
I'll never love anymore

" I'll never hope for they love anymore, my past they never care about me then in this life i'll live my path by my self.." Aries Anthasia who a being abandoned since born on the cristal palace live two life, The past she died after fight with the monster and came back after been giving a second change, She determine in this second life she will live by her self and not hope for love anymore.

MissKimDae · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 : Monster Attack part 1.

After day by day and month by month it's winter season come again, In a few month, Aries will celebrate her birthday. That's mean it's been a eight month since Prince mikael and Crown prince go to the west east.

Due to winter aries and knights can't do their activities so aries gives knights and maid a holiday and tells them to go home to their respective families to spend the winter with their loved ones, Only lucy and butler seo stay because they don't want to leave princess aries alone, if they leave and princess aries will stay alone.

When aries was walking in the hall it felt quiet because there was no one, She stopped in the middle of the hall looking out the window towards the great palace for a moment she remembered Prince mikael.

" How are you there? Is it snowing there too? I miss you brother Mika."

Suddenly aries' feelings were overcome with tears, She herself did not know why she felt sad so quickly now when in her past life she was a person who did not shed tears easily. While aries with her own world was with her feelings, Lucy who came from the opposite direction saw her thinking about herself and come walk closed to her.

" Greeting your highness, What are you doing here alone your highness?."

Aries who noticed Lucy's coming then turned to her.

" Nothing.. It's just i thinking about brother mika... How was he now?."

While tapping on the window with her little finger. Lucy who saw Princess aries missing Prince mikael, Felt sorry for Princess aries.

" Please don't worry about Prince mikael, He will definitely return safely when affairs there is finished."

Kneeling down and holding the hand of the aries princess is like persuading her not to think about Prince mikael. After that she took the aries princess to the living room to drink and eat cake, Because it was snowing outside so they couldn't drink outside as usual.

Three month later.

Aries will celebrate her birthday in a few days.

Knock knock butler seo came with a card in his hand.

" Greeting your highness, Sorry interrupted your time. This i just received a card invite from her highness empress rowen."

Aries took the card that was in butler seo hand, it turned out to be an invitation card for afternoon tea tomorrow evening together with empress rowen and princess rina.

" Tomorrow evening... They invited... to come and have afternoon tea with them..."

Aries thinks whether to go or not.

"..... Should i go...or not...."

Looking at the butler who was next to her, She didn't know what kind of decision she wanted to make right now because empress rowen had been quiet all this time, But why did she suddenly invite her for afternoon tea.

" Listen your highness... If you doesn't want to go then don't go no one will blame you, It's up to you.."

Butler seo didn't want Princess aries to think too much about the invitation. Although the invitation was from empress rowen, He knew that no one would blame Princess aries if she doesn't want to go.

" Then let me think about this later okay..."

After hearing what princess aries said butler seo left leaving her alone in her room.

In the next morning before the evening aries still thinking about the empress invite, After thinking deeply she make decision to accepted the invitation and asked lucy to prepare her just simply no need for decorations and ask butler seo to reply the invite card.

That afternoon aries left for the great palace to have afternoon tea with empress rowen and princess rina, She was accompanied by captain desmond winter and lucy.

When they arrived there they were greeted by empress rowen and princess rina themselves, they were escorted to the green house for afternoon tea.

" It's been so long since we meet again, How have you been in this time."

Empress rowen looked at the little girl in front of her without blinking eyes, Even though she only wore simple clothes without accessories, But that couldn't hide her cuteness.

" I'm living in good way..."

Aries didn't focus on the conversation because she was really looking at the cake and cookies that were in front of her right now, Before Prince mikael always gave her those cakes and cookies and she felt they were delicious. She wanted to take the food but it looked rude to take it without the owner's permission, The empress who saw aries looking at the food on the table giggled to herself because she felt it was very cute.

" Please eat this cake and cookies."

While pushing a plate of cake and cookies to aries. Without hesitation, Aries ate the cake and made a cute expression. Princess rina, who has only seen princess aries, Didn't make a sound she had met aries a few months ago when she was first taken to her brother mikael's place but she didn't pay close attention and now aries was in front of her, She examined every inch of aries' face which was very similar to her father even the hair color and eyes color were all very similar. Aries who initially didn't want to care about princess rina's look but that look made her feel uncomfortable because she noticed from earlier that princess rina was paying attention to her. She raised her head and looked at princess rina but when their eyes met princess rina turned her gaze away. Aries felt strange why with this person but aries didn't want to pay attention to her so she enjoyed the food in her hand. While aries was enjoying her food, Aries remembered wanting to ask why they invited her to come here, it's not possible to just eat.

" Ah... Why do you invite me here?."

Putting her food on the plate in front of her and looking at empress rowen.

Empress rowen didn't expect that aries would ask the purpose of inviting her there.

" Err... Nothing it's just a drink only aren't you like ate this cake."

She knows that tomorrow is aries' birthday and she found out from mikael because mikael asked for permission to back home for a while to celebrate aries' birthday and he should come back here because that's also why empress rowen invited aries to come here because she wanted to give them a surprise because she know that mikael would be happy see aries here welcome him, He should be almost here by now. When aries heard what the empress said she just kept quiet she didn't want to say much then she just countinue ate cake and cookies.

Princess rina who saw aries enjoying her food pushed her plate full of cake, Empress rowen who saw what Princess rina was doing looked at her with surprise because Princess rina never shared food with anyone. Princess rina was aware that her mother was looking at her, But she did not want to pay attention to her mother's gaze. While they eating suddenly alarm interrupted on the portal door make a sound, Everyone who heard the sound was worried because they didn't know who would come out of the portal door.

Even though from a far butler seo also can heard the sound is like every alarm on the kingdom interrupted by an interrupter, After hearing the sound of alarms from all over the place, The emporer quickly ordered the knights to investigate why all the alarms in the kingdom were ringing. Butler seo who heard the alarm going off all over the place, He who was worried about princess aries who was in the great palace even though he knew that princess aries would be safe as long as she was in the great palace but he still couldn't get rid of his worry he quickly went to the stable and riding a horse quickly went to the great palace.

Emporer arthur who knows empress rowen along with princess rina and aries are in the green house quickly he runs to get them because he is worried about their safety, he doesn't know what is happening now because all the alarms are ringing soundly.

" Rowen.... You and kids alright??."

Seeing emporer arthur there made empress rowen feel a little relieved a moment ago she felt very scared because she didn't know what was happening.

" Arthur...What going on?..Why all alarm ringing on the same time?."

Empress rowen wanted to know why all the alarms went off at the same time. This was the first time she heard the alarms go off all at once.

" I don't know the reason yet but I have sent knights to investigate what happened, so don't worry."

He tried to calm empress rowen who seemed nervous about the current situation. Emperor arthur also asked Princess Rina if she was okay and she just nodded, Emperor arthur looked at aries but she seemed calmly in the current situation.

Looking at the current situation,

Aries knows she has to do something, because from the experience from her past life, if waits for the knights who investigate the situation, it will be worse if it is true that it is an interrupter. She looked at emperor arthur who was now calming empress rowen and princess rina, a little jealousy arose in her heart, but she kept that feeling deep in her heart because she knew she would never have room for it.

" Too later... If we just wait here... The situation will getting worse."

Suddenly aries got up from her chair, Those who were there did not understand what aries said, What is slow?.

" Aries where are you going, Just stay here it's dangerous to go anywhere right now."

Emporer arthur, who saw aries as if she wanted to leave, prevented her from leaving.

" It's too late if we just waiting like this."

For a moment aries looked around for a wide space, After she saw that there was a big space not far from where they were she looked towards emporer arthur.

" That space.. Can I use that space?."

Emporer arthur looked in the direction that aries pointed, Although he did not understand what aries wanted to do, he gave permission for aries to use the space. After getting permission from emporer arthur, Aries walked towards the space, They followed aries to the space because they wanted to know what aries wanted to do.When they were walking towards the space, Butler seo suddenly appeared anxiously hugging princess aries, At that moment he didn't care about the people there as he knew princess aries' safety was his priority.

" Princess aries, I apologize for this rude behavior but I am very worried about your safety."

Aries who was initially surprised because she was suddenly hugged by someone but after she found out that the person was butler seo, She felt a little good because there had someone who worry about her.

" I'm good...How you came here..."

Realizing that the people there were emporer and empress, He quickly greeted them.

" Greeting your highness the emporer and your highness the empress and your highness princess rina... I'm sorry by interrupted all of you and been rude like this."

Those who were there at the beginning were surprised to see someone suddenly appear and hug princess aries, They thought it was an interruption, They almost pointed a weapon at him but after knowing it was butler seo, They felt a little relieved because that was the person who had no malicious intent on her. Seeing butler seo willing to come a long way because he was worried about aries made emporer arthur feel relieved because there was a sincere person there to take care of her and emporer arthur didn't care about his rude attitude just now.

Aries continued the thing she wanted to do a while ago which was interrupted by the arrival of butler seo. Before starting what aries wanted to do, She asked the people who were there to take a few steps back for they safety and after seeing that they were a little far from her, She started what she wanted to do from earlier immediately. Aries stomped her feet several times on the ground and looked up at the sky.

" Winder....I command you came to me now..."

After aries said those words she float in the air, They were surprised to see what happened to aries that suddenly floated in the air. Among them, Emporer arthur was the most surprised because he heard aries summon winder, He knew that not just anyone can summon winder.

" Impossible... Winder....is summon now."

Only emporer arthur knows who Winder is, Winder is the keeper of the wind element and to summon Winder out it is necessary to master the highest level wind element, But Winder will not necessarily listen to the call because he is very arrogant. And now the winter has been summoned, The most surprising thing that called the winder out is 'Aries'. That means that aries has reached the highest wind element resistance at a very young age.

After aries summon winder the wind around push aries up to the sky. After aries is on top she orders the winder to find out what happened why the alarm went off suddenly and what caused it. Winder who received orders from aries quickly investigated what happened as aries asked, It didn't take long for winder to investigate what happened, He came back to aries and said he could detect someone forcefully opening the portal door from the west east direction and the person is not fixed in one location because the opening formation of the door portal is not accurate which makes all the alarms go off because the person is now unsure of which portal door he will arrive through.

" Right now.. Has the person arrived or not?."

Aries wanted to know if the person had arrived or not, When winder told that the person was from west east it made her heart pound. Just as Winder wanted to answer the question, he suddenly turned to a direction and he pointed in that direction, Aries knew that direction was the direction of the cristal palace, Just knowing that the person would arrive at the cristal palace quickly, Aries directed Winder to go there first he will follow later and and aries came down to the ground in a hurry.

" i don't have a time to explain anything but what i can told is that person will arrive on the cristal palace."

Aries walking quickly to go to the cristal palace in her heart she hoped that nothing would happen there. Those who see aries moving quickly follow aries from behind.

Aries thought that if she used the carriage to go to cristal palace she would be late then she anxiously thought about how she wanted to go quickly to get there. Emporer arthur who saw aries anxiously looking for what she wanted to use back there, He came closer to aries.

" My horse.... Come with me... Use my horse..."

Ask aries to follow him and ride the horse always he use. Telling aries to follow him and use his horse to go back to cristal palace, At first aries thought that he was just lending his horse but she didn't think that he was the one who came along, Aries didn't have time to argue with him at the moment because she was only thinking about getting quickly to the cristal palace right now.

" Rowen.... I will go with aries, you and rina wait here waiting for me to come back. Make sure you are not in a lonely or alone place."

Before leaving, He had time to tell empress rowen to take care of herself because he was going to crystal palace with aries.

" Take care of you self and come back safety.. You too aries please don't do something dangerous."

Emporer arthur command the knights who leave to escort empress rowen and princess rina at the safe place. After that they left to go back to cristal palace escort by butler seo and desmond winter, Only lucy stayed at the great palace.

When they arrived at the crystal palace, Aries quickly checked the situation there she doesn't care about anything what she know is the people who work there and safety of her place. The knights that emporer arthur contacted when they on the way to the crystal palace were also ready to get there guard on the portal door. While aries was busy checking the situation there, Emperor arthur and the knights were already preparing in front of the portal door. Soon someone came out of the portal door surprisingly, When they thought that the one who would come out of the portal door was interrupted but it turned out that the one who came out of the portal door was ezreal winter vice commander of the eagle team and the most surprising thing was his unmanageable condition and his body full of wounds. Ezreal winter fell to the ground and only survived on the sword in his hand, At that moment he looked at emporer arthur.

" Greeting your highness empror arthur.... Your highness.. Monster attack.....Help them.... No time now.."

Desmond winter who saw his brother full of wounds and looked helpless, He ran to his brother.

" Brother ez... What happened..."

He didn't have time to explain anything to sesmond right now he knew he needed to quickly ask for help.

" Emporer..... Bring me to him now...."

Hearing his brother's request, Desmond winter quickly helped his brother get up and walked towards emperor arthur.

" Your highness..... He higness crown prince and prince mikael... They need help now...Monster they attack our shield and now I was sent here to ask for help.."

Emperor Arthur asked him to explain more clearly what was happening now.

A few moments ago when he and Prince mikael were getting ready to return to the great palace, At first the situation was very calm and nothing happened but suddenly monsters appeared in an extraordinary way and even they were able to break the shield made by the archmage who are with them, Monsters attack them when they are not ready and at the moment their situation there is unknown their life or death because he was forcibly sent by the archmage on the order of the crown prince to ask for help. Emporer arthur who heard the life and death situation of his children is currently unknown, Making him almost collapse, Luckily behind him there is a butler Seo holding him.

" What are you say... By their life or death unknown."

Aries who just now came to the portal door field after checking that the people there were nothing, She had time to hear what ezreal winter said.

" Say once again.... What do mean..."

All eyes there are now looking at aries because people there know that she is very close to prince mikael, Emperor arthur who just now seemed to forget about aries' existence. He tried to calm aries but she brushed away emperor arthur's hand. Aries started annoying with the sound of the alarm that hasn't stopped since earlier, She ask the emporer to stop that sound

" What a annoying... You... Make that sound stop now."

The people there were surprised because Aries was now ordering the emperor arthur who are rules the kingdom to stop the sound. But emperor arthur can't do it because only grand archmage or chief grand archmage can make that sound stop. Just hearing empror arthur couldn't stop the sound made aries angry and suddenly aries stomped her feet on the ground like a strong wind they felt suddenly the sound of the alarm stopped.

" Now the ringing noisy is stop... Told me.. What going on now..."

Once again they was surprised with what aries doing not even the knights also the emperor. How could this little girl stop the alarm sounding one or two times but the whole alarm system stopped sounding at once even the chief grand archmage struggled to stop the sounding alarm, Ezreal winter told her what happened on the west east the monsters attack. After aries heard what going on she fell to the earth like not believing what ezreal winter said. Aries suddenly remembered her dream a few months ago.

" Impossible.... Impossible... Brother mika... No.. I have to go there.."

Emporer arthur who heard aries wanted to go there quickly prevented her.

" No... That's place is to dangerous you can't go there.."

He didn't want aries to go there because he knew now that the place was in chaos and didn't know how many monsters appeared there.

" I need to safe brother mika... He cannot die.. He can't leave me just like this.."

Aries doesn't want to care about the other thing she knows right now is brother mika safety, She needs to get there quickly.

" You can't... There place is dangerous... I can't let you go there place."

He knows that aries and mikael are very close but he doesn't want to risk letting aries go there.

" Even that place is dangerous but i need to go there... Brother mika safety is my priority right now.."

He knew he couldn't stop aries right now and he knew he was going to use his power as emporer.

" This is the emporer order you can't go there."

Aries who heard the emporer use his power, She felt very angry, What is he using his power for now.

" Don't try to order me... I won't listen to you.."

Seeing aries angrily because emporer arthur prevented her from going west east.

" If i don't go.. He will die, I already lost my mother and now you try to stop me from saving brother mika."

Aries wants to quickly go save mikael right now.

" What you can do if you go there... Nothing you can do.."

Aries' anger was bubbling up in her chest because the emporer didn't seem to care about his son's life or death at the moment.

" Enough!!.. If you don't care about their safety then don't stop people from going there to save them."

Those who were there were surprised to hear aries raising her voice at the emporer, No one dared to raise voice at the emporer all this time. Even the emporer was surprised because aries suddenly raised her voice at him, This is the first time someone dared to raise voice in front of him.

" I already lost my mother and right now I don't want to lose brother mika. You will never know what it feels like to lose.. Even though i have to sacrifice my life to safe him, I'll do it... He..... Everything for me.."

Emporer arthur didn't know that mikael meant a lot to aries, His intention was that he didn't want aries to go there because it was very dangerous, but now the situation is like this. He knew right now he couldn't stop aries from going there because she seemed determined to save mikael.

" I'll go with you."

Hearing that emporer arthur will go with princess aries made them look at each other because emporer arthur did not punish her for being rude to him but instead offered to go with aries.

" Let me go with you your highness.."

Desmond winter volunteered to escort them there.

" No....you can't go with me... stay here and take care of those who are here and your brother is not in a good condition right now, don't you want to leave him."

Aries didn't allow Desmond Winter to follow her because she didn't want to endanger anyone's life right now.

" But......"

He wanted to be by the side of princess aries at this time fighting together, But princess aries remained adamant not wanting to allow him to follow them and finally he gave in.

" Butler seo... In my absence please take care of them here."

After leaving the message and also emporer arthur ordered butler seo to convey a message to empress rowen that he will go follow aries to west east.

" Winder..... retreat... I'll summon you back if i need you.."

After instructing the winder to retreat they went using the portal door to go west east.

After the departure of emprore arthur and princess aries as ordered by emporer arthur, Butler seo went to the great palace to deliver the message he left to empress rowen, Knowing what happened made empress rowen feel sad hoped her two sons , aries and emporer to return safely.