
Limited Edition Suits by Yours Truly

Inala's fingers danced as he began to sew the threads of wool into various designer styles, expertly interweaving the different shades of wool to form intricate patterns. In a few hours, a pair of clothes were ready.


The style, quality, comfort, and ease of wearing easily exceeded that of the nomadic Kingdom nearby who didn't have the time, energy, and effort to invest in the art of wool weaving. They were more focused on surviving, as all weak Free Human Kingdoms did.


While Inala worked on transforming the acquired wool into clothes, Virala used a bone syringe to extract his blood. Any part of his body could be used as a Spirit Weapon, and the extent of control only increases over time as he gets more used to it.


Similar to how an Empyrean Snapper controls water, Virala can control his blood. But he would have to prepare enough first and seep Prana into it from time to time so that it doesn't degrade.