
Max Secretly Paid Off The Insurance Dept.

Julia's rage burned hot. How could they punish her mother for her father's sins? She didn't even know the man; he had abandoned them when she was just three. Yet, they still had to suffer for his mistakes.


Max, sensing her distress, placed a calming hand on her shoulder. He had already set wheels in motion to investigate the situation and ensure her mother's release. Jack, his associate, was working on uncovering the truth, while Sean handled the situation at the police station.


As they waited for the outcome, Julia's anger simmered, but she knew she had to stay strong for her mother's sake. With Max by her side, she felt a sense of hope that they would get through this together.

Julia struggled to contain her anger, her voice firm but polite. "Sir, may I take my mother home on bail?"


The police chief glanced at Max, who nodded almost imperceptibly. "Of course, why not? You can take her home on bail, definitely."


The chief's demeanor betrayed a hint of fear, likely due to Sean Wellington's earlier call, warning him not to interfere with the Robin family's interests.


Mrs. Robin's eyes widened in disbelief. "Sir, do you really mean I can be released on bail? And what about the charges?"


Julia paled at the mention of her father's name, Grant Robin. Max intervened, his voice calm and reassuring. "I'll handle the formalities, Julia. Take your mother to the car."

As they exited the chief's office, Mrs. Robin turned to Julia, her voice laced with guilt. "I'm so sorry, Julia. I've put you through so much because of my bad decisions."


Max joined them, his expression sympathetic. "Don't worry, Mrs. Robin. We'll get through this together."

Mrs. Robin's eyes landed on Max, and she gasped, surprised. "Julia, who is this handsome young man?"


Julia forced a smile. "Mom, this is your son-in-law, Max Wellington."

Mrs. Robin's face lit up, and she gushed, "You're Max! Oh, good, beautiful... You're so handsome! These platforms can really be reliable sometimes!"

Julia watched, amused, as her mother fawned over Max. He hid his smile, but his eyebrows betrayed his amusement.

"Help your mom to the car, Julia," Max said. "I'll pull the car around, and we'll take her home. She'll be more comfortable there."

 As they walked to the car, Mrs. Robin continued to gush about Max, still in disbelief that her daughter had married such a handsome and charming man. Julia rolled her eyes good-naturedly, used to her mother's dramatics.

Once they were all settled in the car, Max turned to Mrs. Robin. "Don't worry, ma'am. We'll take care of everything. You just focus on resting and recovering from this ordeal."

Mrs. Robin nodded, still looking a bit dazed. "Thank you, Max. I'm so grateful to have you as my son-in-law."


Julia smiled, feeling a sense of relief. She was grateful to have Max by her side, too. She knew she could count on him to help her navigate the challenges ahead.

As they got into the car, Max's phone rang. He answered, listening intently, and then turned to Julia. "That was Jack. He's found some information about your father's case. We'll discuss it when we get home."

Julia's heart skipped a beat. She had a feeling that her father's past was about to catch up with her in a big way.


 Max continued. "Jack found out that your father was involved in some shady dealings. He was being investigated by the insurance company, and they think he might have fled the country to avoid prosecution."

Julia's eyes widened. "What does this mean for us?"

Max's expression turned serious. "It means we need to be careful. If your father's past comes back to haunt us, we need to be prepared to face it together."

Julia felt a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. "Okay, thank you, Max. You're too kind."


Max smiled and got out of the car, opening the door for Mrs. Robin and Maria. "Let's go in, shall we?

As they entered the restaurant, Julia couldn't help but notice the luxurious atmosphere and the impeccable service. Max was right; this was a special occasion, and she shouldn't worry about the expenses.

Over lunch, Max charmed Mrs. Robin with his warm smile and engaging conversation. Julia watched, amazed, as her mother laughed and joked with Max, clearly won over by his charm.


As they finished their meal, Max turned to them. "I have an idea. Why don't we take your mother to see a show tonight? I heard there's a great musical playing on Broadway."

Mrs. Robin's eyes lit up. "Oh, that sounds wonderful! I love musicals!"

Julia smiled, feeling grateful to Max for making her Mother's Day. "That sounds perfect. Thank you."

As they walked out of the restaurant, Max hailed a taxi and helped Mrs. Robin and Maria inside. "I'll meet you at the theater," he said to Julia, "I have to make a quick phone call."

Julia nodded, and they got into the taxi, feeling a sense of relief. Her mother was safe, and Max was taking good care of them.

As they drove to the theater, Mrs. Robin chatted excitedly about the musical. "I've heard great things about this show, Julia. I'm so glad we're going!"


Julia smiled, feeling happy to see her mother so carefree.

When they arrived at the theater, Max was waiting for them, looking handsome in his suit and tie. "Shall we go in?" he asked, offering his arm to Mrs. Robin.


As they took their seats and the curtain rose, Julia felt a sense of gratitude towards Max. He had gone out of his way to make this a special day for her mother, and she appreciated it.

As the musical began, Julia found herself getting lost in the story and the music. She glanced over at Max, who was watching the show with a smile on his face.

During intermission, Mrs. Robin turned to them, her eyes shining with happiness. "This is the best day I've had in a long time. Thank you both so much!"


Julia smiled, feeling a sense of joy and contentment. This was what family was all about.


As the show ended, and they came out of the theater, Julia turned to them. "How about dessert at that new café down the street?"

Mrs. Robin clapped her hands. "Oh, yes! I love their cheesecake!"