
I'll never love anymore

" I'll never hope for they love anymore, my past they never care about me then in this life i'll live my path by my self.." Aries Anthasia who a being abandoned since born on the cristal palace live two life, The past she died after fight with the monster and came back after been giving a second change, She determine in this second life she will live by her self and not hope for love anymore.

MissKimDae · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 18 : Before the journey part 1.

The state of the palace was a bit chaotic because they arrived there in a state full of wounds, Empress rowen who saw her children full of wounds almost fainted. Emporer arthur summons a royal doctor and also a healer mage to treat the wounded. After escorting prince mikael who was put to sleep by aries to his room, There was empress rowen as well as emperor arthur and prince raymond and princess rina because the crown prince's wound was lighter than prince mikael's so he ask them to treat him first, Because seeing the family of brother mika all there, Aries moved back a little from her place, She could see that they were worrying him so much that even empress rowen shed tears seeing her children hurt, A little feeling of jealousy arose in her heart. She thought that if her mother hadn't died, maybe now she would be like empress rowen crying because she was worried about her but what a petty that only in her dream because her mother is long time ago dead and now she can only watched others family together and worry for each other. She couldn't bear to see the scenes in front of her eyes so she turned and walked away from the people in the room.

At that time everyone was busy worrying about prince mikael, Only one person was aware of losing aries who had left the room, As soon as he didn't see a glimpse of aries in the room he went out to look for aries and he saw aries who was in the hall alone looking outside a window with a sad eyes.

" Why you look so sad at this moment, What is on you thought right now?."

Holding his chest he felt tight because he saw aries who looked very heartbreaking at the moment, He also didn't know why this little girl could have such a look as if she was hurt by this world. After a while he walked closer to aries.

" Aries..... What are you doing here alone?..Why you came out.."

Aries turned after hearing someone's voice call her name.

" Oh.. Prince raymond.. Nothing.. I just want to take a fresh air a while.. and why you here?."

Although aries looks like she's smiling right now, Prince raymond can see that the smile is full of sadness and the eyes are full of suffering.

" Nothing... I just didn't see you inside then i went to find you.. Just a moment ago what are you looking for?."

Looking out the window to see what aries saw just now because he also wants to know what aries saw.

" There is nothing to see, I only see this world... Which looks very sad.."

Aries looked out of the window now, The scenery was very sad for her, Because many things happened from her past life to her current life, Although many things have changed, But it could not change the wounds she had experienced in her past life.

" This life is very short... The people around us will not always be with us.. Although we want to hold for it but sometimes the situation does not allow.. This life is very sad isn't it?."

Hearing what aries said, prince raymond turned to look at aries, Her words at the moment felt full of sadness as if she was living a very difficult life.

" Are you living in difficult way? Is your life very difficult right now?."

Hearing prince raymond's question, Aries doesn't know what to answer, She doesn't want anyone to know how her life has been all this time because from her past life they never cared about her so why ask now, That will never change anything, So aries just replied with a smile. See how aries answer him just now with smile in that way he know that aries have been through difficult life and he doesn't want to ask more.

" It's time for me to came back to cristal palace..Then excuse me.."

Prince raymond only saw aries walking away, He wanted to stop her but he pull back his intention because right now there was no point in forcing aries to stay. After the figure of aries was no longer visible, He returned to the room where everyone gathered.

" Where is you came from?.."

The Crown Prince saw Prince Raymond who had just entered after he had just finished receiving treatment.

" Aries.... Why she look so sad in that way..."

Crown prince is strange why the name of aries he mentioned when he asked where he was going.

" What..... What happened to her?."

Prince raymond looked for a moment at the crown prince face and then look at prince mikael who was lying down getting treatment.

" Ahh... Nothing... I just came back from take a fresh air."

The crown prince felt strange with his brother's behavior and for a moment he looked around for aries but he didn't find it so he turned to prince raymond, His brother said earlier that aries looked sad, He didn't understand what his brother meant but saw that aries was not in the room, Did his brother meet aries earlier?.

Aries who just left the hall walked out wanting to go back to the cristal palace, She looked around there was no one at the moment she felt alone and she didn't like that feeling because she looked very weak so she thought it would be good if she went back to the cristal palace alone because here is not her place but right now she was thinking how she wanted to go back there because she didn't have a carriage or a horse to ride so she thought she wanted to walk but when she had just walked a few steps, from behind there were two people chasing him.

" Princess aries.... Wait for us..Wait your highness."

Aries turned when she heard a voice from behind calling her, When she turned she saw desmond winter and butler seo running towards her. As they closed to her, She could see that they were tired from running.

" Where are both of you come from?."

Aries asked the two of them where they both came from because since aries arrived from west east to the room, Aries did not see the two of them then she thought that they had returned to the cristal palace.

" We had a little affairs need to handle just now. We about to going back to the cristal palace but we saw your highness leaving the room of prince mikael so we chased after you."

A moment ago when they finished managing the affairs, From afar they saw princess aries walking out that's why they chased princess aries.

" Your highness... Let go home together..."

Smiling at princess aries while holding out his hand, Aries felt for a moment that she was alone in this place but when she saw the butler seo's hand and the sincere smile from them made aries feel that at this moment she was wrong, She was actually not alone. Aries take butler's seo's hand and as they turned to leave, Someone's voice was heard crying calling to her.

" Your highness wait for me... We go back together.... Huaaaaa....huaaaa...."

Aries saw lucy who was crying running towards her, At that moment she patted her forehead for a moment she forgot about lucy she left there.

" How could all of you left me behind.. Don't you remember of me..."

The three of them could only scratch their heads because they really forgot about lucy for a moment. Aries who saw what the three of them were doing at that moment realized that the three of them had indeed forgotten her existence.

" How could you.... You are really cruel for forgetting me."

She fell to the floor and cried again, Aries looked at butler seo motioning for him to persuade lucy to stop crying but butler seo turned his head to the other side pretending not to see the signal of princess aries as well as desmond winter pretending not to see, Aries felt very angry with the ungrateful escort. Like it or not she has to do it herself.

" It's not like i forget about you.. But.... Them....."

Pointing to the butler seo and desmond winter, She felt angry for not helping her so she put the blame on them both.

" Those who told me to go home with them even though I just wanted to wait for you, They forced me to go home with them."

The two of them who saw princess aries put the blame on the two of them made them both surprised and also saw the evil smile of princess aries at the moment.

" How dare you.. Force princess aries to go with you... "

Get up and beat them both, At this moment they both look at princess aries and ask for help but princess aries did what they did to her earlier when she ask for help and now when they ask for help it's her turn to she turned to the other side, After a while aries was satisfied and she stopped lucy to beat them.

" Ehem... Enough lucy.. Let's go home I'm tired..."

After heard what princess aries said she stop but still angry with them. Lucy heard that princess aries said that she was tired and then firmly told them both to go get a horse to return to cristal palace. Quickly the two of them went away leaving the two of them to get the horse as order by lucy. After a few minutes they came with two horses and they used the horses to go back to the cristal palace.

After being put to sleep by aries a few hours ago after receiving treatment, Prince mikael started to regain consciousness, when he opened his eyes he saw many people there.

" Mom...is that you?.. Where iam now?."

When she saw prince mikael who had regained consciousness, Empress rowen felt relieved because her son was safe.

" Yes baby it me... How you feel now?.. Did you feel pain anywhere?.. You are now in the lotus palace."

When he heard lotus palace then he knew that they were safe back here.

" Where is her?."

At this time there were many people in the room but they were not the ones he was looking for.

" She??.. You looking for who baby?."

She felt strange who her son was looking for and She looked around in case there were people she didn't know along with those her son was looking for.

" Aries....That child... Where is she?."

When she heard aries' name coming out of mikael's mouth, She realized that aries was not in the room, Because earlier she couldn't think about anybody else because of mikael and lukaz's injuries. Not even for a second did they think about the child,Not only empress rowen but emporer arthur also forgot for a moment about that child was there, He started order the maid to find aries where she is now but when the maid wanted to go find her, Prince raymond who was silent from the beginning now step out speak up.

" Not need to find her.. It's to late... She has not been here for a long time, She has returned to cristal palace."

After saying that prince raymond stepped out, They saw him step out looking at each other because from prince raymond's tone it was as if he was angry and they didn't know why he was angry.

After stepping out of the room he walked without looking back and at this moment he stopped in the middle holding his chest, A moment ago prince raymond felt very angry with them, Why are they looking for aries when she has been there since the beginning, it's just that they ignore her existence because they are too busy managing his brother, It's not that he doesn't care about his brother but at least looked a little to aries who know she might hurt too, He looked out the window and remembered the words that aries told him what aries saw in this world.

" Yea.. This world might look so sad but you don't deserve that part just look a bit around in the little space there are a happiness and i hope that you will find it."

He hopes that the aries will find her happiness even if it's just a little so that she doesn't feel disappointed in this world, In the corner of the hall he kept thinking about aries. He didn't realize that now he was starting to like the little girl.


It's been a month since the incident in west east, since then aries didn't go to the great palace as well as none of them came to cristal palace and now aries has reached the age of eight.

In the morning aries walk on the hall while she was walking in the middle of the hall, Aries stopped for a moment to look out the window, She looked at the sky and saw that the weather was very clear. At first she wanted to go to the training hall but when she saw the weather for a second she looked to a place she hadn't been to in a long time so she thought she wanted to go there today.

In the office, Butler seo couldn't focus on his work because he was thinking about princess aries, Who said that she was going to queen katerine's tomb. When he heard that she was going there, Butler seo offered to escort her there, But she said that she wanted to go alone.

" Please come back quickly and don't get hurt princess aries."

Looking out the window hoping that princess aries will return safely.

Aries sat in a tree near her mother's grave, She saw the scene there at this moment all the memories of her past began to be came one by one in her mind. Now she is eight years old and one year has passed since she came back from the past.

" Mom... I'm eight now... Can you see me now?.. Even though right now i had people around me but it's not same as you.. Sometimes i still feel lonely as this happiness is not belong to me."

She can't be lie to herself for not to fell lonely sometimes, She know now and past is different If in the past she was always alone but now she has people by her side.

" It's been a long time since I visited you mom, A lot of things have happened lately but that doesn't mean i forget about you, How can i forget about you after all in this life and past we just been together alone."

Aries told everything to her mother what happened in her life, What she always do and who always with her.

The story is begin with her training sword with the knights on the training hall.

" You know mom now many people are by my side and one of them is he is desmond winter...He is captain that old man assigned to escort me.. i always training with him.. Though sometimes he offensive but he kind to me."

When she thought back about desmond winter, sometimes he was very

offensive by his childish behavior that defeated her but he never forgot his responsibilities.

" Butler seo, Haaaahhh... He really... really annoyed something..."

After she told her mother about the people around her first about desmond winter and then butler seo who never left her alone no matter what he did he always thought of aries decision first and also lucy who always served her sincerely and the others maid and knights who are always doesn't want to leave her alone. Even though sometimes aries felt that their attitude is exaggerated because she is not used to the attitude of those who care about her, But aries still does not think their actions are bad because they always think of her first.

".... Brother mika... He... you know mom.. That old man child... When i used to live by my self in the past.. He came to me.. After he left the palace and we have a good relationship in the past but in the past..... He died because want to safe me from liuzhan subordinates...."

When she mentioned liuzhan's name, She remembered the past when she had lost brother mika once when he protected aries from the attack of liuzhan subordinates before her death not long after brother mika died and aries also died.

" In this life... I will not lose my brother mika again, If he used to protect me in my past and in this life I will protect him."

She determine to protect brother mika in this life, She doesn't want to lost him again.

" Recently a lot of things happened and I almost lost him, Even though I know what will happen in the future but I have almost lost him several times. Sometimes I'm scared mom because i know a future and what will happen in future how bad things will happen in the future, what should I do now mom?."

She knows what will happen in the future how scary what will happen because she has experienced it and seen it in the past and that also means that all those events will happen again.

Right now she looks at the sky and she sees the sky is very beautiful right now but she knows that this beauty will disappear one day, The blue-white sky will turn into a dark reddish sky at that time it will not know night nor day because this world will lose the light. She remembered that dark time when there would be no joy, All the smiles would disappear, the wife would lose her husband, The parents would lose their children and the children would lose their parents at that time, lamentation, crying and death were everywhere.

" Mom.. What should i do?...I don't want to go through the dark ages again."

She didn't want to go through those dark times again because she knew how bad it was. Then she thought there was still time if she wanted to prepare for that dark time, There were a few more years before 'Liuzhan' woke up from his sleep.

Liuzhan is the king of darkness who was put to sleep in an ice cube in the centuries ago, Because of liuzhan sleep in an ice cube so long he subordinates always make a way to wake him up and these monsters exist are created by liuzhan subordinates to create chaos in the human world they never gave up trying to wake him up again by doing various ways and finally they managed to wake liuzhan from his sleep and that's where the darkness of the world began. Although she has never met liuzhan herself but she knows that liuzhan is a very cruel. After she was telling everything to her mom and also she already thought that she would create her own knights to prepare before facing 'Liuzhan'. With that she will create knights that she can trust by looking for people who have fought with her in the past they have people who are with her fighting against monsters, Even though they know the background of aries but they never look down on aries like others in fact they always defend aries no matter from humans or monsters until the last moment they are together.

" If it was you who found me when I had nothing and this time I will find you first then you will not lose the people you love and we will be strong together this time."

If in the past they fought for aries and this time aries will fight for them because she is no longer weak like before now she can defend them and protect them. After that she went downstairs after making plans for her future and began the journey of aries who will find her prospective knights.