
Thunderhaven Representatives

Sol yawned, crossing his arms as he stood in the crowd.

'Get your speech over with man...' He immediately thought to himself.

It wasn't like he bared any resentment towards the old guy, but he had waited enough.

'I can be very patient when I want... but... it's only when I want.'

"I know you all must be confused... 'Where is the audience!?' You are all thinking, right? Hoho." The old man chuckled.

'Huh? I wasn't thinking that whatsoever.' Sol instantly said inwardly, 'But I guess it's only natural to have an audience... a big one at that. This is one of the most important events for students across Hllscani, after all.'

"Well, here they are!" The Principal, namely, Reiner Khemeral, exclaimed with a grin.

The gray-robed teacher from before walked up and placed his hand on Khemeral`s shoulder. The principal then waved his hand in the air, as hundreds of seats materialized on the sides of the training field out of thin air.