
Chapter 2: The Kidnapping


You woke up your head hurt ugh what happened you tried scratching your head but your hands were tied to a metal bar sticking out of the wall above the bed you were on you panicked and opened your eyes killua was staring at you his eyes making the stare colder you tried to get out but it made you wrists bleed you moaned in pain. Killua got closer but you backed away eventually your back hit the wall and both of your noses were touching. you tried to kick him away but your feet were also tied to the bed you were useless in this situation there was tape over your mouth and killua gently pulled it off and pecked your lips you couldn't help but blush although you were very oblivious of what is going on "w-what is going on?!?" Killua ignored you and kept staring at you he seemed to dissapear into the dark.

~Time Skip~

Killua comes back from the darkness he seemed to have a tray of food you got excited but also cautious he could have poisoned it! He hands you the tray of food

You thought it looked delicious but you remembered to be cautious and said "no way I'm eating that!" You jerked your head away and huffed you made your mind there was no changing it "c'mon eat it!! You'll get sick if you dont eat!!" Killua said but you still refused "fine then........I'll just force you to eat it!!" Killua yelled "No you wont!!" You closed your mouth shut as hard as you could killua opened your mouth and you bit his finger "ow.." killua said "I'll just try harder!!" "No!!" You yelled furiously he finally opened your mouth and fed as astonishing as it may sound it was amazing! it was by far the best meal you had. Then you practically inhaled it because you were do hungry killua chuckled and gently grabbed your chin "you got some on your face" he said in a soothing voice then he licked rice off of your face you closed your eyes and jerked your head back and accidentally hit your head on the wall "Ow!!!!" Killua laughed.

End of this chapter hope you enjoyed!!

Tell me suggestions for the next chapter because I have no idea I'll pick the one I like the most!!