
I'll Tell You Every Day

The female lead who died miserably under the hands of her scheming half-sister is reincarnated but does not choose revenge. Instead, she chooses to live for herself, to chase after her dreams, and to fall in love again. Author's Note: A slice of life, sweet and fluffy romance novel. Recommended for those who like light reading. Not recommended for those who want to dive into the action at once.

Anri · Urban
Not enough ratings
173 Chs

Chapter 43

On the day of the festival, Daiyu was so excited that she was up by five in the morning. She ran into her grandfather's room and woke him up, asking him to bring her to school. Wang Jing chuckled and tried to calm her down but she only got more excited instead.

However, when breakfast came around, she had forgotten all about the play. After all, in Daiyu's hierarchy of needs, Jin-gege was first and food was second. It was only when Liu Jin came to pick her up that she remembered her big day. She quickly ran into her room to get changed.

Xiao Nuan and Xiao Ning carefully did her hair and makeup. They gave her beautiful curls and applied purple eyeshadow to her lids. While they gave her fierce brows to make her look evil, she ended up looking like an angry hamster instead. She was so adorable that Liu Jin could not stop taking pictures of her.

Meanwhile, Zhihao looked absolutely stunning. Since his mother was a foreigner, his long golden wig looked gorgeous on him.

"Ha! Look at me! I'm so beautiful!" He proudly posed in front of the mirror upon seeing himself.

Liu Jin rolled his eyes a continued taking pictures of Daiyu.

"Z-Zhihao-gege! You're so pretty!" Daiyu looked at him in awe.

Zhihao smiled smugly.

"From now on, my name is Zhilan!"

"Uncle Tang, Zhihao has admitted that he's gay."

"W-Wait! I was only joking!!!"


At half-passed seven, they left the Wang Mansion together and headed for the academy. The children went ahead because they still had one last rehearsal before the program starts at ten in the morning.

"Xiao Yu, do you still remember your lines properly?" Liu Jin asked and Daiyu nodded excitedly.

"Daiyu worked hard!"

Liu Jin smiled and patted her head.

"Good girl."

"Me too. I'm a good girl too." Zhihao added in the background.


At ten in the morning, Wang Jing arrived at the academy along with Butler Tang. Shuren and Nana were likewise present and Liu Honghui promised that he'd make it in time for Liu Jin's play. The Zhengs were also in attendance and today, they finally became acquainted with the Lius.

Zheng Liwei, Zhihao's dad, sat next to Shuren and they conversed about business. Meanwhile, Victoria, Zhihao's mom, sat next to Nana.

"I really have to thank you. Your son has been a great blessing to us." Victoria confessed as she held Nana's hand with hers.

"You see, I was terribly worried that Zhihao would have a hard time adjusting to his new lifestyle here. After all, the boy grew up abroad and had to abandon his friends when we moved. But Ah Jin has been taking very good care of him. In fact, my Zhihao seems even livelier now compared to how he was back in England. Well, I guess he is a little too lively." Victoria held her cheek, a bit worried at her son's enthusiasm. Nana chuckled.

Just then, the music inside the hall changed, signaling the start of the program. The curtains were raised and the host gave a brief speech before the performances began.

Daiyu performed really well. She acted wholeheartedly, her evil laugh echoing across the hall. The adults all laughed and cheered for the little girl who looked like an angry hamster on stage. They enjoyed her charismatic yet adorable approach at acting.

When their performance was done, the host announced a short break before the program was to resume.


Meanwhile, Daiyu stood beneath the stage, eagerly waiting. It was almost her Jin-gege's turn to perform. She wanted to see him! She was sure that he'd be so cool!

Just then, the host returned and announced the resumption of the program. Upon announcing Liu Jin's class, his classmates began entering the stage to begin their play.

"A long long time ago, in a land far far away, there lived a king and queen in a prosperous kingdom. But while they had riches, peace, and fertile lands, the king and queen were not blessed with a child. They consulted doctors, fairies, and magicians all throughout the world. And finally, after years of waiting, the queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl."

Daiyu gasped. Her Jin-gege had never read her the story of The Sleeping Beauty before. She excitedly watched, eager to know the story.

"To her, I give the gift of beauty!"

"To her, I give the gift of song!"

"To her, I give the gift of –


"An evil laugh echoed across the room and an evil witch slowly appeared from the thick smoke."

"S-so cool!" Daiyu's eyes turned into little stars as she watched the evil witch appear from a cloud of purple fog.

"I have come to give my gift as well!"

"She approached the crib where the princess lay and lifted her wand."

"The princess will live with beauty, grace, and kindness. But on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the needle of a spinning wheel… AND DIE! OH HO HO!"

"O-oh no!" Daiyu covered her mouth with her little hands.

"With that, the evil witch disappeared back into the void."

"Do not fret, my king and queen, for I have yet to give the princess my gift! On her sixteenth birthday, the princess will not die, but will only fall into a deep deep sleep. Only the kiss of one true love will wake her."

"T-twue love…" Daiyu listened carefully.

"With that, the banquet ended and the princess grew up well and healthy. Word of her beauty had spread throughout the world and one prince journeyed across the land to meet her."

On que, Zhihao entered the stage and the audience gasped at his beauty.

"Z-Zhihao-gege!" Daiyu excitedly called.

"Oh my, your son sure is beautiful…" Nana commented, and Victoria could not help but nod.

"Today is my birthday." Zhihao recited his lines. "I shall dress up and meet the love of my life." He cringed upon remembering Liu Jin's face.

"Oh my, I wonder what this is?" He asked as he stared at the spinning wheel in front of him. He stretched out his hand and touched the needle.

"Ah! Oh no!" He dramatically gasped and fell to the floor, unconscious.

"N-no!" Daiyu's eyes were filled with worry upon seeing her Zhihao-gege stumble.

"Just as prophesied, the princess had pricked her finger and fell into a deep deep sleep."

Zhihao was then carried away before Liu Jin entered the stage.

"My king and queen." He bowed.

"Jin-gege!" Daiyu excitedly called, a bright smile blooming on her face.

Liu Jin, who heard her voice, tried his best to suppress his smile.

"I heard that a beautiful princess sleeps within the walls of this castle. I have come to wake her up."

"Oh Prince, we thank you. The curse can finally be broken!"

Liu Jin then stood up and approached the sleeping Zhihao. He cringed. Finally, it was time for the horrible kiss.

Daiyu watched as Liu Jin slowly and hesitantly bent down to kiss Zhihao. Just then, she understood. The one true love of the princess was her Jin-gege!

"N-no!" She panicked and ran towards the stage.

"You can't kiss her!" She huffed.

Shocked, Liu Jin's classmates didn't know what to do.

Zhihao's eyebrows twitched. He had his eyes closed but he was sure he heard Daiyu's voice.

"W-why not?" Liu Jin tried to save the script.

"Because Jin-gege is Daiyu's one twue love!"

He blushed.

Meanwhile, Zhihao was itching to get the scene done. Hurry up and kiss me already!

"Then what should I do? The princess needs a kiss to wake up." Liu Jin asked.

Just then, Daiyu had an idea.

"T-then I'll kiss Zhihao-gege instead."

"No!" Liu Jin didn't want her to kiss Zhihao either.

'WHY NOT?!' Zhihao internally screamed.

Meanwhile, the adults watching the play could not help but laugh. Isn't that Snow White's evil stepmother? Why was she in the play?

"It's owkay! Daiyu is an evil witch too!" She raised her hand and revealed her little wand. She was so excited to watch Liu Jin's play that she had not changed out of her costume yet.

She trotted over to their side and raised her arms, asking Liu Jin to pick her up. Liu Jin carried her in his arms and she bent down to plant a soft kiss on Zhihao's cheek. She then waved her little wand.

"Zhihao-gege, wake up!"

Zhihao hesitantly opened his eyes. Was this it?! He was awakened by an evil witch?!

"My prince and… evil witch! I thank you for waking me up!" Zhihao quickly edited the script.

Daiyu giggled.

"And with that, the curse has finally been lifted. The king and queen, who were both grateful to… the prince and evil witch, held a grand wedding for both of them." The narrator sweated nervously as she tried to remedy the situation.

"Prince, do you take this beloved… evil witch as your wife?"

"I do."

"And evil witch, do you take the Prince as your beloved husband?"

"Do! I do!!!"

"And with that, the Prince and the evil witch lived happily ever after."

Liu Jin held Daiyu's little hand and walked her down the aisle with him. Daiyu excitedly watched as Liu Jin's classmates threw beautiful flower petals at them, congratulating them for their wonderful wedding.

While everyone cheered, Zhihao stood at the back, reduced to a mere background.