
I'll Find You Again

Jenna Villin ~ A beautiful, strong and bold girl flew all the way from Australia to USA to get married to her fiancee, the wedding was arranged by her father. However upon reaching there she found out that she was deceived and tricked to be a mistress in the name of marriage by her father and so called fiancee. After knowing she was deceived, she was heartbroken and wanted to head back to Australia but there was no way out hence she escaped from there by entering into a stranger's car endangering both hers and his life as her fiance chased them with his men. Jace Black~ A handsome, kind and humble gentleman and yet to be a famous businessman met Jenna coincidently at Airport and helped her escaping from US back to Australia from the great Mafia man David Johnson who was behind her. In the journey of playing hide and seek with the mafia both find themselves falling for each other. However in the end she had to go back and he decided that he will find her once again. A must read short journey full of thirll, fun and love ❤

_Ann_1 · Action
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Into a stranger's car.

At Airport:

A girl in her early twenties dressed in simple blue jeans and white crop top with black leather jacket over, stepped out from the airplane which just landed in the States.The cool breeze wandering around the vast blue sky welcomed her as it caressed her milky smooth skin and long silky blonde hair.

The chirping of birds echoed into her ears like sweet music as she proceed further, dragging the suitcase with her. Her facial expressions were neutral, her beautiful green eyes were void of any emotions. No one can tell by looking at her what was going on in the pretty lady's mind.

"Hello Ms. Jenna! I'm Mina! Mr. Johnson has sent me to get you." As soon as Jenna came out after the immigration was done, she was greeted by another lady named Mina who bowed in front of her and took the suitcase from her.

Jenna just nodded at her when she wanted to scoff knowing her so-called fiance has sent the lady with a driver and bodyguard inorder to fetch her from the airport as if she is a child and will run away from there.

"Why didn't he come to pick me himself??" Jenna looked at Mina while knitting her brows questionably. She was expecting him to come and receive her when she flew all the way from Australia to the USA, taking a whole tiresome 16 hours of flight.

"Umm sir is busy that's why!!!" Mina answered nervously and this was the exact lame excuse Jenna was expecting to hear from her as her fiance is an influential and well known businessman of the US so obviously he would be busy however she didn't care much because she is marrying him just for the sake of her father who has forced her to accept him. She has no feelings or attraction for him whatsoever even when girls die to be his woman.

"Umm Ma'am I have to attend this call, I will be back shortly you wait here." Mina excused herself when they both were about to exit the airport to where their car was parked but then her phone rang which she had to attend urgently.

Jenna again just nodded without saying anything and watched the lady walk away to somewhere while she glanced at her surroundings and found the airport beautiful. It was her first time coming to the States. She is an Australian and never been anywhere except Australia itself but since her fiance is an American she had the privilege to visit states for their wedding which will take place here.

When Mina was taking long to come back she decided to freshen up a little bit since she was hella tired from long flight hence made her way to the restroom and upon reaching near the restroom she spotted Mina standing there still talking on the phone which made her curious as to what's there that she couldn't stop talking about?

Jenna didn't mean to eavesdrop on her but when she heard something certain she wasn't expecting to hear at all she stopped at a little distance hiding behind the pillar so Mina couldn't know she was there.

"Yes yes she has arrived...inform boss that we will be on our way back. Seriously Emma, I'm a little bit scared...how will Jenna react when she will know there will be no wedding and she will stay here as our boss' one of the mistresses."

Jenna felt like the floor just slipped away beneath her feets, her heart skipped a beat when she heard Mina.There will be no wedding? Staying here as a mistress? What the hell is she hearing? What does that mean???

"Yeah I feel bad for her...she seems innocent and a good woman to me. She will be heartbroken when she will know her father and fiancee have deceived her and trick her by telling that they will get married here when in reality her father sold her to be boss' mistress."

The more Jenna was listening to Mina, the more numb her body was becoming. Her legs weakened and she nearly collapsed on the floor but held the pillar for support.The knot in her chest tightened that caused her an unbearable pain. She couldn't believe her father did that to her. She knows he never liked her from her birth because he wanted a son instead a daughter was born but selling her to be someone's mistress? it's unbelievable for her!!!

"Yeah alright am going now she must be waiting for me." Mina hung up the call when she realized she was on the phone for too long and headed back to where she left Jenna but unfortunately upon reaching there she saw her running towards the exit while dragging her suitcase with her.

"Ohh myy Ms.Jenna!!!!" Her eyes widened in horror as she shouted and ran after her.

Here Jenna came out from the airport as fast as she could and looked for a taxi. She escaped from there before Mina could notice her. She didn't let emotions take over her because she can't let her life get ruined in the hands of her father and that bastard of the Johnson. She has some dignity and self respect which she can't let anyone ruin by becoming someone's mistress.

"Ms Jenna pls stop where are you going??" She heard Mina's screamings from behind and fear, panic took over her even more. She searched for taxi but to her bad luck she couldn't see any passing by.

She saw other cars parked there and a man who was dressed like a bodyguard was leaning on one of them. She got it that the car belongs to Mina hence she ran further in search of any other taxi.

"Damn it!!!!" she cursed, did this all have to happen with her right now? 

"Ms.Jenna pls stop there!!!!" More screams came from Mina and along with her that bodyguard was also running behind her by now in order to catch and stop her from escaping else they will be as good as dead.

Jenna ran and ran until she spotted a black SUV which wasn't a taxi but seeing someone sitting on the driver seat she didn't waste any time and opened the back seat door, threw the suitcase inside before hopping in the co-pilot seat.

While the person sitting on the driver seat was startled at the sudden act of hers and looked at her with both shock and bewitching gaze.


Hello dear readers!!! This is my first book here and it's a short story so show some love and support here. Btw how's the first chapter?? share your thoughts with me♡♡♡♡♡♡♡