
Julia Moved In Max

She nodded, and William couldn't help but think about how she was too scared to spend his money. He chuckled lightly, thinking to himself, "Never have I seen a woman so scared to spend her husband's money. Does this woman know that we're a legal couple?"


As they finished their meal, Max realized that he had married a woman who would really save him money. Even if there was no need to. Running a home required a lot of money, but Julia didn't have a habit of spending money carelessly.


When Julia turned to leave, Max called her. "Julia, don't forget you're free to do as you wish with the credit card. I have saved enough money there."


"Okay, then I will keep accounts of daily expenses. I'll make sure every money is judiciously accounted for," Julia replied, smiling.


Max just smiled and said, "It's all up to you, Julia. And don't worry about household expenses as much as I won't have to share the pain of childbirth. Just focus on being the best wife, as I, the best husband."


Julia felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, her thoughts running wide. She couldn't imagine a growing family, but Max kept giving her one more reason to feel like a married woman.

Just then, Max surprised Julia by offering to help with the dishes. Let me help, Julia. I'm not going to leave you with all the work, he said, smiling.


Julia was surprised by his offer. Max, you don't have to do that. I can handle it, she protested.


But Max insisted," No, I want to help. Besides, I'm enjoying your company, he said, winking at her.

As Max washed the dishes, Emma couldn't help but sneak glances at him. She was struck by his chiseled features and tall, athletic build. "Wow, he's really handsome," she thought to herself. "And he's mine!"


Just then, Julia's phone rang, and she excused herself to answer it. Hey, Samantha! How are you?" she said, walking out to the balcony.

"I'm good, Julia. But I have some news. Mrs Davidson is coming to the class reunion, and she asked about you. I think he wants to meet you, Samantha said, her voice excited.


Julia was surprised. Really? That's unexpected. I didn't think she'd remember me, she said, intrigued.

"Well, you made a big impression on her, Julia. And I think she's curious to see how you're doing,"Samantha replied.


I haven't seen her in years, she said, her mind racing with memories.

Samantha chuckled. "I know, right? And she's still as charming as ever. But anyway, she wants to meet you, Julia. Are you in?"


Julia hesitated, unsure of what to say. I don't know, Samantha. I'm not sure I'm ready for that. And what about William Brooklyn? I don't know if I can face him again," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.


Samantha's tone turned sympathetic. I understand, Julia. But maybe this is an opportunity for closure? And who knows, you might be surprised by how much fun you will have. The class reunion is on Saturday, so let me know if you change your mind, okay?"


Julia nodded, even though Samantha couldn't see her. "Yeah, okay. I'll think about it. Thanks, Samantha.

As she hung up the phone, Emma didn't notice Max standing behind her, a cup of milk in his hand. Hey, Julia. I brought you some milk. It'll help you sleep well," he said, his voice gentle.


Julia turned to him, startled. Oh, Max! I didn't know you were there. Thanks for the milk, she said, taking the cup from him.

Max smiled. "Anytime. So, what's on your mind? You looked lost in thought, he said.


Julia sighed. Just thinking about my high school reunion. Mrs Davidson was one of my favorite teachers back then in school, and now she wants to meet me there, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to face my ex-classmates, she said, her voice vulnerable.

Max's expression turned thoughtful. Maybe I can come with you? For support? He suggested, his eyes locked on hers.

Julia's heart skipped a beat at his offer. "Really? You'd do that for me?" she asked, touched by his kindness.

Max nodded. "Of course, Julia. We're in this together, remember?" he said, smiling.

As they stood there, sipping their milk, Julia felt truly loved and protected by William. Maybe, just maybe, he was the support she actually needed to face her past and move forward.

Julia struggled to find the right words to share with Max, but he noticed her hesitation. "Hey, are you okay? You seem a little lost in thought," he asked, his eyes filled with concern.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about something," Julia replied, trying to brush it off.

Max just smiled and said, "Take your time, Julia. I'm here for you when you're ready to talk."


The next day, Max was busy with meetings and appointments, but he made sure to send Julia a message. "Hey, I'll be running late tonight. Don't wait up for me, okay?"


Julia was also busy working on her uniform designs all. After work, she went home despite being so tired she made sure to prepare dinner for Max. When he finally got home, she was already asleep. He noticed the food she had made for him and felt a pang of guilt, but he was too exhausted to eat.


The next morning, Julia noticed the untouched food and thought, "Oh, he must have been too tired to eat." She cleared the table and started making breakfast.

Just then, Samantha called. "Hey, Julia! The class reunion is today at five o'clock. Don't forget!"


Julia hurriedly finished up with whatever she had to do that, and quickly got ready, changing into a simple dress and applying light makeup. Just then, Max appeared, holding a gift bag. "Hey, Julia. I got you something."


Julia was happy, she gently collected the the bag and opened it.

In it was a stunning Versace dress and matching red bottom Louboutin heels. "Wow, thank you! But how did you...?"


Max observed her quietly, he noticed her disapproval, then chuckled softly. 

"Oh Julia! I understand your concern. My cousin sent it as a gift. You don't have to worry about it, okay?"


Julia was touched by the thoughtful gesture, but also felt a little guilty. "I can't accept such an expensive gift, Max. It's too much."

Max smiled. "Nonsense, Julia. You deserve it. And besides, my cousin wanted to make sure you looked stunning for the reunion. Now, go get changed, okay?"