
I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Marianne, a talented curator at a museum, caught the attention of Mrs. Chaterine Ganke, a painting enthusiast who was also a very wealthy lady. The lady liked Marianne so much that she insisted her grandson, Leonardo Ganke, to marry her. Leon didn't love Marianne, but he couldn't refuse his grandmother's request. On the night of her wedding, Marianne was insulted by her husband. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Ugly girl, don't expect you to sleep in the same bed with me!!!" Leon shouted to Marianne in contempt.

nafadila · Urban
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792 Chs

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< Codona's Amusement Park >

After having enough of riding the Ferris wheel, Christian whined to go on the merry-go-round. Jack patiently obeyed his son's wish. His smile was wide as he played with Christian. There was no trace of tiredness at all on his face even though they had been having fun at the playground for almost 2 hours up and down various rides that were safe for 2 year olds.

"Daddy, I want to have my own car like this. Is it possible?" Christian asked innocently.

Jack chuckled. "Whatever you want, I will give it to you, son."



"Even if I ask for a plane, will you give it to me, Daddy?"

Jack kissed the top of his son's head who had been smiling widely. "Never mind one plane, I can even buy you three airplanes, dear."

"Yay! I love you, Daddy, you are the best!!"