they gunned down her legs. They shot her in non-vital parts, making sure her death would not come swiftly. She tried to call for help, crawling her way half a mile before she slowly died of blood loss.

Bloodied and crippled, that was the end of Xia Xiulan.