
I'll Be The Hero That I Want To Be

I... just got transmigrated in an NTR novel I just finished reading few minutes ago. "I'm breaking our engagement!" Staring at the yellow-haired woman in front of me, my expression froze on spot. Just earlier, I remember that I was in my bed contemplating after I finished reading an NTR novel. Aren't I suppose to be in bed just now? Did my phone hit my face that bad, causing me to hallucinate that I'm in another place...? After looking at my hands and opening up my palm, then turning my attention to look at the sword that was resting in it's scabbard hanging on my waist, I had no choice but to accept reality. I'm inside the body of "Saber Gladiolus", the main protagonist of the "Hero Must Fall" NTR novel. I just want to enjoy a good story, so why do I have to get pulled here? ..... 50 power stone = 1 bonus chapter 200 power stone = 2 bonus chapter 500 power stone = extra bonus chapters. ===== Your honest comments, reviews and shares are appreciated. It's every author's motivation! *** If you guys have time, please check out my other novel. Don't get your hopes up on the chapters since the volumes are still on the process of re-editing. [Re: Write The Villain.] —It's about a guy dying and getting reincarnated in the novel he read as the villain. As the story progressed, he will figure out some of the secret of his reincarnation and his existence. The real prologue begins at chapter 148. You guys can just read the introduction at the auxiliary chapters

FalseFace · Fantasy
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141 Chs

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Upon entering the room, I observed its familiar layout—red-covered walls, a sizable bed, a bathroom, a few drawers, a lamp, and a wooden closet. It mirrored the previous one I had occupied.

"Enjoy your stay~"

The man in the suit bid us farewell before returning to his post. As I closed the door behind us, the distinctive click of the lock echoed.

Locking the door, I shifted my focus to Eulia. Seated on the bed, she fidgeted with her fingers, lost in contemplation—likely about her friends.

"I'm heading to the bath first."

Shrugging off these lingering thoughts, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. After a swift shower, I donned the plain t-shirt and grey sweatpants provided by the man from earlier.

"You can go ahead and wash yourself. I've already requested your clothes; they should be arriving soon." I mentioned this as I dried my hair with a towel and glanced at my reflection in the mirror.

Eulia weakly nodded, attempting to stand.



Before she could take a step, her balance faltered, and she ended up on the floor.

...I completely forgot about her current condition.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I approached her and hoisted her back onto my arms. Eulia clutched at my shirt, her face reddening in embarrassment and apology.


I suppose I'll have to take another bath.

Few moments later.

The loud ringing from the upper floor signaled the arrival of Eulia's clothes. I retrieved them and assisted her in getting dressed after our bath. Although visibly embarrassed, she remained silent, allowing me to proceed without objection.


Her repetitive apologies were starting to grate on my nerves.

Once I finished buttoning up her shirt, I spoke with an emotionless tone, "Stop apologizing."

She flinched but nodded slowly.


Should I just put an end to this?

Exhaling in frustration, I gently lifted her from the chair and laid her on the bed. Joining her, I buried my face into the pillow.

...I have start early tomorrow.

With that in mind, I gradually closed my eyes, tuning out the surroundings and Eulia, who seemed to be muttering something.




Ugh... Why do I feel heavy?

The uncomfortable sensation lingered as I reluctantly opened my eyes. Glancing to my side, I noticed Eulia was absent. I assumed she might be in the bathroom.... Maybe, right?

"...Did I use a blanket last night?"

Brushing off the thought, a peculiar tingling beneath the blanket seized my attention. My eyes widened.

"What in the—"

Raising the blanket, it revealed a sight that left me stiff almost like a statue.



...What a nice way to wake up someone.



Saber sat in silence on the ground, his legs crossed. It hadn't been long since he returned, but he was already in a sorry state. The old noble, owner of the mansion where they were staying, had finally arrived.

"Ah... I blew it."

Saber bowed apologetically before the old noble, who regarded him with a pinch between his eyebrows, displaying a slight hint of upset.

"Did you really spend a total of a thousand gold in just one night...? And on one slave?"

The old noble shifted his gaze to the girl hiding behind Saber, letting out a sigh.

"...I never thought you would be this kind of person."

"I'm not!"

Eulia, who had been silently listening, whispered her disbelief.

"You did that... for me...?"

Sensing a potential misunderstanding, Saber devised a plan and decided to go with the flow. He scratched his cheek, pretending to be flustered.

"...It's fine. It only cost 1000 gold."

"...Even nobles like me would hesitate with that amount," the old noble remarked, crossing his arms with a helpless sigh.

"Don't worry, I have other things in mind that can sell well. Remember the chessboard? Instead of those things, we'll start selling some other useful items... I heard one of your businesses is about clothes, right? A sewing machine will help you a lot."

"Sewing machine...? What is that?" he asked, seemingly curious about Saber's mention.

"It's a tool that can help make clothes. I have the full design in my room; I'll hand it over to you later," Saber said, lifting his right thumb reassuringly.

"Uuooh~! I'll leave it to you!" The old man's expression immediately turned excited, nodding his head in a childish manner.

While they were at it, the misunderstand kept on increasing on Eulia's head. Her guilt followed, causing her to clutch on her chest tightly as he looked at Saber.




While they were at it, misunderstandings continued to brew in Eulia's mind, accompanied by a growing sense of guilt that made her clutch her chest tightly as she looked at Saber.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce your newest companion."

Standing before the Nameless Squad, Saber gently pushed Eulia forward, taking her wrist in his grasp.

"I'm... Eulia," she whispered softly.

The four glanced at her, offering hesitant nods. None of them spoke or attempted to refuse, simply retreating to their rooms. Occiditis hoisted Reina onto her shoulder and departed, while Solis followed Reaper.

Odium, however, remained fixed in her spot, her gaze locked on Eulia. She looked at Saber, her eyes brimming with hope.

"Umm... Did you write another chapter?"

Saber was momentarily puzzled, but soon grasped her meaning. He flashed her a thumbs-up. "Of course, but I'll give it to you later tonight, alright?"

Odium's face lit up, nodding eagerly like a child before departing, leaving Saber and Eulia alone.

"...They're strong," Eulia remarked aloud as she watched them leave.

Saber glanced at her, nodding in agreement. "To be frank, their leader is much stronger than the three of them, even including me, combined. I doubt I'd win if she got serious and used her other ability even with my current strength."

Eulia couldn't fully comprehend his words, so she remained silent, her gaze fixed on him, her eyes concealed by her bangs.

While this was happening, Saber scratched his cheeks before turning away.

"...As long as I'm not targeted by that, everything will be fine."