
Max Opened Up To Sean.

Sean quickly understood and said, "Not me, I mean, you should." Sean was very close to his mother, and Max knew he wouldn't keep his mouth shut.

Max just replied nonchalantly, "Better." He briefly talked about being mistaken by Julia in the coffee shop. "She thought I was someone else, her blind date precisely."

Sean was surprised. "Do you mean you took the place of another man and married her instead?"

Max quickly shut him down. "Shut your mouth, Sean. You talk too much.

Our family doesn't necessarily need to use marriage to consolidate social status, but it's still better not to marry someone with ulterior motives.

Max immediately dismissed Sean, warning him again, "Mind your own business, Sean." Then he left and went straight to the car.

Sean then understood that Julia had mistaken Max for her blind date. Although he thought, this might as well have been a plot. After all, Max was rich and handsome, so it was right to have some worries and be careful as well.

Julia, Maria, and Mrs. Robin, who was seated patiently waiting in the car, saw Max coming out alone, and they immediately asked. You came out alone, "Where's your cousin?"


Julia asked casually," Where's your cousin? I thought he was joining us.

Max smiled calmly.  Oh! No, he had something else to attend to. Don't worry about it, Julia.


Maria and Mrs. Robin exchanged a curious glance, but William's expression was calm. Sean, who was peeking from where he was standing, just shook his head, wondering what his brother had gotten himself into this time.

As they arrived, Julia noticed Max's gaze lingering around the apartment her father had left for them. Little did she know, it was also the reason for the insurance company's arrest of her mother, and a debt Max had secretly paid off.


"Welcome to our humble home," Julia said, as Max stepped into the living room. He was impressed by the cleanliness and meticulous arrangement of every piece.

Do you want some coffee?" Julia asked, offering a warm smile. It was Max's first visit, and he couldn't say no. "Yes, please," he replied gently.

As Julia served him a cup, Max noticed the contrast between their two-bedroom apartment and his own four-bedroom luxury. Julia worried about his comfort, though he never complained.


"Julia, go start packing your things," Mrs. Robert  instructed, as Julia looked at her mother in surprise. "Mom, what about you?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

"We'll talk about it later, dear," Mrs. Robin replied, her eyes hinting at a secret. Max sensed the underlying tension but remained silent, sipping his coffee and observing the dynamics between the mother and daughter.

"I won't be able to leave this house," Mrs. Robin said, her eyes filled with nostalgia. "I've lived here all my life. It's hard to leave and start anew, so don't worry about me. You two should be together, like married couples are meant to be.

She turned to Max with a warm smile. Max, take her with you. Make her happy."


Julia's eyes showed concern. "Mom, I can't leave you alone! Your health isn't good, and you need someone to care for you.

Max also tried to persuade her, "Mom, come with us! The environment at Villa Park Estate is better, and we can keep an eye on you. We have two spare rooms, and you'll be comfortable, I promise. Julia and I are worried about your health, and it would worry us more if you're alone."


Mrs. Robin shook her head firmly. "I'm used to living here, and Villa Park Estate is just a stone throw away. If I need anything, I'll call you. Julia, don't worry, pack your things quickly, and follow Max home."

Despite their efforts, Mrs. Robin refused to budge. Julia reluctantly started packing, and soon they moved into the Villa Park Estate. As they settled in, Julia's heart remained with her mother, hoping she would reconsider and join them soon.

As they unpacked, Max noticed Julia's concern and wrapped his arms around her. "We'll take care of your mom, I promise. We'll make sure she's comfortable and happy, even if she's not living with us."

Julia smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Max. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

As Julia settled into their new home, she said to Max, "I'll go buy some food and cook!" But Max gently held her back, "No, sit down, you've been busy all afternoon. We should go out for dinner."


Julia protested, "But we had lunch at an expensive restaurant today. It's better we eat at home and save money. Besides, you did all the tiring work, so I'm not tired.

Max chuckled," You're something else, Julia. But I understand. You want our first meal in our new home to be special.


Julia's eyes lit up" Exactly! And I saw some fresh vegetables in the supermarket downstairs. I'll just grab a few things and be right back.

Max nodded, thinking, "This is indeed our first meal in our new home. I won't stop her."


As Julia headed out, Max retreated to his study, where a pile of documents awaited his attention. His assistant had called several times, and he needed to review and approve some papers. He also had to initiate a video conference to resolve pending issues.

Just then, Jack's email popped up on his screen, containing the information on Grant Robin. Max's eyes scanned the information, his mind racing with the implications.


"Grant Robin, the man who abandoned Julia and her mother... now married to the daughter of a wealthy Mexican family with two children? Julia has siblings she's never met."


Max's thoughts were interrupted by Julia's return, her arms laden with groceries. "Hey, how was your shopping trip?" he asked, helping her unpack.


"It was great! I found some fresh produce and got some ideas for our first meal. How was your work?" Julia replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


Max smiled, "It was fine. Just catching up on some paperwork. But let's focus on our first meal together. What's on the menu?"

Julia grinned mischievously, "You'll just have to wait and see."

Max returned to work as he delved deeper into the information on his computer, his expression turned from disgust to outrage. "How could he do this to Julia and her mother?" he wondered, his mind racing with the extent of Grant Robert's deceit.