
I'll take care of them all four

water_melon_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

chapter 18:

I finished eating and sat on the couch waiting for the kids to continue eating , kin sat next to me , after he calmed down ," so , who was that butler? a crush?, You were staring at him a lot ," kin said with a little jealousy in his voice , was i staring that hard? , " him , no one just Lion di bell , you know ?" I said , i swear i could see his eye burning as he said " the marquis 'second son? ..... Could you take the kids to the carriage outside ? i'll be back soon," i nodded before saying. " Remember we are already going to be in a war , don't start another, just because this isn't your empire, we have kids , calm down ." I don't know if he heard me . " A carriage to where mama?" Cecilia said ," to our new house in the south, who evers finish their plate first sit in mama's lap for the whole ride ," i said as i went to prepare the bags as the kids started eating fast .

I finished, hidar won, and you can't believe how cute he was saying," mama , i completed my plate , i won ." I pet his head ,then looked over the table to see Emilia with tears in her eyes, i held hidar in my arms then went to her , i kissed her cheeks ,calmed her as i sat on the chair next to her ," what wrong sweetie?" I said softly, " .... I finished my ...plate right after him ....this is not fair..." She said ," you're right, mama didn't make the competition fair .... But hidar won ,he will get his prize, but since you're second i'll let you sleep on my lap too , but you still need hidar 's permission to do so ," i said , Emilia looked at me then at hidar and said " i ... i'm , can i sleep on mama's lap with you , big brother," hidar smiled and nodded , i checked on Cecilia who didn't seem to care and sidar who was smiling at me the whole time, i took the kids to the carriage after they changed clothes and we waited for kin so we could leave , hidar and emilia has already fall asleep, Cecilia was watching the streets from the window , while sidar is reading a book, what's taking kin so long , i'll take a nap before he comes back .

Kin's pov :

what the hell was that blood sucker doing in my hotel ? I couldn't find him anywhere, what did she like about him ? The hair ? Why do i care so much ? She's just a partner . Fuck that , let's just scan the whole hotel , there he is ,the hall ? my room? no its the room next to it , what is he doing ? ," what the hell are you doing in my hotel , you little bat ," Not so sure all of the sudden, scared or confused, he smiled a little then said ," i came here to reveal your identity, i was curious at first ,then suspicious but now i'm sure who you are," I took him by the neck , who gave him the right to talk,

" what ? scared of getting exposed ? Wait till lady diviana knows your true self , then we will see ,if she continues to treat you the same as now , or will she ignores you and hate you more than ever ." He added , this brat will definitely die in my hands, i crached his head against the wall when he said " you wouldn't kill me , because my father will most definitely find you and avenge me if you do , isn't that right duke klood ? "

" Duke ? you son of a bitch ,how could you insult me ? do you wish to die ? I' m an archduke ," i said while removing my mask, , i put him in a protection bubble, before exploding his head , can't let the lady know what i did ," Liam ," i called

" yes sir," he replied as he got out of the shadow ," clean the mess here, i'm off on a vacation, and tell the self centered king to not come annoye me , because he might lose a lump or two ," i said before i left hearing Liam say, " yes sir ."