
I'll become a villain in my next life

"Why? I tried to help people but they just abandoned me! betrayed me! they don't want me to play hero!? then fine I'll be the villain" Those are the last words of 'Riruko Kaido' codename: Ragnarok, a level 5 Esper with the power to control matter and elements as long as has knowledge of the subject as he died from the hands of the very people he protects he was betrayed by his friends, abandoned by his lover, and sold out to the researchers by the very person he trusted...... follow Riruko Kaido as he live out his life in another world with a determination to become a villain.... will he be able to maintain his word to become a villain? or will his past personality preserve the goodness in his heart? will he be a villain or a hero? (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Fantasy
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449 Chs

Chapter 263: The War At The Bridge IV

[Bridge, Demon Continent]

As the war goes on in this particular location, many more casualties kept piling in from both sides as they continued to fight against each other

Currently the situation at the bridge was not even in favor of the Beastman army as both Sirius and Hepta were taking on Alduin as they planned to kill him in this location

Charging in with two photonic blades on either of his hand Alduin came jumping in and tried his best to fight against two of them

Of course both Sirius and Hepta responded to this as the latter quickly took on his attack by blocking it with her halberd

With a collision a shockwave was created as Hepta applied more strength to push off Alduin by a few steps

"Heavy decapitation!!!"

Swinging her halberd sideways up, Hepta then sends one of her attacks towards Alduin without giving him any breath to think

"Hexagonal barrier six-fold!!!"

Calling out his defensive maneuvers, Alduin quickly defended such attack by piling up six barrier on top of each other as he stands firm to prevent himself from falling unto his butt

With that another strong collision happened as such attack coming from Hepta has easily broke through his five barriers before disappearing on the sixth one

But such result was already beneficial to them as Sirius came in and arch his back as he punch through the barrier to choke Alduin on the neck

"What the... Ugh!"

Caught by the neck Sirius then smiled evilly as he disappeared and appeared at the air above the army of Beastman and mercilessly threw him towards his allies

With that Alduin crashed against them causing some to get killed by falling whole others stumbling down due to the crash

Seeing such opening Hepta raises her halberd and pointed them towards the enemy


In a single command the first layer formation of the Beastman got easily broke through as the army's formation got destroyed by the esplosion and soon flood of the Demon's army engulf such section thus hearing the screams of their dying comrades

Amidst of that Alduin soon broke through the hold as he blasted everything near him

He fully equipped himself with mechanical armor as six orb drones followed him to his sides

"Full power laser discharge!!!"

Mumbling that under his breath, various laser soon spread out arose and him as the orb drones fired off such deadly laser all over the bridge, finally causing damaged to such structure

But due to this he managed to kill anything that was approximately near his range

Seeing this however really surprised both Sirius and Hepta

"Hoh! Now this is something" said Sirius

"Let's just kill him so that we could pass through" suggested Hepta

"It would've have been that way if it's that easy" replied Sirius

As they were talking away another explosion rung out from afar which was directed at the nature element bridge and showed just how crazy the fight was also going on In there

"Looks like the fight there are being intense" commented Hepta

"Isn't that also the same for our situation?" Ask Sirius

"You right!"

With that Hepta came forward as she smiled back at Alduin who was glaring at her


At that provocation Alduin mindlessly kicked off the group and which made him dashed towards her at an incredible speed and swung down a Greatsword that he just conjured effortlessly in just few seconds

Surprised by that speed Hepta barely blocked such attack before sliding by a few blocks backwards

At that Sirius came in with his outstretched claws as he swung it towards Alduin


With a huge swing from him, Alduin took one step backward to take on his attack fully, but such attack just managed to scratch him before countering with his own swing

Seeing such attack was ineffective Sirius quickly did a flip as he dodged Alduin's primary counter and quickly turned to smoke when his sic orbs started to fire at him without any command

Appearing beside him Sirius them inputted much more strength unto his attacks as he punched through him

"Blood rush!!!"

With a boom Alduin was the. Sent crashing unto the sidewalls of the bridge before flinging him out to the gorge, luckily just as he fell off his armor quickly activated its boosters thus allowing Alduin to fly through the air

Seeing him flying a smile crept up Alduin's face as he stepped on the air infront of him and shoots himself off towards Alduin by turning into a swarm of bats

Seeing this Alduin's quickly flew back as he opened up his whole weaponry and fired merciless at the bats that are chasing him with guns, lasers, missiles, and even photonic weapons of destruction

As the battle in the air continued thus leaving the bridge with no vanguard at the front Hepta then led everyone of its allies to charge in through the ranks of the Beastman army

"Rip them apart!"

With a roar the Demon king's army charged forth starting from vampires of every ranks diving in followed by the ghouls charging forth and monsters following behind it

"Defend! Keep the formation... Ahhh!"

"No... Ahhh!"

"Slowly retreat!"

As the order among the army got worse the soldier that were near at the Enemy got killed by the vampires who have broken through them before turning back to the shield bearers and sucking their blood dry to further break through their defenses

"This vampires... Despicable" grumbled one of the soldier who saw a vampire killing one of its comrades as they dried their blood for their own strengthening nourishment

"Do not falter! We need to persevere... I'll take the lead" said Xyrus after realizing that Alduin got already his hand full just by fighting one vassal

After seeing such a scene, it was already understandable why Alduin kept losing ground by fighting two vassals, cause it was already too much for him to handle all by himself

Activating six magic array he further fortified them as he activated a spell that completely blocks the enemy

"Grand barrier!!!"

Erecting a huge wall infront of him, he Soo. Reached out his hand as lightning started to crackle through his palm and a magic circle spinning wild at the tip of his fingers

"Thundering arcs!!!"

With his casting speed Xyrus then blasted lighting strikes towards the enemy's this killing some of the brave ghouls that took on the attacks head on without minding their own safety

But such attacks wasn't enough to for the vampires to falter as they easily dodged them and started pounding unto the wall

Snapping his fingers multiple times Xyrus then coldly glared at the vampires as he chanted in a incredible speed

"Wall of fire!!!"

"Fire orbs!!!"


"Sea of flames!!!"

"Living fire!!!"

Casting five fire attributed spells, fear dominated the vampires and the enemy up close as they tried to get away, but all their effort soon ended in scream as flames of different spells engulfed them and started spreading through the forefront of the battlefield

With the screams of the Demon king's army burning accompanied by the roaring of flames Hepta pupils grew wide in shock as she hurriedly ran towards the direction of flames and started spinning her own halberd to counter such an attack

"Wall of death!!!"

Using defensive means Hepta soon created a wall for her own side thus stopping the advancement of the flames thus causing it to stagnant it's destructiveness

As if he'll broke loose a large section of the bridge was at flames as both sides erected a wall this trapping the flames in the middle of it

But the Demon king's army wasn't planning to stop there as bone wyverns of a flock started descending from the sky as they started breathing freezing cold breaths towards the fire thus slowly dying it down

Seeing this Hepta soon undid her wall as she glared at the only person who casted such destructive means, with a smile she started to get excited as she wanted to lead the next wave

Stepping sideways Hepta soon drew in one of her strongest attack

"Mountain Splitter!!!"

With a swing various ice suddenly broke down to tiny pieces as the invisible force crashed against Xyrus shield and easily broke their defenses this causing Xyrus to cough up blood

"A high mage trying to be a hero? Funny... What a funny bunch of morons"

With such mocking tone Hepta soon charged in followed by the army as they proceeded and attacked Xyrus side

"Protect the high mage!!!"

"Don't let Xyrus-sama get killed by them!!!"

"Without the Hero-sama protecting us, Xyrus-sama is the only one who can cover us!!!"

"Shields and barrier's up!!!"

"Open fire!!!"

With that another round of killing started

Coursing through the air Alduin came crashing to the walls of the gorge as he plummeted down by such a great force as his armor caved in

"Kah! You... This is way too of a cheating" he commented as he saw Sirius descending with an armor on him just like how Belial and Hepta has a specific final transformation


Belial - Magna Belial

Hepta - Purgatory Armor Hepta


Sirius too has his own final transformation, I'm fact every vassals have one, so originally Larval also has one too

"Blood King Armor Sirius"

With red plates all over his body, Sirius finally used the ancient armor that every vampire king possesses in every generation

Having this kind of armor thus fortified his right to rule the vampires in this world, this no one actually dares to defy him except for the former royal family of the vampires in the past that he massacred at yeh former capital of Arkham

With a smile a blood sword came in as he smiled at the misfortune of the hero, but instead of despairing over such situation, Alduin actually started laughing as he brushed his hair that was disheveled back whole glaring at him with his beast like eyes

"You just said that you were going to kill me right? I didn't misheard that right?" He asked

"Of course and I'll make it painless if you surrender" said Sirius

"Then f*ck you!!! I'll die either way, might as well die fighting" cussed Alduin

Hearing that Sirius started laughing as he welcomed such language

"Then let me show you what hopeless means" he said as he spreads out his arms wide to indicate that he welcomes su h thoughts

"Hahaha! Crazy bastard"

Meanwhile at the other side of the gorge Elijah was having a hopeless situation as he. Saw numerous Elves getting killed as they tried to save him from Asuto's grasp

Slamming him down unto the ground, Asuto then slashed another elf infront of him before piercing another one who tried to sneak behind him


What's worse was that he was all doing this whole choking Elijah with his other hand at a great strength that he felt suffocating just to breath but barely enough to speak weakly and open his eyes

"Stop!" He pleaded as he saw another elf fall dead unto the ground

But nevertheless Asuto didn't stop but instead mocked him and this generation

"Too weak! Too weak! What a disappointment, your all too weak! What kind of a hero that are too weak to even lift a hand against me"


But soon after he killed another elf, he suddenly stopped moving before lifting Elijah up near him, which enough for only Elijah to hear Asuto's next words which shocked him

"Well it is understandable, after all... I'm stronger than everyone here combined"

Hearing that Elijah's pupils shook in grim despair faced with Asuto stoic face before throwing him away causing him to flip over and barely hanging onto the cliff

But as he tried to climb up Asuto mercilessly stepped unto his hands as he coldly looked at him


But before he could apply any force, his eyes constricted as he saw Belial rushing in towards their direction

Bit his focus wasn't to Belial but someone else that was moving at a high speed towards them

Of course Belial also took notice of this as a particular person covered in holy radiance slammed against him before driving Belial to the surface of the nature element bridge

Flapping his wings Raguel soon descended as his angelic wings spread wide as he stared down at the Archdemon below with it's wings folded

"Long time no see" greeted Raguel

"I see you've clearly gotten stronger than before" smiled Belial


Far from them Aileene grumbled together with Argos and Fengris who were just disturb on their nap that felt like heaven for them

"I sure do hope that this will be worthwhile of our attention Kaido, or else I'll rip you apart because you disturb my beauty sleep"

Hearing that Kaido prevented himself from laughing as he waved his hands to her

"Just teleport us"

"... Fine!... What location?" Asked Aileene as she fixed her messy bed hair

"Bring us to the bridge"