
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 14

"Samuel." My body was vigorously being shaken. I didn't know who was doing this to me, but their touch was cold.

Instinctively, I moved my body, trying to loosen their grip, but that didn't help. "Get off me."

"Wake up, Samuel." In the vast darkness, I could see its body towering over me. With its mouth wide open, its sharp teeth were clearly visible, as time passed by it loomed in closer and closer. With its mouth right above me, it snapped close.

"Samuel." As the man spoke again, his voice echoed in my ears while a small dot of light emerged in the distance, gradually expanding. 

When light prevailed, my eyes were wide open, and I could see Eiji's face. "You're finally awake, this morning someone came by to tell us to gather at the town hall around this time."

I yawned and glanced at the clock on our wall, noticing that it was early in the afternoon. With a sigh, I reluctantly leave the comfort of my bed and make my way towards the door.

"I washed your clothes they should have dried by now; They'll be on you bed when you get out of the shower."


As I left, Eiji's eyes stayed fixed on the door, not wavering for a few more moments. "I thought you were opening up, what happened that day for you to change like this Samuel?"

When I stood in the shower, I moved my hands over my eyes. With a yawn, I turned off the shower and stared into the mirror. I looked exhausted, and it was all because of that day, that even now in my sleep I couldn't forget.

We didn't talk much while walking to the square. Upon reaching our destination, Daniel assumed his customary position at the top of the steps, observing us from above.

"Now, you might be wondering why I have called you here! It is to announce something maybe all of you could use! In about an hour, anyone who wants can leave by carriage to Pilantrop for an excursion we have prepared for you! If you don't want to go and rather stay in the town that's an option as well!"

Daniel noticed that there weren't many happy faces in the crowd. He sighs and continues to speak. "I will not be joining this trip, nor was I the person who organized it! I will now give the stage to the person in charge today and the person who made this possible for all of you!"

Everyone's anticipation increased when they heard Daniel's last words and he could see it as well. The smiles on everyone's faces dimmed briefly as they were met with Daniel's glare. Daniel averted his gaze, fully aware of their emotions, but couldn't resist letting out another sigh.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Daniel exited and a woman stepped forward. Her presence before them felt nothing like the tall stoic man Daniel was. She was the average female height, with purple hair that was moving in the wind, and clothes that seemed as official as Daniel, but the kind smile on her face was something that could warm the heart of anyone.

"Okay then, I'll explain what will be going on."

As the sun began to rise, Daniel entered his office, diligently tidying up the scattered paperwork on his desk. When he finished, he turned and saw a collection of medals meticulously arranged on the wall. As he glanced at them, memories of yesterday flooded his mind. 'You should think about what I proposed.'

He let out a heavy sigh as he glanced down at his hand, his finger adorned with a glimmering ring. As he tightly clenches his fist, his eyes remain locked on an item placed on the table. A series of taps causes the object to emit a shimmering blue light. Moments later, a ringing sound fills the air.

"Why are you calling me so early, Daniel?"

"This shouldn't be that early, for someone who's been with the enforcers for as long as you have. Still haven't changed that habit?"

"No, I've been awake for a while already you know." Rena seemed hesitant as she spoke. Staring at the metal object sitting on his table, Daniel didn't need to hear the truth.

"Yeah right, you're still in bed, aren't you?" Thinking about it for a second, he didn't really care. "Anyway, it's about the proposal you made yesterday."

"So, you're letting me."

"Yes, you can take them on that trip. Come to my office so we can plan this out."

"Don't worry I've done that already; you don't need to do anything."

"You knew I would-" Interrupting Daniel, Rena began to speak. "Of course, you dunce! If I didn't know how you were, could we even call each other friends?"

When Rena finished her explanation, she looked at the crowd. "Any questions?"

Eiji raised his hand, catching Rena's attention. "Yes?"

"I was wondering are the children going as well?"

"Yes, they are, the headmistress and teacher will be their guides in the city. Why do you ask?"

"As someone who works in the orphanage. Is it possible that I can help in keeping an eye on the children?"

"You can." Rena turned away from him and took in the sight of the rest of the crowd. "Any other ques-"

"I still had one more thing to ask." Before she could finish her sentence Rena was interrupted by Eiji causing her to look back towards him. "Would it be a problem if I bring someone extra with me?" 

In a moment of contemplation, she notices Eiji's hand placed reassuringly on Samuel's shoulder. "I don't see a problem with that."

"Thank you, Miss Rena." Eiji respectfully bowed his head before walking off with me.

Upon hearing him, she smiled. "Any other questions?"

As we stroll through the town, we eventually reach the orphanage. I stop before the gate to the front yard and watch as Eiji moves towards the door. "Aren't you coming?" 

"I'm thinking of staying." Surprised at my words, Eiji's mouth was open. "What? You have a chance to take in the world around you and you want to stay locked up in your room?"

"I'm not feeling well." Eiji understood what was happening when he noticed me looking down. "Samuel, I might not know what has happened to you, but I do know this could be good for you." Eiji briefly pauses and gazes at me with warm eyes. "And you'll be able to get your mind off things."

I stood motionless, gazing blankly at the ground, unable to make a decision. My mind opposed this idea, but deep down I could tell I wanted to live a full life, but was I allowed to have that happiness?

Eiji who now stood in front of me grabbed my hand, causing me to look up at him. "Come." With me being pulled along, we reached the front door, and Eiji proceeded to knock on it.

"Look who we have here? Come in come in." A tall woman with glasses and brown hair emerged from behind the door. "How are you doing Eiji?"

"I'm doing good Samantha, how about you?"

"I'm doing fantastic myself."

When she glanced behind Eiji, her expression turned sour. Upon entering, I couldn't help but notice the distinct change, but I paid it no mind. Although we hadn't crossed paths before, there was a sense of familiarity in her eyes, as if she knew me.

Witnessing this, Rose, who was also seated, chimed in with her own thoughts. "Why are you two here?"

"Samuel and I will be joining you during your trip in the city."

"That sounds great." Rose seemed happy to hear this, but she swiftly glanced at her wristwatch. "Oh, look at the time Samuel, can you help me get all the kids?"

"Sure." Feeling a bit startled, I quickly walk past Samantha and proceed to follow Rose upstairs.

We gathered all the children from the orphanage and started making our way to the square, where parents and their children waited for us. After leaving their children with us, we headed towards a gate where our carriages were waiting.

 the children looked in wonder at the carriages. They probably hadn't seen them before, but I as well was surprised when I first saw them. At the front of a carriage, we could see horses, but they weren't any normal horses. they were completely made of metal, with steam occasionally spewing out of their noses. These machineries did seem quite advanced as they acted like horses which only made me wonder even more what the capital city would look like.

When everything was in order and ready, we left for the city. As we came closer to our destination the amount of gasps in surprise increased.

When I stepped out of the carriage, I as well became captivated by the extraordinary architecture that greeted my eyes. Despite having been in the town for about a week, it still felt somewhat otherworldly, but Pilantrop took it to a completely different level.

Rose smiled at me as I stood there, taking in my surroundings with a blank stare. This sight left me completely speechless, but even then I could feel my heart ache knowing they- My thoughts were interrupted by Rena who stood at the front while clapping her hands. "Listen up! Behind me is the place we'll be eating at. You can stay here for two hours and then you'll have to leave. If your entire group is done eating, you may leave earlier. We gather back up here at 17:15 any later and we'll have a problem, understood!"

When she finished, some felt like Daniel had joined us. "Who do you think gave this habit to the other? Daniel to Rena or the other way around?"

"Are you an idiot, what do you think." Rena who overheard the gossip within the crowd disregarded every word they spoke.

With my eyes on the large building, I couldn't help but feel like it looked like a military dining hall, but that begged me the question, why would they have this in the middle of the city? 

Inside, we were guided to where we could decide what we wanted to eat. The range of choices we had was extravagant, considering the canteen-like atmosphere.

With my plate of food in hand, I search for an unoccupied table and take a seat. I expected to have some solitude while eating, but Eiji discovered me and sat beside me. Soon after, Ella joined us, followed by Rose and Samantha, and the group of eighteen children under our supervision sat at a table beside us.

"Is there still space for one more?"

When Samantha lifted her head, she quickly made space, seeing who asked this. "of course." The person who joined us was none other than Rena.

"Do you two know each other?" Eiji looked at Samantha and Rena.

"Not personally, but who wouldn't know the second in command of the enforcers."

"Is that an important position?"

"Definitely, the enforcers are the people who keep the peace. They take care of any issues on the surface with quick and decisive actions."

"You speak too highly of me." Not knowing the woman's name Rena turned to her. "I should have done this first. I'm Rena and you are?"

"Samantha, it's an honor to meet you."

Eiji pondered as he looked at her. "I don't want to come over rude or nosey. But what is Daniel's position, then?"

Rena froze up hearing him say this, not knowing how to respond she looked at Samantha. "Why don't you tell him? You teach them history, after all."

A bit surprised at what she said, Samantha started to explain. "Daniel used to train to become an enforcer when he was still in the academy at that time. That was until one of the worst waves in Pilantrops history broke out. It is said that he fought alone in a massive tide of abyssal beasts to only be found later by Clockwork with blood completely covering his body and an uncountable amount of corpses lying around him. After this, he left his days behind in the academy and joined Clockwork. Over his last seven years in Clockwork, he has proven himself many times some even believe that he should have become the leader of Clockwork instead of Natasha."

Confused about a certain topic, Eiji spoke up. "If you don't mind me asking who is this Natasha and what is Clockwork?"

Samantha now turned to Rena who understood everything just from the look.

"Like Samantha has said we the enforcers keep the peace on the surface, but even so we do not dabble with abyssal beasts often above ground or below. That's where Clockwork comes in and Natasha Camrel is their leader. As the daughter of Camrel's previous patriarch and part of said family, it is strange for her to learn how to wield a weapon, but through the last few years she proved herself many times providing herself with the title of greatest swordwoman in Pilantrop, and currently everyone knows she is without a doubt the strongest fighter in Pilantrop second in destructive power to Dare, an archmage that is allied with Pilantrop."

intrigued even more, Eiji asked another question. "This Dare can you tell me more about him?"

Samantha Who seemed as curious as him stared at Rena. Rena could feel both of their gazes and sighed. "I don't know much about him myself it's a rare sight to see him. I only know what my older colleagues or teachers in the academy told me. Apparently, his from the Cardelian race, his skin color is gray, and over his body are lines that shine a bright blue."

As she described him, Eiji's eyes grew wide, recognizing exactly who she was referring to. Rena who saw this change in expression stared at Eiji. "Might you know him?"

"Yes, he was the person who brought us to Pilantrop."

With his words, she fell into deep thought, but their attention was pulled to another conversation.

"Make sure to eat everything." Ella had already finished all of hers and was now hawk-eyed on me.

"Of course, I won't forget a single crumb." I blankly stared at my plate as my fork repeatedly pierced the meat.

"And after you finish that we're getting dessert."

"Ella, I'm almost full, I don't think I could eat more."

"Don't lie to me, you barely ate anything. We're having dessert and you can't get out of this."

I sighed, unable to argue with this girl because I knew she would always hold it against me if I didn't comply, which brought back memories of someone.

they all chuckled at the sight of a grown man being bossed around by a thirteen-year-old girl.

I raised my gaze from my plate and looked at everyone, they always smiled and laughed. They show kindness unconditionally even though I never reciprocate it. When I'm around them, I feel like the sun always shines, but even in this situation I can still feel their cold malnourished hands trying to pull me down, and their voices never cease.