
I'll never leave

Alice a beauty falls in love with Shawn a very handsome guy.Alice and Shawn have their hidden identities from the dark world but they still managed to be together

Jamilah_Dawood · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Inside the passage


There lay a big majestic and ancient castle. It was old but still breath taking. The outside had a magical view which looked unreal "what is this place?" Alice asked as they reached the door step."this is your maternal home Alice. This is where I belong and part of you also belongs here"the woman answered. Alice could only nod her head in awe and surprise. The woman led her inside the castle and a wide living room welcomed her.very neat and well organized. Each furniture had gold as decoration. Wow I can't even explain how beautiful the place was.Alice looked at her with questioning eyes."you should sit and have some rest and I'll tell you everything"the woman said.Alice obeyed because the curiosity in her was starting to eat her up.she wanted to know her real Identity.



After Alice freshened up,the woman offered her food and after she ate,the woman sat opposite her and held her hands. "I'm about to tell you everything Alice. You need to know the truth about your real identity" she said."Zhou "a feminine voice called from up." Come here Kim"the woman said looking up to the place the voice was heard.a lady with pinkish orange hair color and purple eyes was standing holding a glass of wine.she was dressed in a simple free blue gown.the lady looked like in her early 30s.she had some similarity with the woman that was called Zhou. They seem to be sisters. Kim walked gracefully to where the duo was an sat adjacent Zhou. "Kim this is my daughter Alice. Alice this is my immediate sister Kim" Zhou introduced. They exchanged pleasantries then Zhou cleared her trout and began her story telling.


100YEARS AGO....

A younger version of Zhou was seen sitting in the garden of the castle.

Zhou's POV

"I was sitting with a male friend whose name was Jung Lee. He was a god in beauty. He was a unique being.that night was very calm." " Zhou..."he started.I looked at him smiling. "I have something to tell you" he said. I gave him that smile that says I'm listening. "I'm not who you really think I am" he said. I looked at him with curiosity "yes Zhou I'm a demon king" he confessed. "Lee.no matter what, I'll never leave you OK. No need to be worried"." Thanks my love"he said and kissed me.I kissed him back with the same need he had for me. "Zhou.. I love you" he said as his hand reached her skirt.


The next morning,I woke up in my room with only Lee's coat covering my body.my face burned red as memories of last night became fresh to me.I turned to look at the window, my face was deeper in color. Lee was still standing there."you're awake"he said and approached me.I nodded still my gaze low."you never wanted me to leave so I shared the bed with you "he said" thank you "was all I could say.

After breakfast, I and Lee went to my room and I urged him to tell me about himself. He was the demon king and was looking for a soul mate.he needed successor even though demons live up to millions of years. But in all the demon women, no one matched him and then he found love in me.but then the love was forbidden but as he was king, nobody dared say a word.our love was forbidden because of our personalities." Zhou will you marry me?"he asked as he knelt with one knee.presenting a diamond ring with gold as decoration. I happily stretched my hand and he slid the ring in my finger. "It fits you right" he said kissing the ring in my finger. I helped him stand and then hugged him.from hug,we began to kiss and his hand started roaming around my body.


40years passed and we were planning for our wedding after finding out I was pregnant with his child. I was very happy and he was Tami extra care of me.our people never wanted the marriage but they had no option because I was pregnant. My mom disowned me saying me being the future queen witch I'll be a disgrace.but I loved him and he loved me so I went with him.after our marriage, I followed him to hell to meet his family but then I was a bit weak because I was not a demon.only his family were nice to me but his people hatted me.I couldn't stay long in hell or I could die.the reason I was still alive was because of the child I was carrying. When he noticed my weakening body,he enveloped me in an embrace and we both disappeared.we settled on earth in a 5 story building. Then I passed out.

Months passed and then I was due to give birth. I gave birth to a baby girl and I named her Alice. She had her father's eyes and hair color. That was when I realized she would be their next queen.Lee was very happy with the news and we cherished Alice with love until she was 8.the royal prophetess of the witches sneaked to my room at midnight and gave me a prophecy which turned out to be what my dream has been telling me.she told me to wipeout my daughter's memory and give her to a trusted human.because her life was in grave danger.the witches would do anything in their power to kill her. I wept for days and my husband consoled me.the day I was teaching Alice how to use her powers, something terrible happened. My daughter was attacked by witches. I tried to reach and help her but I was too occupied with over 30 witches. Finally, they killed her.they killed my daughter. My Alice. And the instant Alice stopped breathing, they all disappeared. I ran to my daughter who was laying lifeless on the dirty floor. I broke down with my daughter in my arms. I lost all hope of life and planned on killing myself. Then I blanked out. The next day, I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed hoping to see my daughter in her room but when I confirmed she was not there,I broke down again. Then I felt a comforting hug from behind me."our daughter Lee.our daughter is dead"I wailed."shhhh.I've found a spell that can bring her back. She died as a witch but her demon side is alive. If she sleeps for a year, she'll be a full demon and she'll be evil because she won't listen to us."he reasoned. Without wasting time, I pulled him to the door. "Where is she" I asked and he le the way inside the garden. He already set everything for the ritual. Alice was placed on a white and black sheet,candles surrounded her and a spell book was also there."this ritual requires her memory and we will not stay with her and then the spell will break if she has s*x.but she won't die she'll be more of a demon "Lee explained and I agreed. After the ritual was finished, Lee took her to his trusted human friend that was a poor man and we would always send him anything he needed.

hi guys how do you find the chapter? oh guys I'm making up for the days I couldn't update you guys. love you........muah

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