
Chapter 34 She's Also The Girl We've Been Bullying Back At Elementary

-Third Person's POV-

"Why did you call us here Victoria?" Alexander asked.

After that incident when Victoria and her friends found out who 'the hooded girl' is, They wanted to confront Camilla but in the way they always do. But this time she wanted Luke and the others to join in, so she texted them and invited them over to one of her dad's luxurious restaurants.

"I'm assuming it must be important, based on how you even called us here of all places," Luke said.

"This is too luxurious..." Alex stated as he looked around.

"What wrong with meeting up here? It's not like you guys haven't come here before." Ruby said.

"Well yeah, but the point is our attires," Ethan said.

"And what's with our clothing?"

"This." Ethan pointed at his school uniform.

"Our school uniform?"

"Yeah obviously."

"And what's wrong with our uniform?" Kelly asked him.