
Max Secretly Offset Kelvin's Bill.

Amari looked surprised, recalling the details. She took out a stack of documents and said, "Sir, here are the relevant files on William's import and export company, a newly established company. Interestingly, his car and house are all bought on mortgage, and he's gained recognition abroad for his talents. He's returned to the US to expand his practice." As Julia's husband, Max naturally wanted to investigate the individual who had been harassing his wife. Upon learning about William's situation, he furrowed his brow slightly, scanning the documents with a hint of curiosity. Amari added, "The largest shareholder of the law firm is Sharon Francis, his classmate, And she's also the company's legal practitioner. These companies are highly competitive, and newly established ones like his, will struggle to attract significant business. Even if they do, they're usually minor disputes and legal aid." After reviewing the information, Max decided not to pursue action against such an opponent, "give him something to keep him occupied. He has too much free time. Amari understood and acknowledged, "Understood."


At about five pm, Julia visited Kelvin's stall and learned about the successful arrangement for his sister's operation. Overjoyed, Kelvin exclaimed, "Julia, my Sister's operation is all set!" Julia shared his happiness, "That's wonderful news, Kelvin! Your worries are finally coming to an end." Kelvin's previously furrowed brows relaxed, replaced by hopeful eyes. Julia recalled Max's words: "there's always light at the end of the tunnel." She felt a sense of wonder, realizing that everything Max said seemed to come true. That evening, Julia's business flourished. She sold several outfits.

Julia took a moment to connect with her mother, Mrs. Robin, via video call. As they chatted, Mrs. Robin casually dropped a bombshell, "Julia, darling, I think your cousin's husband might be having an affair." Julia's eyes narrowed in surprise, "Clara's husband, Jerome? Mom, who told you this?" Mrs. Robin's voice came from the other end of the call, "I saw them myself. A man and woman entered the hotel today, and when I approached, they seemed rather...awkward. The man looked like Jerome, and well, you can imagine the assumptions one might make."

Julia quickly asked, "Mom, have you mentioned this to Aunt Erica?" Mrs. Robin replied, "Not yet, dear. I'm hesitant to spread potentially false information. It could ruin Clara's marriage, and Erica is quite proud of her son-in-law. If something were to happen, she wouldn't take it well." Julia cautioned, "Mom, please refrain from discussing matters you're not certain about. It's not your place to share this information, whether true or false. It could lead to unnecessary complications."

In today's society, wives often remain oblivious to their husbands' infidelities, and even if others are aware, it's a delicate matter to address. If Mrs. Robin were to share this information, she might be misconstrued as jealous or manipulative. Erica, Clara's mother, had always boasted about her daughter marrying a good man, so any such claim would be met with skepticism. Mrs. Robin understood, "I hope it's not true, Julia. Be careful tonight; I checked the forecast, and it's supposed to rain." Anita glanced at the clear night sky, "Mom, it doesn't look like rain. Business is good today, my staffs made a lot of sales and even got new orders. The sales at the fair the other day got us fresh and new clientele.

"Oh that's beautiful, but Julia, darling, please let Max pick you up from the office. I can't stand the thought of you driving alone at night," Mrs. Robin implored, her voice laced with concern. She had always been fiercely protective of her daughter, especially after the traumatic incident that had left Anita shaken a few years ago. Whenever possible, Mrs. Robin would accompany her to the office, but tonight, she was reliant on Max for her daughter's safety.


Julia reassured her, "Don't worry, Mom; he said he'd pick me up later. You've been under the weather lately, so please get some rest. I need to attend to my customers now." Mrs. Robin's eyes clouded with worry, but she nodded, trusting Julia's judgment. As they ended their video call, the silence of her empty home enveloped her like a shroud. The ticking clock and creaking floorboards seemed to echo her loneliness.


Just as she was about to retire for the night, a chilling scream pierced the air. A woman's anguished cries resonated through the neighborhood, sending a shiver down Mrs. Robin's spine. She rushed to the window, her heart racing, and peered out into the darkness. The sound came from the building opposite, and she could see a faint light flickering in one of the windows.


Memories of her own loss came flooding back, and Mrs. Robin's eyes welled up with tears. She remembered the sleepless nights, the endless worry, and the crushing grief that had followed. She couldn't bear the thought of another child suffering the same fate. With a heavy heart, she reached for her phone, contemplating whether to call the authorities or rush over to the building herself.


As she hesitated, the cries grew louder, more desperate, and Mrs. Robin knew she had to act. She dialed the emergency number, her voice trembling as she reported the incident. The operator's calm tone reassured her that help was on the way, but Mrs. Robin couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. She remained by the window, her eyes fixed on the building opposite, praying for the young woman's safety and wondering if her own loss had somehow prepared her for this moment.

As she waited for the authorities to arrive, Mrs. Robin's mind raced with worst-case scenarios. She thought of Julia, alone in the stall, and Max, who was supposed to pick her up. She hoped he was on his way, and Julia was safe, and that this incident wouldn't trigger any painful memories for her daughter.

Just then, the sound of sirens filled the air, and Mrs. Robin saw the flashing lights of a police car outside. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing help had arrived. She watched as two officers entered the building opposite, their voices firm but calm as they tried to calm the woman and apprehend the perpetrator.


As the scene unfolded, Mrs. Robin's thoughts turned to her own loss. She had never forgotten the feeling of helplessness, the anguish of losing a child. She had thought she had come to terms with it, but this incident brought it all back. Tears streamed down her face as she remembered the innocent eyes, and the bright smile that had been taken from her so soon.

The weight of Mrs. Robin's past experiences had created a deep-seated fear - a fear that her daughter, Julia, would follow in her footsteps and suffer the same heartache. She had walked that treacherous path alone, and the memories still lingered, a constant reminder of the pain she had endured.

At the stall, Juli was bustling with activity until the clock struck ten. She and her employees packed up her stall, she started the car, and headed home, the inaccurate weather forecast leaving her with a pleasant surprise. As she drove past a milk tea shop, she remembered Max's fondness for the beverage and decided to pick up two cups before they closed. Upon arriving home, she found the house empty, Max was  nowhere to be seen. She turned on the light, placed the milk tea on the table, and hastily retreated to the bathroom for a refreshing shower.


Wrapped in a towel, Julia emerged from the bathroom, her hair dripping wet, just as the phone in the living room began to ring. Assuming Max was still out, she rushed to answer it, not realizing she was still clad in only a towel. As she turned on the speaker, Samantha's voice filled the room, and Julia just settled in, on the couch to dry her hair, engrossed in their conversation.


Just then, the door creaked open, and Max walked in, his eyes locking onto his wife, who was sitting in a rather alluring pose. Julia's face flushed as she tried to speak, but Samantha's voice cut in, "Julia, don't be too rigid, put on the Pajamas I gave you, and make sure Max is captivated by your beauty." Julia's embarrassment was visible as she frantically tried to cover herself, her mind racing with thoughts of how to rectify this compromising situation.