
I'll Tell You Every Day

The female lead who died miserably under the hands of her scheming half-sister is reincarnated but does not choose revenge. Instead, she chooses to live for herself, to chase after her dreams, and to fall in love again. Author's Note: A slice of life, sweet and fluffy romance novel. Recommended for those who like light reading. Not recommended for those who want to dive into the action at once.

Anri · Urban
Not enough ratings
173 Chs

Chapter 15

That night, Liu Jin bathed Daiyu and dried her hair as usual. But today, she wasn't quite sleepy yet.

"Want me to read you a story?"

"A story?


Liu Jin then began reading her the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Daiyu listened intently, sometimes laughing, sometimes gasping.

"Did you like it?"

Daiyu nodded.

"When Daiyu grows up, Daiyu wants to become the evil witch!"

"The evil witch? You don't want to become the princess?"

Daiyu shook her head.

"Daiyu doesn't want to be poisoned!"

Liu Jin's eye twitched at the coincidence.

"But the princess gets the prince."

"… Then she can have the prince. Daiyu has Jin-gege!" She beamed and Liu Jin smiled.

"That's right. But you still can't become the evil witch."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"Because somebody else is already the evil witch."

She gasped in shock.

"Yup. She's really mean. And she's out there to get you."

"R-really?" Daiyu looked at him with worry.

"Yup. But don't worry. I'll take care of her for you." He smiled at her warmly.

"Jin-gege you're so cool! Protecting Daiyu like – like a security guard!"

"A what?!" He pouted. "Why am I not like a prince?"

"Because the prince belongs to the princess!"

"Then Daiyu can be the princess."

"No! If Daiyu can't become the evil witch, then Daiyu will be a dwarf."

"A dwarf? Why?"

"Because the dwarves find diamonds!" Her eyes turned into dollar signs.

"So you want to become a working woman, huh? Well, that's not a bad dream either. But still, I can't be the security guard. The security guard isn't even in the story." He pouted.

"Then we can add the security guard into the story!"

"… Snow White's Dwarf and the Security Guard? Daiyu, I think you have a very bad story sense." Liu Jin sighed and shook his head.


The next day, Daiyu stayed at the mansion alone. Wang Jing and Butler Tang were currently in a business meeting and Liu Jin was at school. She went to the living room to draw as usual but soon fell asleep.

"My! Look at her, just throwing her crayons all over the floor!"

"The mansion is already hard enough to clean as it is and she's making everything even dirtier."

Daiyu woke up and saw the maids picking up her drawings and then throwing them into the bin.

"N-no!" She got up and tried to reach for the papers.

"What are you doing young mistress? We're just trying to clean here!"

"T-that's Daiyu's drawing!"

"Drawing?" The maid looked at the paper.

"Oh my! Well then just draw a new one then." She then continued shoving the papers into the bin.

"No! Stop!" Daiyu reached for the bin and pulled it, causing its contents to scatter all over the floor.

"What are you doing?! Are you trying to make our work harder for us?! Just because your grandfather spoils you, doesn't mean you should misbehave!" The maid shouted.

"B-but –

"Now you're answering back?!"

Daiyu hung her head low, unable to stop her tears from falling.

"Don't cry! If you cry, your grandfather will only scold us. Don't make us look like bad people."

"What a spoiled brat."

"Ugh. Now we have to clean up all over again."

"Why don't you go back to your room now? Help us out by leaving, alright?" The maid rolled her eyes.

Daiyu tried to wipe her eyes but the tears kept falling.

"What? Not leaving?"

Daiyu sniffed and reluctantly left the room in tears. Just outside the door, she saw Qian Ru.

"Qian Ru!" She ran towards the maid.

"Ugh!" Qian Ru quickly swatted Daiyu's hands away.


"Young mistress, it is very rude of you to just grab people like that. Really, as expected of someone without manners." Qian Ru looked down on her, eyes filled with disgust.

"S-sorry." Daiyu apologized, her face ashen from shock.

"What an embarrassment to the Wang family." Qian Ru turned her back and walked away, ignoring the child.

Daiyu stood there frozen, her little hands trembling.


That night, Wang Jing was still at the meeting so Daiyu and Liu Jin had to eat dinner alone. Daiyu remained silent all throughout and only ate a little.

"Young mistress, it isn't good to be a picky eater." A maid chimed in.

"You should be thankful for the food. Many children out there are starving."

"Really, now that she's living in luxury, she wastes food just like that. How ungrateful." A maid whispered.

Daiyu trembled but said nothing. She tried to put a piece of fish on her plate just to avoid getting scolded again. However, Liu Jin's hand stopped her.

"Do you want to eat the fish?" He asked.

Daiyu nodded.


Daiyu paused.

Liu Jin smiled at her warmly.

"You don't have to force yourself, Daiyu. Eat only what you like. Your grandfather has prepared these dishes not to force you to eat but for you to eat comfortably. If you don't want to eat, then don't. That's what it means to be a Wang. No one can look down on you or force you to do things you don't like. Right?" He faced the maids, his eyes stern and cold.

"R-right." The maids answered before quietly scampering away.

When only the two of them were left in the large dining hall, Liu Jin turned his head to face Daiyu.

"Daiyu, what's wrong?"