
Amari gave Max Feedback.

Just then Georgina walked elegantly towards him, her light-colored gown shimmering in the evening light. "It's quite late; why are you still here?"  Where would you have me be?, she responded, "Where else would you go? Of course, to your wife's side! If you don't bring her back, then don't bother returning." She chided, "Return home and stay by her side. Don't make her worry about you. Please, be mature; you're a married man now." Max was left speechless.


Julia, unaware of the why Max wasn't responding, sent him another message, "I've kept your dinner warm; remember to eat when you come back. I'll retire to bed first." Max's heart swelled with warmth upon reading the message. She had thoughtfully left him a meal. Georgina, noticing the message on his phone, remarked, "Leave now! Don't keep her waiting, and don't come back without her again!" She added softly, "I won't be pleased if I see you without her next time." Max wondered if this woman was his real mother, as he felt like he'd just been scolded by his own parent. Helplessly, he got into the car, prompting the driver to smile. "Mr. Wellington, if you don't return now, Mrs. Wellington will surely be worried." Max good-naturedly reprimanded, "You're quite talkative today." He instructed in his deep voice, "Head back to Villa Park Estate."

During the drive, the chauffeur received a call from his wife, inquiring about his return and mentioning that she had left a meal. Dennis overheard the woman on the phone nagging their children about their studies, prompting the Chauffeur to say, "I'll see you soon; go ahead and hang up." The Chauffeur's face lit up with a warm smile. Curious, Max asked, "Andrew, does your wife also urge you to come home for dinner every day?" Andrew chuckled, "Indeed, she does. And I must say, it's a lovely feeling to have someone care for you so deeply." Max nodded in agreement, his thoughts drifting to Julia and the warmth she brought to his life.

Andrew smiled warmly and said, "Indeed, she always emphasizes that shared mealtimes are essential for a harmonious home. We've been married for over a decade, and she expertly manages our household with grace and poise. Our children are well-behaved and sensible, and no matter how exhausted I am after a long day's work, her presence always brings me solace." Andrew, having been Max's driver for nearly a decade, felt comfortable sharing his thoughts. Max couldn't help but reflect on his own  life with Julia. He frequently socialized, returning home late, yet she would still maintain a spotless and fragrant home, filled with the scent of roses. Upon entering his residence, Max was greeted by the warm ambiance and tidy interior, reminiscent of Andrew's descriptive explanation of his family life. He noticed the night lamp she had left on for him and felt a sense of comfort.


As he proceeded to the kitchen, he found the food she had kept warm for him. Max's lips curled into a gentle smile, and despite having already eaten at the Villa, he savored the meal she had prepared. The next morning, Monday arrived. Max had to rise early for work. Julia, anticipating this, woke up half an hour earlier to prepare breakfast. As Max emerged from his morning routine, he found a steaming bowl of porridge with eggs, carefully arranged by Julia. "Please, have breakfast first," she said. "Okay," Max replied, taking a seat as he began to recount the events of the previous night.


Julia listened attentively, her eyes sparkling with interest, as Max shared his encounter with Georgina and the driver's heartwarming story about his wife. Max concluded, "I realized, Julia, that our home, though not a mansion, is filled with warmth and love, just like Andrew's. And it's all thanks to your dedication and care." Julia's face lit up with a radiant smile, and she replied, "That's what marriage is about, supporting each other and creating a haven together." Max nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for their loving relationship.


"My phone battery was drained last night, and you were already asleep when I returned," Max explained. Julia smiled graciously, "No worries, dear. Hurry up and eat; you don't want to be late for your meeting. You have a reporting deadline at eight. Thirty, don't you?" Max, with his flexible schedule, didn't need to arrive early, but he appreciated Julia's thoughtful reminder. They enjoyed their breakfast together.

Regarding William's visit the previous day, Max tactfully avoided inquiring about it, feigning ignorance. After he left, Julia began tidying up the house. At around eleven a.m., she received a call from the HR department of the Darius Group's Fashion Design company, inviting her to an interview the following day. Elated, Julia enthusiastically agreed, "Okay, okay, what time tomorrow?" "Two p.m.," the voice on the phone replied. "Got it, thank you!" Julia was eager to share the exciting news with Max and promptly sent him a WhatsApp message: "Guess what? I just received a call from your company, and they've scheduled an interview for tomorrow!

In the Darius Group's office, a high-level meeting was underway in the expansive conference room, attended by several senior executives. Max, with an inscrutable expression, seemed particularly moody and unfriendly that day. Just then, he received Julia's message. Max's gaze softened as he glanced at his phone, his cold demeanor momentarily replaced by a hint of warmth.

At the company's weekly meeting, Max exuded an enigmatic aura, his countenance inscrutable and unforgiving. However, upon receiving Julia's message, his glacial expression momentarily thawed. He responded succinctly, "Congratulations, prepare thoroughly." Unaware of the sinister reputation Max held in the Darius Group's Company, he was a senior executive - a Poker-Faced Killer, notorious for his ruthless decision-making - Julia beamed with excitement, tucking away her phone to focus on her interview preparations.

As the meeting adjourned, Max rose, his gaze sweeping the room with an icy intensity. "Let this be clear: the Darius Group has no tolerance for complacency. I expect each of you to understand your responsibilities and remember, no one is indispensable here." His words dripped with an unspoken warning: only the most exceptional talent would thrive in this cutthroat environment. With that, Max exited the conference room, flanked by his loyal secretary, Amari, leaving behind a trail of unease and determination.

In the president's office, Amari briefed Max, "Sir, the interview you scheduled has garnered significant interest, with approximately four hundred applicants registered thus far." Additionally, we've successfully located a suitable and a professional surgeon for Kelvin Butler's sister, and the operation is scheduled for next week. We've also arranged for financial support, covering all surgical expenses to the best of our abilities." Max said, "Well done, Amari." Curious, Amari inquired, "Sir, why did you invest so much time and effort in finding a  competent and a professional surgeon for Kelvin Butler's sister?" Given their ordinary circumstances, it was unusual for Max to take such a personal interest. Max's lips curled into a subtle smile, "I received a fifty dollar cash gift from him once, a kind gesture it was. Naturally, I wanted to reciprocate his kindness."