
I'll never love anymore

" I'll never hope for they love anymore, my past they never care about me then in this life i'll live my path by my self.." Aries Anthasia who a being abandoned since born on the cristal palace live two life, The past she died after fight with the monster and came back after been giving a second change, She determine in this second life she will live by her self and not hope for love anymore.

MissKimDae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 19 : Before the journey part 2.

It's been a few days had past after she determined to create her own knights which find a few people and now she prepare to the journey she going to went.

Butler seo who saw the princess aries training is hard then usuals in the first he thought that only because princess aries want to change a the usual she training but this is already been a few days she being like that.


In the lotus palace prince mikael still lay in the bed it's been a month after he get the injury from monster attack and that's mean it's been a month had past since he meet aries.

" Why little kitten never came here to meet me... is she mad at me?."

Every day he waits for aries to come to visit him but aries doesn't come either. While his mind was though about something else, Empress rowen and princess rina came to visit him. His mother never once did not visit him while he was hurt.

when they entered mikael was thinking about something so he didn't notice his mother and sister enter seeing mikael like that, empress rowen thought that his wound was still sore.

" Mikael are you alright?."

Empress rowen touched mikael's forehead because she thought he was not well. Mikael who was surprised because he suddenly had to touch quickly turned to his side and he saw his mother and sister.

" Ah..mom..rina...when you arrive?."

He didn't know that his mother and sister were there when he was thinking about something.

" We knocked on the door but you didn't answer, So we went in and saw you like that, I thought that you weren't well."

At the beginning they knocked on the door several times but mikael did not get a response from him and they continued to enter.

" No, I'm fine, there's nothing, I'm just thinking that it's been a month since I've seen aries come here, and she also did not came visit me either."

If empress rowen thinks back since aries disappeared that day, She no longer appears and she doesn't feel strange either, But after hearing what mikael said, Even mikael, she didn't come to visit him even though they were very close. Princess rina who had only been listening to their conversation began to speak.

" Why bother thinking about something like that... Just send her an invitation card and tell her to come here, right? Haiss."

Heard what rina said mikael and empress rowen look at each other why they never thinking about that. They patted themselves on the forehead as they realized they couldn't think of such an easy thing.

" Then... Mom... You send her a invitation card..."

Empress rowen felt strange why mikael told her to deliver the invitation card when he was the one who wanted aries to come.

" Hmm.. Why don't you send her invitation card?."

Usually whoever send the invitation card to that person, That person will be the guest of the person sending the card, So if empress rowen send the invitation card, It means aries will be her guest, not mikael.

" Why aren't you the one to send?."

Even though mikael knew about that but why did he want her to send the invitation card.

" I'm scared that her will reject my invitation"

Hearing what mikael said made rina look at her mother, As if she couldn't believe that the word 'Fear' came out of her brother's mouth.

" Hahahahah... scared?...hahahahah."

Rina who couldn't bear to hear her brother say that he was afraid that his invitation would be rejected by aries, Her brother who had been living without fear now knows what fear is. Mikael who heard rina laughing at him just kept quiet because he himself did not deny that there are many changes in his life now since aries came into his life.

" Hahah.. Sorry brother... Hahaha..."

Empress rowen who saw rina who was getting more fierce laughed at mikael pinching rina's hand.

" ouch... It hurt mom..."

Her mother irritating a eyes so that rina would be quiet.

" What... I didn't do anything wrong, It's really funny isn't it that he never felt afraid.. But suddenly he said that he was afraid...Hahahah.."

Empress rowen patted her forehead seeing the behavior of her daughter who was getting more and more fierce in make fun of her brother, Empress rowen had to tell butler maxi to escort princess rina back to the annex palace but before rina was gone she leave the words.

" Brother mikael... If you really care about that child don't just a words but make a action bring her back to the place where she belong to.. You know right what i mean."

After she leave the words she follow the butler maxi went back to the annex palace. Mikael who was heard that word he understand what rina said, She mean to bring aries to the right place she belong is clear her mother name who was attempt crime a few year ago before she died alone and aries gets the right as a younger princess in the kingdom of Mortia that she should get.

Empress rowen didn't expect that her daughter would say something like that, Even adults never think of it.

" What rina said a moment ago is true, Even I as an adult never thought of returning the child's rights.. I feel ashamed of my actions."

Rina's words were like a dagger stabbing in the heart. Because of rina's words, mikael felt like someone had slapped him because he had never thought about it at all.

" Mom... Will that make that child happy?.. You know right mom.. That child suffer alot in her life until she can't believe anyone and open her heart to anybody, It's not like i not aware with that."

Every time he is with aries, He knows that the child keeps a thousand and one sufferings in her heart that cannot be cured with existing medicine, That's why he tries to make the child happy as much as he can because the first time he saw aries when aries was at her mother's grave, His heart felt like have a sense of longing that he himself can't express like a longing that he's been harboring for a long time even though that time was the first time he met aries, That's why he keep aries on his side because he wanted to know what that feeling was that he had never felt before but the longer it was on his side he began to love the child even more than himself and his siblings. Hearing what mikael said made empress rowen think for a moment, will the child be happy and forget the suffering of the past?. Makes her not dare to answer mikael's words because she herself is not sure what the child feels.

At night empress rowen was thinking on her bed so much that she didn't notice emperor arthur enter.

" Rowen...What are you thinking about?."

Hearing emperor arthur's voice brought empress rowen back to reality.

" Nothing... I just keep thinking about what rina say in this evening when we came to visit mikael."

Hearing what empress rowen said mentioning rina's name made arthur sit next to her because he knew that rina had never said anything before.

" Rina???....Hmmmm... What is she said make you keep thinking like this."

Empress rowen told emperor arthur what rina said to her and mikael in the evening and hearing what empress rowen said made emporer arthur silent for a moment because he had never thought of such a thing even for a second and hearing those words made him feel slapped because the words were said by his daughter.

" Arthur... What should we do?."

She wanted to ask emperor arthur's opinion on what rina said because this was a very important matter because it involved past accident.

" What rina said is not wrong, Maybe this is the time we clear Katerine's name after so long and...."

Emporer arthur stopped for a moment from speaking because his heart was hurting when he mentioned Katerine's name, Before he countinue his word he take a deeper breath.

" Then katerine... She can back to where she should be."

Empress rowen could hear Emperor arthur's words as if they were too heavy to express, She knew the man in front of her at the moment was experiencing a very deep sense of guilt for what happened in the past in addition to the fact that Katerine was gone forever. Empress rowen also has her own guilt because of the fact that she knows the truth but because of her promise with katerine makes her keep the truth, If she told the truth at that time katerine would be alive now and also aries would not suffer alone just because of the promise she carries guilt for a lifetime and now all they can do is clear the good name of Katerine and her family.


After what he and empress rowen talked about last night, This morning he summoned duke asnel to his offices not just a duke asnel but there also empress rowen and the crown prince, Prince raymond, Princess rina.


When duke asnel entered he can saw there many people and he feel strange, He thought there only emporer arthur and butler neo but now there are many people.

" Greeting your highness the emporer bless by the universe and greeting your highness the empress and the princes princess may you bless by universe."

After the emporer saw the duke asnel came he ask him sat down on the sofa.

" It's like everyone is here now then we can start now."

Duke asnel felt a little nervous about what emperor arthur was going to say because now almost the entire royal family was there except for prince mikael and he thought because of he wounded still not heal yet then he never come together gathered here today.

" Duke asnel.. I will just going to the point what i want to say.... This is about katerine.."

Hearing Katerine's name mentioned made his heart beat faster because he never forgot that name.

" Whh...What hapeen to her?."

They could hear duke asnel's voice shaking slightly, Empress rowen looked at emporer arthur waiting for what he was going to say.

" At first I want to apologize because I failed as a husband to protect his wife and also as a leader failed to protect his people."

Duke asnel's heart was beating faster waiting for what emporer arthur would say next.

" What.... Do you mean by that your highness?..I don't get it.."

Before continuing those words emporer arthur looked at empress rowen who was beside him and empress rowen held emporer arthur's hand as if to give him some strength.

" The truth is..... After a long time and i also just know about this from empress rowen that she is innocent.... And it is someone else's crime."

Hearing that Katerina was innocent all this time and it was someone else's fault, He didn't understand what the emporer arthur meant.

" Wait... innocent??... she is innocent?... What you meant by that?."

Duke asnel does not know why now suddenly his daughter is said to be innocent after serving such a punishment for so long. Emporer arthur didn't know what to say to the duke asnel, Empress rowen who knew that her husband was at a loss for words didn't know how to say, She patted emporer arthur's hand and nodded her head signaling that she would explain to duke asnel.

" Actually is was my fault, I know the truth but i never tell everyone even arthur and he also only found out recently."

Then empress rowen told duke asnel everything from the beginning of the accident and how katerine could end up being guilty that she herself did not make and also the promise she and katerine made, The last thing she told was about the existence of aries.

" If it wasn't for that promise, Katerina would not have been there for many years and she with her child will not suffer."

Hearing what empress rowen explained made duke asnel bow his head, It turns out that his daughter was innocent all this time and she bears the blame that she didn't do because of the accident he decided not to consider katerine his daughter anymore because for katerine broke the principles they held since the lineage of grandfather and his father but it turns out that now he has just found out that his daughter is innocent, which makes him feel guilty.

" Then... Now... How was she and her child doing?."

They looked at each other listening to duke asnel's question, They didn't know how to explain that katerine was no longer there.

" Her child is doing good."

Heard that he granddaughter is in good condition make him feel relieved but why they didn't tell katerine's condition.

"... and Katerine how was she now?.."

He impatiently waited for their answer to know he daughter's condition, The empress looked at emporer arthur because it was difficult to say that, Before tell me emperor arthur take one more time a deeper breath.

" I'm sorry.... She already pass away six years ago..."

Just hearing the news made duke asnel's heart stop for a moment, How could he accept the fact that his daughter was no longer there. He was unable to say anything at this moment, The statement was very painful and he was as if hit by the statement, When he found out that his daughter was innocent but his daughter was no longer there.

" Her daughter name... What her daughter name?."

Even though his daughter is no longer there and his daughter left behind a small child which is his granddaughter.

" Aries anathasia.... That she name..."

Just hearing that name brought tears to duke asnel's eyes.

" That name... She named her daughter after her mother's name.. "

He couldn't help feeling tight in his chest as if it was difficult to breathe, Why should his daughter live like that, He wore that his daughter died in a sad situation and lived alone and he thought how his granddaughter's life after her mother's death. While they are talking about katerine they heard a knock door and appeared prince mikael with aries.

A few moments before aries entered emperor arthur's office.

At first aries came there because she wanted to say goodbye to prince mikael because she was going to start her journey. Mikael who was looking out suddenly heard the sound of the door opening but he didn't turn around because he thought there was a butler maxi. Suddenly he heard someone calling him and the voice was a familiar voice to him, When he turned he saw the person he missed so much was in front of him smiling sweetly.

" Brother mika.... How are you?."

The small figure walked towards him and mikael just looked at him with unblinking eyes. Aries sat next to mikael, for a moment mikael realized that she hadn't come for a long time or even visited him since he opened his eyes, Mikael looked away and crossed his arms like he was sulking.

" What did you come for now?."

Aries can hear the tone of his voice as if he is angry but aries does not know what aries is doing wrong.

" Hmm... Are you angry brother mika?.. You don't like i came see you?."

Mikael didn't answer aries' question and aries thought that mikael didn't want to see her right now.

" Then... I going back now..."

When aries wanted to get up from her chair, Mikael turned towards aries angrily.

" Why did you come now? Even though it's been a month, doesn't i mean nothing to you haa.."

Only after that did aries realize what made prince mikael angry apparently because she did not visit him.

" I'm sorry brother mika... It's doesn't meant that i doesn't want to visit you, But because i had many things to manage."

Seeing aries apologizing made prince mikael not angry for a long time.

" You.... At least send me a letter so I know if you are fine or sick."

Prince mikael pinched aries' cheek because he was angry with his actions and also with aries he couldn't be angry for long.

" How are you now?.."

Holding prince mikael's hand, He saw the little hand and he knew that he could no longer turn his heart away from the little girl in front of him now.

" It's getting better, Then now why did you come all of a sudden?."

Because he knows aries is not the type of child who will come as she pleases, She will come when there is something matter or being called to come here.

" Actually i came here to say good bye to you... I'll go to somewhere and i didn't know when i'll came back."

Hearing that aries came to say goodbye made prince mikael's heart tighten a little.

" Where you want to go and why?."

He didn't know why aries wanted to leave all of a sudden.

" i have something matter i need to do and i want to find a few people that i need in future."

Hearing what aries said made him think what kind of matter this little girl wanted to take care of that made her have to leave the palace.

" What kind of matter that need you to do it by your self and that people just ask our knights to find it for you."

He doesn't mean want to force aries stay by his side, He just doesn't want to stay away from aries, His heart is pounding and he doesn't want to let go of the little girl in front of him right now.

" I'm sorry brother mika, I can't told you.. But when everything is done i'll tell you everything."

He knows that he won't be able to force aries to stay with him, It's hard for him to let go of aries. He pulled aries into his arms as if he didn't want to a part with aries. In prince mikael's arms, Aries felt guilty because she couldn't be honest with he, Not because she didn't want to be honest but because she couldn't say everything right now.

" Then.... Tell me everything when you ready i'll listen it."

Aries knows that her journey this time will probably take a long time and does not know when she will return, She does not know when he will see brother mika again.

Even though it felt heavy, mikael let go of aries in his arms.

" Then....When you departure?."

He wants to know when aries will leave even though it's hard for him to accept the fact that this little girl will leave too.

" I will go tomorrow morning... That why i came today for say goodbye the day after tomorrow i will never there anymore.."

Mikael who heard that aries is going to leave today, He feels his soul is thrashing, He doesn't want aries to leave but he doesn't want to be selfish.

" It's really fast.. Then... Take care of yourself during your journey later, Who will come with you."

He didn't know that aries would leave so quickly, He didn't know what affairs aries wanted to take care of and who Aries wanted to find, How important they were that aries herself had to find them.

" Butler seo and desmond winter they will come with me.. So you don't worry... Because they will take care of me.."

Knowing that butler seo and desmond winter were going to go with qries made him feel a little relieved that those people could be trusted.

" That's good... When you affairs is done came back quickly...Then take this...Uses this when you in dangerous, Broke this diamond then our knights can track your location and come to you immediately... It's might late but happy birthday my little kitten."

Put a necklace on an aries that has several diamonds, At first he wanted to give a necklace on the birthday of an aries but didn't think that something unwanted would happen. The necklace was made by the chiefs of the grand achrmage and kept by magic for use in times of danger.

" Thanks brother mika... I'll treasure this.."

Aries held the necklace that looked very beautiful with red diamonds and she smiled sweetly at mikael.

" Oh... Actually i came here also want to meet the emperor."

The purpose of her being there is not only because she wants to say goodbye to mikael, But she also has other things she wants to do.

" What that.. Why do you want to meet him?."

Mikael just wants aries to come see him why is she seeing other people, It feels like he's like a little boy who doesn't want to share snacks with others.

" I want to get a permission open the portal door tomorrow."

The fact is that if it wasn't for wanting to ask for permission to open the portal door aries wouldn't want to meet that person.

Hearing that aries wanted to meet with emporer arthur only because she wanted to ask for permission to open the portal door made him a little relieved that at least aries met him because aries wanted to meet with him not because of other matters, made him smile to himself.

" I think he is in his office now, so let me accompany you there."

Mikael got up from his bed and went to accompany aries there.

For a moment aries and mikael were stunned at the door because they didn't expect that there were many people in the emporer's office right now and even those who were there were surprised to see the two of them enter, After a few second aries came back to her senses.

" Greeting your highness emprore arthur bless by universe and... Greeting your highness empress rowen... Greeting your higness crown prince... Greeting your highness prince raymond and princess rina may universe bless upon you.. Sorry... we didn't know if now you had a meeting here.."

Aries pinched mikael's leg because he didn't greet the people in front of him at the moment, Even though he was a prince, He also had to greet the emporer and empress. Mikael who saw aries asked why aries pinched him, Aries gestured for him to greet them, But he didn't want to because seeing mikael was stubborn made aries pinch harder and said she would hit him if he didn't do that, He like or not but he just do what aries what to greet them those who are there.

" Tsk... Greeting your highness emporer bless by universe and greeting your highness empress may universe bless upon you."

Seeing mikael greeting them made aries smile sweetly at him, Mikael seeing aries smiling sweetly at him made him feel proud. The people there saw what mikael did and were very surprised because mikael was not a very obedient person but now he just did what aries said to make them look at each other. Aries turned back to the person in front of her at the moment.

" Sorry... We came again later... Sorry disturbed your meeting.."

Because they thought that they were interrupting the meeting of those people, They both wanted to going back, But when they wanted to Turn around, Emperor arthur spoke up.

" What bring both of you came here..."

This is the second time aries came to emperor arthur's office by herself without having to be ordering. Aries didn't know how to answer at the moment because there were so many people there and he signaled to mikael to say it.

" Aries.... She want to ask for permission to open a portal door tomorrow."

Emperor arthur who heard what mikael said he looked at aries.

" Permission open portal door??... Where you want to go?.."

Because she is the one who wants to ask for permission to open the door portal so she should tell her purpose why she wants to use the door portal.

" Go to the blanca village... I had some matter need to done there. Then i need to use portal door. "

Hearing blanca village made emporer arthur frown because blanca village has a place where there are fishermen and matter what this little girl wants to do there.

" What matter do you need there?."

He wants to know what purpose aries wants to go there.

" I'm sorry your highness, I can't tell you more than that so do you give me permission or not."

Aries doesn't feel want to take a long time be there, She doesn't want to be there for a long time because she doesn't want to be in the same room with the person who had rejected her presence before and they heard what aries said made them surprised, This little girl is very brave to ask such a question to emporer arthur and even she looked directly at emporer arthur without blinking.

" If i don't give you permission.. What will you do?."

He was a little surprised by the brave actions of the little girl in front of him at the moment, Seeing a very brave aries like this made him remember his old self as if he was a reflection of himself.

" Hmmm... Then I will still use it even without your permission."

Those who heard what aries said just widened their eyes because this child was very brave, Emperor arthur who heard the answer from aries made him smile to himself because this child was exactly a reflection of him when he was young.

" You dare to use even without my permission?."

Emporer Arthur wanted to test this little girl again because he was happy to hear this little girl answer him.

" Why not, I have used it before without your permission."

Those who were there could no longer bear to hear what they were talking about, this little girl was really braves. Empress rowen who heard there was only aries answer made her smile to herself because this was the second person who dared to answer and do something without the emporer's permission.

" Hmmm... You have used it before, when?."

Emperor arthur was a little surprised to hear that ares had used a portal door before.

" Hmmm....Went to the south several times, yes that's it.."

Hearing south made emporer arthur remember the first time he met aries, He just realized that aries was using the portal door at that time. He is no longer able to speak, This child dares to break the rules made by the emporer many times, Even he does not dare to break the rules.

" Seeing your attitude like this, you have indeed inherited her attitude."

The one that emporer arthur means is katerine, Because katerine used to often break the rules, She kind of doesn't like to obey the rules because of that she often gets angry and now her behavior now comes down to her daughter this makes emporer arthur pat his forehead.

" So now... Do you give me permission or not, If not then i will break the rules again i just let you know now."

Because she couldn't stand what aries said, Empress rowen giggled when she saw that emperor arthur had run out of words to face aries.

" Yes....yes... I give you now... "

Emperor arthur quickly ask butler neo give him pen and wrote the manuscript for aries' journey to blanche village.

" Oh... I just let you know one more thing... My destination not only blance village but still had a many place.."

Emporer arthur heard that aries still had another destination besides blanca village only to sigh because he no longer had the energy to face aries anymore.

Before this no one has been able to make emporer arthur sigh like that and for the first time his children saw these scenes making them look at each other, Mikael raised a thumbs up to aries because she managed to make emporer arthur lost for words, Seeing mikael's behavior made aries chuckle.

" Well, This you manuscript, Oh... Before that... I would like to introduce this person to you... This duke calibs lubier asnel and this is former queen katerine's daughter aries anathasia."

Aries saw the person introduced by emporer arthur without blinking because she recognized that name from the past she was not only that she knew this person was also her mother's father that means this person was her grandfather.

" Ah... yea.. Greeting your grace... Nice to meet you... "

Duke asnel looked at the little girl in front of him with a sad look because this little girl was the only treasure he daughter had left.

" Then.. If there is no more matter ... So I'll go first."

Emporer looked at duke asnel for a moment and he told aries to wait for a while because the issue they were discussing was related to aries as well.

" Aries wait for a moment...Sat first... We have something want to told you..."

Although she didn't want to stay there for long but she still sat down, She sat with mikael. Before emperor arthur started what he wanted to say, He saw the face of his wife empress rowen. When their eyes met, Empress rowen could feel that emperor arthur was nervous to tell aries the truth, But he had to say it because it was related to aries' life.

" Listen aries what will i say to you, This is related to your mother and you, I think you already know about the crime you mother attempted before and the truth is that your mother is not the culprit."

Aries doesn't understand what they are saying right now, Why are they suddenly saying things like this.

" Wait... wait.... What do mean by this.. My mother is not a real the culprit?..How... Why...so suddenly.."

Aries' head is a little dizzy from trying to accept the new statement, Why is her mother suddenly not the real culprit now?

" Actually, this is the story..."

Emporer arthur told the whole story to aries about the truth that only empress rowen knew before. Aries who heard all the stories felt relieved because her mother was not the real culprit and also aries also felt angry why they hide the truth for so long.

" Why now.... After all..Why now..."

Aries' voice was shaking a little, She clenched his hands trying to find strength because the truth was so bitter for her because the truth was that her life in the past was full of sadness, In the past she lived thinking she was the child of a criminal and also the people around looked down on her even the people in front of her this moment also rejects its existence, No one answered aries' questions, They just kept silent.

" Tell me... Why now.. Mom is not there already... And why do you want to tell the truth now?."

Aries is trying to hold back her feelings at the moment because her reality is very bitter for her at the moment even she has to live like this and after that her life as a criminal's daughter is very difficult.

" Aries... We are sorry... I don't mean to keep all of this a secret but this is because a lot of things happened... so...."

Before Empress Rowen could finish her words, Aries cut her off.

" When my mother dead.. I was still very young... I was only one year old.. Do you know what it was like at that time.. I had to do everything by myself.. Digging the ground myself, Burying my mother myself and after that I had to find my own food to survive... I...."

At this moment aries can no longer hold back her feelings, The tears she has been holding back since earlier also fell.. So much so that she could not finish her words. Even now she wants to scream and say how bitter her life is from the past to the present but she holds back because they will never understand what it feels like.

" Before mom dead.. She told me not to hate all of you because it's not you fault.. At that time i doesn't understand what her mean and now i know why she told me not to hate all of you... So all you even mom.. make fun of my life.. I live like a fool without know a truth the story...If you were in my place, would you be able to do it?."

Those who were there bowed their heads because no one was able to answer the question.

" When my mother was thrown into the cristal palace....Have you ever thought about what her life was like... Giving birth to me alone with no one there... Although I was still small at the time, I saw my mother cry every day.. until the day she closed her eyes."

Aries already seems like she can't stay in that room anymore, Her chest feels tight and it's hard for her to breathe right now.

" You have thrown her away and forgotten her. You also don't consider her family anymore.. So... Me and my mother have no other family but..... Just me and my mother.... Though she hid the truth but she still my family and my only one."

After that aries got up and ran out no longer looking back for her they had abandoned her and her mother a long time ago why did they come to her now. Those who aries left at this moment with a full sense of guilt, Empress rowen who cried and emporer arthur and duke asnel who were shrouded in guilt because they not only lost katerine but they now lost aries as well. Mikael who saw all this could not believe what aries said he could not imagine how aries lived before. Prince raymond who initially hated her hearing the story of aries, Now feels guilty for having hated aries and also the crown prince and princess rina, Each of them feels guilty about aries. While they are living happily and luxuriously, there is a small child who is trying to survive alone. When aries opened the door, She saw butler seo and butler maxi in front of the door, But she didn't care about them and kept running away from them.

Aries came to the great palace with butler seo and desmond winter because they were going to start their journey tomorrow so they each said goodbye to their respective families and at that moment butler seo who had finished saying goodbye to his family came looking for princess aries to Prince mikael's place but when he got there he found out that princess aries had already gone to emperor arthur's office with prince mikael and then he and butler maxi went to emperor arthur's office at that moment both of them heard everything they said inside from beginning to end and did not expect to hear all the stories of former queen katerine and aries before. He and butler maxi were surprised when Princess aries opened the door and ran out, For a moment he was stunned after hearing the story but after that he ran after princess aries.

The weather that was very sunny now looks cloudy and the sky is dripping water as if it understands the feelings of aries at the moment which still feels very painful. Butler seo who was following princess aries now he saw princess aries who was sitting face down in the middle of the rain immediately ran to get princess aries and hugged her, He knew at this moment he couldn't do anything but he was hoping for this moment in this way can give some strength to princess aries. When they were both in the rain, Desmond winter who happened to be walking with ezreal winter saw buter seo and princess aries in the rain and immediately ran towards them.

" What happened now...Why both of you in the rain now..."

Seeing desmond winterr immediately he gave a gesture shaking his head asking him not to ask what is happening now and desmond winter who understood the gesture kept quiet and didn't ask anymore.

"You... Go take the carriage we go back to cristal palace now..."

After hearing what butler seo said he immediately asked leave to his brother who was also there to go take the carriage. After seeing that desmond winter had arrived with the carriage, He picked up princess aries and brought her into the carriage, They immediately returned to the crystal palace. Ezreal winter was left wondering what is happening now.

Lucy was shock when they arrived because she saw what happened to princess aries. After changing princess aries clothes, Lucy went out to ask butler seo what happened to princess aries that she is in her current state.Butler seo told everything that happened when they were in the great palace to lucy and desmond winter including what he heard in emporer arthur's office, When they heard what butler seo told lucy made lucy cry because she didn't think about princess aries life before so much It's bitter and painful and so is desmond winter. He was very surprised to hear all that, Princess aries' life was unimaginable when she was leave by queen katerine dead and this little figure had to survive alone.

That night, Princess aries woke up and sat in the corridor looking at the sky.

" Mom...You are so cruel..You left me alone to face all this alone for two times, You hid the truth and made me live in bitterness and pain... It really hurts..."

Aries cried as much as she wanted because the truth she knew was very painful.

" You and empress rowen hide the truth and the father who never accepted her existence and the grandfather who never knew of my existence, Now how should I live? Let me know..."

All this time she lived being called the child of a criminal but it didn't hurt her and the most painful thing was that her mother hid the truth until her last breath left her alone, In the past she died without knowing the truth and in this life she knows the truth but the truth is so hurts and that night aries cried so much that she fell asleep in the corridor.

That morning lucy entered princess aries room but she didn't found her in her bed and she saw the curtain open at that moment she saw princess aries sleeping in the corridor with the rest of the tears on her cheeks, At this moment her heart was very sad to see princess aries and felt like crying but she hold the feeling.

" Princess aries... Wake up... Why are you sleep here.."

Gently lucy wakes up princess aries and princess aries opens her eyes, Lucy could sees princess aries eyes are puffy because of crying but she doesn't want to say it and lucy ask princess aries wakes up and lucy prepares her and after that they prepared to go to blanca village, The four of them began their journey, Princess aries, Butler seo, Lucy and also Desmond winter. At first lucy was not on the list to follow their journey but because lucy who was crying wanted to follow them so aries allowed her to follow them.