
First Meet

Kyra walked along the school hallway pretending like a normal high school student but the truth is she is the reincarnated forest goddess. She dies once every year and appears back after two years with the same age and body at the middle of the forest but she doesn't remember anything from her past lives. She has been living like this the past centuries.

She walked in her classroom. She received stares from human because unlike them, she is fascinatingly gorgeous and sexy. She sat at the farthest and pretended to read a book when one boy sat beside her.

He has blond hair and black eyes. He is also as white as snow and has dark circles underneath his eyes. He looked at her and said. "This," he motioned at the table. "Is my table,"

Kyra cocked one eyebrow at him. "Yours? Does it have your name on it? Did you buy it?"

He rolled his eyes then stared deep down at her. She stared back. She felt naked with his stare and grew conscious of what she looks like. She has long straight brown hair and green eyes. She is also white but not as white as him. She's tall and voluptuous.

"I haven't seen you before." he said.

"That's because I'm a newbie and you just ruined what my good first day of school impression." she said.

He grinned, amused by her frankness. "Did you really sit here to seduce me...because honey, it's working."

She looked at him intently and gathered her things. "Sorry, I'm on the wrong desk. I'll move. And to correct things, I'm so not interested with you even a bit. You're ugly." she stood but he pulled her back down. His hands are cold, so cold like the freezing snow.

"What did you just say? I'm ugly?" he laughed.

"Yeah, why are you deaf or something? Want me to repeat. Ugly. U-G-L-Y." Kyra said.

He laughed harder. "You're so amusing. You're really seducing me, baby."

"Don't call me any endearment. I hate it. Honey, sweetheart, cupcake, baby, babe, darling...anything but those irritating words and I'm so not seducing you." Kyra said.

"Then what do I call you?" His eyes still twinkling.

"Kyra, just Kyra." Kyra said. "And you are?"

He smiled.

"What? Want to be called Mr. Ugly? or Mr. Assuming?"

He cocked one eyebrow and said. "I'm Samuel."

"Samuel it is," Kyra opened her book and started reading again. She could feel him staring at her.