
Sean Showed Up Unannounced.

Julia laughed, feeling a sense of wonder at how easily Max had become a part of their little family

After spending a lot of time with Max, Mrs. Robin's concerns about how he would treat her daughter melted away as she witnessed his calm and collected demeanor. 

Noticing the emotional atmosphere, Max tactfully shifted the focus, saying, "Let's enjoy our dessert, I hope you like it? Julia took a bite and was delighted by the flavors. "Hm... this is delicious! I've never had anything so good, and the taste is unique!"


Mrs. Robin's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing Max as he spoke. "mom, you don't have to worry, I promise to take very good care of Julia." She was shocked, wondering if he had sensed her uneasy thoughts.


"Max, you're already married to my daughter," Mrs. Robin said, her voice laced with emotion. "As a mother, I can only hope for the best for you two. Indeed, you have my blessings. And thank you for taking care of my daughter.


"Mom, I promise  to take very good care of my wife," Max replied, his eyes locked on Julia's. "I will work hard to make sure she lives a good life."


Julia's voice was soft, "Mom. I love you. Max's smile was reassuring, and Julia always felt safe with him.


Just then, Max attempted to lighten the mood. Okay guys, "Let's finish up our dessert,

Everyone quietly went back to continue from where they'd stopped. As Julia savored the dessert on her plate, She exclaimed! Hm. Yummy, delicious! I've not had anything so good, and the taste is different too."

Max chuckled. "I think I should make more money in the future, and then I can bring you here quite often."


Julia waved her hand dismissively. "That's not necessary, money is not that easy to come by, so once is enough for me."

Max's eyes sparkled with surprise. Then he thought to himself, this woman is always thinking of saving me money.

Julia, you have a very beautiful smile that can captivate anyone."


Just then. Sean, Max's brother, entered the private room. He noticed Max with three others, eating and chatting freely. Sean was curious about the gathering. He knew his brother's personality, he wasn't the friendly type, how come he was acting differently around these women?" What's going on here?" he thought, observing Max's gentle interactions with Julia and her mother.

He approached the table.


Max noticed him and gave a warning smile. 

Sean raised an eyebrow but said nothing, taking a seat at the table.

He was curious, wondering what had changed his brother. Max, the infamous "Iced Prince." Immediately, Max's expression turned glacial, Sean just greeted the ladies with a charming smile.

Who is this young man?" Mrs. Robin asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Before Sean could respond, Max intervened, his voice firm. "Mom, he's my distant cousin. We haven't seen each other in a while."

Sean's eyes filled with surprise. "Distant cousin?" he was surprised and confused and at the same time. Why was Max introducing him as a distant cousin?


Max said politely, "Sit close to me Sean,"his tone softening slightly.

Sean decided to play along, taking a seat beside his brother. He couldn't help but notice Julia, whose radiant beauty captivated him. "Could she be the reason for this family gathering?" he wondered.


Max's eyes narrowed, his anger barely concealed. Sean sensed it and decided to keep quiet, using eye contact to ask, "What's going on, Max?"

Max's stern look told Sean to drop it. Just then, Julia spoke up, her soft, gentle voice mesmerizing.


Hi, I'm Julia Robin. Nice to meet you, Sean.

Sean's eyes locked onto hers, and he felt a sudden jolt of excitement. Nice to meet you too, Julia. I'm Sean Wellington, Max's cousin."

Max stepped on Sean's foot, and he yelped in pain. "Ouch!"


Mrs. Robin was startled. She immediately inquired, "What happened? Are you alright?"

Max feigned worry. "Is it your stomach again, Sean? You need to take care of yourself.


Sean was speechless by his brother's pretentious act, he just nodded grudgingly. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you Max."

As the conversation continued, Sean couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay beneath the surface of this family gathering. Why had Max introduced him as a distant cousin? And what was the real reason for this meeting? The intrigue only deepened as he gazed into Julia's captivating eyes.

Mrs. Robin asked, "Oh Max, you have really not told me about your family. Where are your parents?"

Max replied, "My parents are no more.

Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that, Mrs. Robin consoled him. "You are sure a hard-working man. And I can see that you are a good man too, who is diligent and motivating. I can be rest assured that Julia will be happy with you.


Sean's eyes widened in disbelief. "How did my brother become so calculated with lies?" No, Sean was confused. His parents were doing well at home, and they were hale and hearty. Sean tried to speak, "Max, you..." before Sean could say a thing, Max stepped on his foot again, warning him to keep quiet.


Sean groaned in pain and forced a smile. I'm good, Mrs. Robin. Just a little stomach issue."

Julia looked at Sean with concern. "Are you okay, Sean?"

Sean gave Max a murderous look but composed himself. Yeah, I'm good. Just a little gas."


Max just smiled calmly and drank his coffee, while Sean thought, "My brother has finally fallen in love with someone, and I'm going to play along, even if I have no idea what's going on."

After the meal, Max paid the bill. While Julia and the rest made their way to the car.

Sean couldn't hold anymore and asked curiously, "Is she your girlfriend?"


Max replied, "No, she's my wife."

Sean's jaw dropped. "Your what?!"

Max whispered, "Keep your mouth shut, she doesn't know who I am yet."

Now it became clear to Sean why Max had been acting weird.

"Max, do you mean you secretly married this innocent lady with a false identity?!"

Max replied calmly, "Yes."

In a way, Sean was thrilled. "If mom and dad finds out, they'll be overjoyed!"

Max gave him a stern look. "Who's going to tell them?"