
I'll never leave

Alice a beauty falls in love with Shawn a very handsome guy.Alice and Shawn have their hidden identities from the dark world but they still managed to be together

Jamilah_Dawood · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Attack 2:loosing him

Deep night.

Alice used her powers to cast a spell upon the humans. Even if they saw anything, they will forget it instantly. The demons were lunching an attack in the human world and she had to stop it. Shawn held her hand not wanting to let go."my love I have to go....they want me right fine I will go and I will comeback for you"Alice said giving him a long kiss."I have bad feeling about this Alice. What if they capture you or even worse,kill you?no I will go with you"Shawn insisted. OK she had no choice fine she let him follow her. They went to the mountain were the demons were in order to stop them before entering the human world and yes they made it on time and a fierce fight broke out.the rain was drumming hard giving them the beat in the battle,and the roaring thunder and lightning that stroke casting an eer scene.the couple killed as many as they could but the demons kept on coming like no end and they took turns in defending each other but a demon saw an opening and stab..stab..he stabbed Shawn and with a loud cry he stabbed Shawn again in his heart and thump Shawn dropped to the floor blood dripping from his wounds and mouth."Alice "he said in barely a whisper" noooooooo!!!!"Alice cried slicing her way to meet her lover with tears in her eyes.she dropped to her knees and caught him before his back would reach the ground and then she held up his face and was tapping him to open his eyes...he weakly opened his heavy eyes and looked at her with a smile but his teeth were blood stained and blood was also rolling from his mouth. "You bastard why did you take the stab?you...you could have just come to where I was....don't worry....a..a..I will..I will heal you just hold on" she wept.he coughed and some blood splashed on her face but he still smiled."Alice..promise me....pro..cough...cough..promise me you will move on"he smiled weakly stoking her hair the tears were rolling down freely "shut up.you will make it out OK let me take you home" she said trying to lift him but no he held her hand pulling her to her previous position. "Promise Alice" he said she just nodded her head and hugged him her body trembling as she cried.."but Shawn you...ass hole you deceived me....you said you'll never leave but.."she choked in her words then she looked him in the eyes and he was still smiling at her."I'm sorry my love. I lied to you..yes I am the ass hole you just accused me of...I lied telling you that ...cough..cough....cough... We will die together.. But promice to live and move on...be happy and it will make me happy..moreover, I will still return to hell as a spirit and I will always be with you"he said caressing her cheek.and then she kissed him till his last breath.his hand dropped,his breath stopped, his body cold,his eyelids drop..."nooooooooooooo!!!"she cried and a dark smoke enveloped her.as the demons were getting closer to capture her,she exploded.the black smoke engulfed all of them and vanish...they were gone.


After what happened, she found herself in hell.she still clutch to her dead lovers body crying uncontrollably. She was pale and looked haggered."long live queen nyx"the demons in hell hailed."I will kill you all"she growled and black mist began to evolve around her but thump...she fainted