
I'll Save The Female lead

As I found myself thrust into this bewildering situation, I couldn't help but wonder if fate had a strange sense of humor. Here I was, once the top A-rank agent, now trapped in the role of a notorious villainess in a reverse harem novel. But why did it had to be the villainess? Well, I don't care! But now that I'm here, I'll enjoy my life to the fullest that I couldn't before. Plus, my family is real rich. Though an issue soon occurred. The female lead keeps sticking to me! I tried to get rid of her by distancing myself since I don't want to end up in the chaos like in the novel… But the female lead is just so adorable!! What would happen if the once fearsome antagonist was now trying to protect the very person she once tormented?  "Sabiiiii!" Ann's voice chimed, her eyes sparkling with innocence. It was hard to resist her charm, and I found myself softening despite my initial intentions. And it seems the so-called main suitors are suffering from collective amnesia. They flocked to me, oblivious to the fact that Anne was the true focus of their affections. "Stay Away! I will not give you my lovely Ann," I declared, my frustration mounting. "Who said I wanted her?" The chaos continued with the supposed fiancé as well, who seemed convinced that our engagement was set in stone, "You are my soon-to-be fiancée! Please compose yourself"  "I refuse to get engaged to you and to compose, whatever that is". "Don't you think you're quite rude to your soon-to-be Fiancé?"  "I'm not rude, you're too nice! And I told you I'm not getting engaged to you" "Thank you, my Lady"  "…Are you dumb?!!!" What in the world of strawberries was going on indeed? It was a baffling and comical twist of fate. But as the days passed, I found myself navigating this bizarre world with a newfound determination. If I was going to be stuck in this story, I might as well do it my way. And who knows, maybe I could turn this chaotic tale into something truly extraordinary.

Roaimi_Maali · Fantasy
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87 Chs




"So, you knew that I was Agnola?" I asked, staring at the person sitting in front of me who is currently sipping her tea peacefully.

"Mhm" Miss Granny said, still not budging a bit.

"You knew that I was Agnola! And you were still playing along with me?! Was it fun to play me?" I asked, showing my disappointment. She sighed and placed her tea cup on the table.

"Since when?" I asked, looking down.

"When we last met," She replied.

"And you also knew that I will be having my first awakening that day?" I asked, looking at her.

"Yeah" She replied, making me internally scoff.

"You knew everything from the start so....Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"*sigh* I wasn't sure before. When we had our first encounter, I knew at that very moment that you are related to Agnola and when you mentioned that you found The Chosen Divinity, it confirmed that you are Agnola" She explained.

"How is that book involved in all this?" I asked, confused.

"That book is not some ordinary book. Do you think that when that book fell it was a coincidence?" She said, making me confused.

"No, it was not. You didn't find the book, it was the book that found you." She said, making me more confused.

"What are you trying to say?" I questioned.

"That book is no ordinary book. It is an ancient holy book which has been passed down from Agnola to Agnola. It is a book which only an Agnola can access. And that day, the last time we met, you must have heard something to lead you right where I was?" she asked, making me shift deep into my thoughts.

"....Yeah! I heard a voice in my ear which I didn't get where it came from since no one was standing that close to me at that moment. It said 'Go left' and I followed what it said. I went left and found you." I said.

"Who's voice do you think it was?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. I was thinking for a while but soon my eyes widened at the realisation.

"IT WAS THE BOOK??!!!" I yelled because of the shock.

"Yes and why do you love shouting so much huh?" Miss Granny said, making me shut my mouth.

"*Ahem* So...that stupid book, no, not stupid....that weird book is a special book which only I can access?" I asked as she nodded.

"So why did it show reaction to Anne's touch then?" I asked.

"Because that book shows a reaction to Divinity and since she has a flow of Divinity in her it showed a reaction to her which I guarantee she didn't feel a slight bit. Only you saw because you are connected to that book. It must have sparked a bit at her touch...she is a Saint afterall..." She said.

"You know?" I asked.

"I know everything going on in this world. I'm a special mage afterall." She said with a proud smirk.

"By the way, how did you know that she is a Saint?" she asked.

'Shit!' I cursed under my breath since I got caught.

"Um...well...I know this b-" "Oh right, you can feel mana in people, how can I forget?" Miss Granny said cutting me off.

'For the first time in my life I liked it when I got cut off like that' I sighed in relief.

"Y-yeah, I felt her warm mana which made me aware of her special ability" I said covering up while she nodded.

'Gosh Sabrina, How pure and wise of you to lie so smoothly like that...' I thought, sarcastically.

"You have to befriend Augustus now. All the best for that." Miss Granny said, picking up her tea cup.

"Augustus?" I asked frowning.

"Oh it got cold *tch*" Miss Granny said after sipping her tea while I was looking at her dumbfounded. She warmed up her tea with magic, fully ignoring my existence.

'Hello you old lady! I'm asking something!!!' I yelled internally because who knows if I yell again she might seal up my lips forever.

"I asked something?" I said calmly, gaining her attention.

"Oh yes, what were you saying?" She asked, looking towards me while sipping on her tea.

"I asked, who is Augustus? and why should I befriend him?" I asked.

"Augustus? Oh yeah that rude brat! I don't like him one bit. I don't get why he thinks so highly of himself even though we're the same rank" Miss Granny expressed her displeasure.

"Right, but...who is he?" I asked.

"Oh....he? He is one of the spirits of that book in short, your assistant till the end" she said.

"Spirit? Do they exist?" I asked shockingly.

"Kiddo....If Mages, Saints and Agnola can exist, why can't spirits?" she said.

"That's a valid point." I said while nodding, "What do you mean by assistant?" I asked.

"He will assist you throughout your journey and help you but it depends on your behavior." she said, making me confused.

"My behavior?" I asked.

"He is a very egoistic spirit. If you are good and respectful with you, he is the same with you and if you disrespect him a little bit he will be ten times worse. He is self obsessed despite the fact that he is quite ugly and the most important of all..." she paused.

"What?" I asked as I got a little scared by her description of him.

"...He is a rude brat!" she completed.

"*giggle* You sure have a problem with him" I said while giggling.

"A? It's not 'a' problem, it's 'The' problem! His whole existence is the problem" she said with an irritated expression while I laughed.

"Okay, so now I have to befriend him?" I asked.

"You have to or else he will make your life miserable. Some Agnolas who didn't have a good relationship with him ended up badly..." she said while sipping her tea.

"*gulp* Badly?" I asked as I got nervous.

"Yeah. Ask him yourself when you have the chance to." she said calmly.



"Tell me!!!"




"Ugh...fine!" I gave up since she didn't budge a bit.

"At least send me home with your magic, I can't use mine since I don't know how to yet." I said while getting off the couch.

"Why? Go back the way you got here." She said,

"I can't. If Daddy finds out that I'm not in my room he will get mad." I said, making her frown.

"Why? How did you get here then?" She asked.

"I sneaked out. I told everyone that I will be taking a nap for an hour and then locked my room and sneaked out. It was very difficult to get here. First I had to sneak out from the mansion which was super hard since Daddy increased the number of guards and they are literally everywhere and after that I had to hire a coachman and all types of things to reach here." I explained.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"I don't know. Ever since Daddy found out I'm an Agnola, he is acting strange...he doesn't act like he used to. He is overprotective like over the top one. He restricted me from going anywhere even to my neighbor's house, he has appointed two more knights aside from Sir Ryan, I always have three to four maids with me like all the time and he even forbade me from taking my swordsmanship classes and..." I paused for a second.

"And?" Miss Granny asked.

"And he does not talk to me like before. He has changed." I said and my eyes got teary as I remembered Daddy's behavior towards me. Miss Granny came to me and hugged me.

"It's okay my child. Maybe he is stressed. Maybe he couldn't accept the fact that you are really special. Maybe due to Agnola's dark history he is worried that you might get in danger..." She comforted and broke the hug.

"Maybe...." I said with my head hung low.

"Okay so now should I send you back?" She said as I nodded.

"Close your eyes and count to three." She said and I did as she said.

"One...two...three..." I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in my room.

"I'm back! Thanks Miss Granny." I said.


"Woah! Who is banging the door so rashly?" I asked myself as I looked towards the door.



I went towards the door and slowly opened it. After opening the door I found a furious Dad and worried Mom standing behind him. Dad barged into my room while I was just frozen at my spot.

"Where were you?! Why did you open the door so late?!!!" Dad shouted as I flinched. This was the first time ever I saw him raising his voice, that too...at me.

"I-" "What?!" He cut me off making shivers run down my spine.

"Honey, calm dow-" "You don't get involved!" Dad said sternly to Mommy who was trying to calm him down.

"I asked you something Sabrina!" Dad said in a stern voice.

"I...I was...s-sleeping-" "Don't lie! I know you weren't in your room! TELL ME THE TRUTH!" He yelled, making me flinch.

"I s-sneaked out to meet my f-friend" I stuttered.

"Why?! When I told you not to go anywhere, why did you leave?!!!" he shouted, making me flinch.

"Why? Why are you doing this? You don't tell me anything and you want me to obey you and sit in the room like everything is normal! You have changed! What's wrong with meeting my friend? I'm sick of staying inside these four walls-" I snapped back but got cut off by a stinging sensation on my left cheek.


"*gasp* CARLOS!!" Mommy shouted and ran towards me.

I was on the floor too shocked to react to anything.

'Did....did he just slap me?'

Sometimes we build up a fear inside ourselves....the fear of change.

But it's upto you whether you treat it as a fear or as your strength :)

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