
Chapter 61 The Battle Of Rivalry

-Third Person's POV-

"Fine." Ruby groans.

"Fine? Fine what? Are you seriously planning on telling them?" Kelly panicked and tried stopping her when Ruby quickly then grabbed her face and pushed it away from her.

"I mean, we don't have any choice, now do we?" She reasoned with her.

"Alright. Let's say that we do need to tell them but don't you think that Victoria will get angry at us for doing something like this-"

"Well, what else can we do when we're this expose right now anyway? And besides this might be a good chance for even Camilla helping us look for Victoria."

"Now why would she help us huh?" Kelly can't help but raise her eyebrows. Ruby then can't help but explain things again to her friend, "Because she still sees Victoria as her friend obviously."

"What?! Didn't you see how she threatened Victoria yesterday? or did you forget about it already?"

"Of course not. How could I forget such a thing."