

An Dae-Hyun - 19 years old - Jan 21 2002

Bae Hyesoo - 19 years old - Feb 15 2002

Hwa Jin-Kyong - 19 years old- July 7 2002

Yeo Jin woo - 19 years old- Aug 18 2002

Bae Jiwoo - 19 years old - Feb 15 2002

Additional Info:

Bae Hyeran and Hwa Jin-Kyong are

An Dae-Hyun's friends,

and Yeo Seok-woo and Bae Jiwoo's are best friends,

Also Bae Jiwoo and Bae Hyesoo are twins

(Although It doesn't look like it)

They are all classmates, on a few subjects