
I'll Tame You Darling

Liliana Andrea Cabrera is a fiesty 23 year old YouTuber living together with her foster sister and best friend, Lana Perkins, in Vildard city. Although sweet and charming, she feared to get close to others, afraid she would lead them to their demise like she did with her dad and older brother. Most of all, she feared to ever meet her beloved mother again. However, what she surely didn't fear, was bumping into a rich arrogant narcissistic brat like the 26 year old Antonio Leonardo Robles, a multi-billionaire who seemed to have no respect for anyone but himself. If only she could have understood his true emotions from that first glance. "Do you have any idea who I am?" the young man asked with a lifted brow, barely looking her way. "I believe your question should be do I care who you are and my answer is a sure bloody no...what I do know is that you need to learn some manners, jerk," she said nonchalantly. Now, she finally had his full attention. With the clash of these two hotheads, how does destiny intend to keep Miss Little Fiesty, who refuses to bow nor bend to the will of the All-supreme Business Lord, and himself on the same path? A tempting offer is made to Andrea, with only one down side to it; becoming a subordinate to her new found nemesis. Will she give in?? Could these two ever be friends or just constantly be on each other's necks? In their minds, one would break the other till they bended to their will. Will their pasts' traumas succeed in holding them back and away from others completely? Most importantly, could they both fight the demons of their past, by themselves...or together? All in all, there's one belief and that's, "I'll tame you darling."

Pretty_Vie · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 26: Horrific Proposal

Lauren spent the night in the office, seeing to it that the technical department located the hacker as soon as possible. It then dawned on her to contact Antonio to make sure he knew she was doing her duty and would be giving him the good news soon. Hundred percent was an understatement of her certainty that Rachel was responsible. 'The best thing would be to present the grand gift of her location with undeniable evidence and gain Antonio's acceptance once again. I should at least let him know I'm aware and working on it.'

She left the department and went to her office to make the call. Unfortunately, the confidence with which she announced the soon identification of the location was blown into bits by Antonio.

"I didn't hear from you last night, neither did I hear from the team after the breach. Forget about it. I've already located the hacker myself and I'll deal with the situation on my own," he said in his iconic nonchalant tone.

"I-I'll tell the men to get the warehouse rea..."

"On my own, Lauren. I said I'd take care of it on my own so you should go get some rest. I'm assuming you spent the night in the office..."

"That's not a problem at all boss. I'd be more than willing to. Besides, I've gone without sleep many times because of..."

"Because of me. Well, I'm sorry for working you so hard. I'll remedy that. Don't worry."

"It's really not a prob..."

"Maybe you haven't realized, Lauren, but it is a problem. I trusted you to be loyal to me and to obey my commands. You seem to have gotten complacent and did do whatever you want. For some odd reason, I sense emotions behind what you did to Andrea and even thought you knew her before the incident."

"S-Sir.." she stuttered but he cut her once again.

"I explicitly gave an order not to use that warehouse or it's equipments. You did that for whatever godforsaken reason you had. You disobeyed my direct command Lauren. So don't be surprised if I've decided to handle matters on my own now." Bottled up anger wanted to spew out from Antonio's mouth. He seemed to be trying to control the rage growing within him.

"This is all because of that woman, isn't it?" The jealousy in her voice clear as day.

"You mean the woman you had tortured for no darn reason? Yes, it's all because of Andrea...."

"Why do you care so much for her? For crying out loud, you're personally taking care of her...in your room, which you demanded I, nor anyone else steps into. She attacked me last night and you protected her. You..."

"She attacked you for a reason. We both know you would have done worse if you were in her shoes. I'm done having this conversation. You better get some rest and get back in the right state of mind because you're overstepping boundaries and forgetting who you're dealing with. I have nothing going on with Andrea but even if I did, that's none of your business. My orders are my orders and that's your limit until I say otherwise. Know your place." He instantly hung up.

Lauren slowly took the phone off her ear and looked at the screen in shock, pain and anger. She had always thought Antonio saw her as more than an employee, as a friend. She knew he hardly ever acknowledged anyone as a friend and definitely didn't expect him to openly declare her as such. But to state bluntly to stay away from his private life was just disheartening. 'It's all because of that bloody witch. He can't possibly be having anything to do with her. She's a lowlife bloodsucking leech. I can't let her have her way with him. I won't allow it,' she thought with her eyes red and teary and suddenly threw her phone away, smashing the latest version of the most expensive phone brand against the wall. "You messed with the wrong person Liliana Andrea Cabrera."


"A-Antonio," Andrea called out as he walked into the bedroom. She sat up in the bed, looking like she had been waiting for him.

"Sleeping Beauty finally decided to wake up," he said, merely sparing her a glance as he walked into the closet, leaving the door open.

"Her Prince failed to wake her on time," she said softly, as though she thought he wouldn't hear.

Surprised by her comment, he popped his head out of the closet to give her a cheeky look. Andrea's was astonished when she realized he heard her. "You seem to be in a good mood today," she tried to change the topic.

"I could say same to you." He walked back in, still with the door wide open. "What do you want Andrea?"

"Pfft! W-Whatever do you mean? W-Why ask such a question?" she said with a nervous chuckle.

"Has anyone ever told you you're easy to read?"

"I'm not," she said confident and added a mumble, "You're just good at it."

"I am, aren't I?" he said and walked out the closet with a little box. He made sure to look her way in order to not miss the shock from hearing her again. "Are you ready to spill the beans?" He asked and just before she spoke a word he interrupted, "By the way, if it's about your brother, forget it. I'm going to get him."

"Antonio, please" she called, sounding close to tears, as she climbed out of bed, walking over to him at the parlour. "Please don't take it out on him. He didn't mean to..."

"On one condition." Antonio said,   now standing a few inches away from the petite lady his shadow was towering.

"W-What?" she stuttered in a panic.

"What would you be willing to do for your brother?" he asked with a sneaky look as he sat on the arm of the sofa.

Andrea looked bothered. 'I'd do anything necessary to keep him safe. I'd never let anything happen to him...not if I can help it. I lost my brother once because of my mistake. I can't repeat the same mistake but....but I can't tell this man. He'll use my words against me for sure.' She then asked, "What do you want in order to not harm my brother?"

Antonio smirked and got up. He walked past her and into the closet. "Smart choice. You knew I'd use whatever you say against you so you advised yourself against it."

'Is he telepathic? Does he have something like a chip in his brain? He's rich so it won't be surprising,' she thought."That doesn't answer my question," she said impatiently.

"It wasn't meant to," he said walking out and heading to the shower.

"What are you doing?"

His hand froze on the door into the shower and looked back at her in the parlour. "I'm going to take a shower."

"We're in the middle of a conversation," she stated, confused and irritated.

"You speak as though you'd do whatever I want," he said with an amused chuckle. "Then again," he said, leaving the door and walking to her, "I'll tell you regardless because you wouldn't have any other choice if you indeed care about your brother."

"Be reasonable Antonio..."

"All I want is what I told you from the very beginning Andrea," he said with a meaningful and serious look. "Do you now know what I want?"

"You want me to work for you."

"Yes, Miss Cabrera, that's exactly what I want."

"I don't know why you insist I'll be capable when you have so many experienced and academically capable candidates at your disposal. But fine, I'll do it. I'll be your advertisement manager to save my brother from the misery of knowing you personally," she said emotionlessly.

"Hmph," he scoffed softly with a little satisfied smirk. "Sorry to burst your bubble but that offer is no longer available," he said with a grin.

"Huh? I thought that was what you wanted. That was the offer you made. You can't..."

"Can't what, Andrea? Take me to court," a cheeky chuckle escaped his lips.

"What the hell do you want?" Andrea asked, anger drawn boldly on her face which seemed to please the suspiciously terrifying man before her. "Speak already Antonio and quit staring like that. It's rude to stare." He leaned in closer till his lips were barely an inch away from her ear and whispered to her. Suddenly, she stood frozen as he moved away to enjoy the look of horror on her face.

"You're kidding," she barely whispered, only making his grin grow wider. "You must be out of your mind!"

What do you think the proposal was? Have some idea? Comment it and let me know.

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