
I'll Be The Hero That I Want To Be

I... just got transmigrated in an NTR novel I just finished reading few minutes ago. "I'm breaking our engagement!" Staring at the yellow-haired woman in front of me, my expression froze on spot. Just earlier, I remember that I was in my bed contemplating after I finished reading an NTR novel. Aren't I suppose to be in bed just now? Did my phone hit my face that bad, causing me to hallucinate that I'm in another place...? After looking at my hands and opening up my palm, then turning my attention to look at the sword that was resting in it's scabbard hanging on my waist, I had no choice but to accept reality. I'm inside the body of "Saber Gladiolus", the main protagonist of the "Hero Must Fall" NTR novel. I just want to enjoy a good story, so why do I have to get pulled here? ..... 50 power stone = 1 bonus chapter 200 power stone = 2 bonus chapter 500 power stone = extra bonus chapters. ===== Your honest comments, reviews and shares are appreciated. It's every author's motivation! *** If you guys have time, please check out my other novel. Don't get your hopes up on the chapters since the volumes are still on the process of re-editing. [Re: Write The Villain.] —It's about a guy dying and getting reincarnated in the novel he read as the villain. As the story progressed, he will figure out some of the secret of his reincarnation and his existence. The real prologue begins at chapter 148. You guys can just read the introduction at the auxiliary chapters

FalseFace · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Black Market (5)

"I intend for all of you to become members of my party,"

My words imbued with the depth of my sincerity and unwavering conviction.

Given that the ruin housed a formidable Guardian that protected the key, and taking into account my current weakened state, the assistance of these four individuals was crucial. While I couldn't definitively ascertain whether their leader had previously crossed paths with the demoness, it wouldn't pose a complication even if she had.

It hadn't been stated that she couldn't enter into additional contracts with others.

"...Join what?" Reaper questioned, a quizzical tilt to her head betraying her confusion.

"Join my party," I reiterated, my words remaining steady.

The expressions they directed at me ranged from incredulity to sheer disbelief. Clearing my throat, I proceeded to offer further clarification.

"This arrangement is intended to be temporary in nature. Once our contract is fulfilled, each of us will be free to go our separate ways. Rest assured, compensation for your services will be generously provided. Even if the cost of protection amounts to a thousand gold coins, it is but a minor consideration."

With a fortune of twenty thousand gold coins securely stored in my possession, the matter of payment was far from a concern.

"Why should we even consider accepting such a contract?" Reaper's arms folded over her chest, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Surveying her for a moment, I then turned my gaze to the rest of the group. "There are, undoubtedly, considerable advantages. By affiliating yourselves with my party, you'll effectively gain a patron in me. I'll cover any incurred expenses, provide access to one of my properties for use as your headquarters, and much more. Should these benefits prove insufficient, I am more than willing to augment them."

A few seconds passed, marked only by silence as each of them waited for their leader's judgment.

Leaning her chin against her thumb, Occiditis contemplated my proposition, her eyes locking onto mine with an inscrutable expression. Her voice was as even as ever when she finally spoke. "What motivates you to extend this offer to us?"

Given my present circumstances, a transparent approach would be more prudent.

"Recognizing potential individuals when I encounter them is my aptitude."


A day later, following my discussion with the members of the Nameless Squad, I returned to my abode, heeding Occiditis's request to allow them time to deliberate.

Given the late hour at which I regained consciousness the previous night, by the time I arrived home, exhaustion tugged at my senses. Consequently, I succumbed to sleep without much delay.

The following morning...

-Is it really wise to intrude without his consent?

-Hush! He's the one who infiltrated our quarters first.


Whispers trickled into my consciousness, prompting me to yank my blanket upward in a bid to shield myself from both the morning chill and the intrusion of unfamiliar voices... Wait, what whispers? In my bedroom?

I relinquished my cocoon of covers, rubbing my eyes as I adjusted to the light of day.

"Good morning."

"Morning... huh?"

In an instant, I jolted upright in my bed, eyes snapping wide open. Seated across from me, the four figures regarded me with a focused intensity.

"How did you manage to get in here!?"

"Through the window," the girl with the witch hat responded candidly, gesturing toward the side of the room.

Turning my gaze in that direction, my eyes settled on a gaping hole in the wall, its dimensions matching their figures. Every other piece of the window frame seemed shattered, save for the window itself.

Well, "window" might be an optimistic term for it... You guys basically just smashed your way in!

Despite my impulse to voice my vexation, I opted for restraint. After all, I had essentially entered their base without permission as well—well, not "smashed," but entered. Plus, I have my professionalism to keep....

"So... What brings you all here?"

"The contract," their leader replied, shifting her focus from the goldfish to me.

"Ahh... I see. Have you all come to a decision, then?" I inquired, rising from my bed and indulging in a brief stretch.

"We'll accept the contract on the condition that you cannot flee or deceive us if circumstances take a dire turn," she specified, her tone firm. "As our patron, you will be responsible for providing for the group's needs."

"That should be agreeable," I consented.

She nodded, producing the paper I had given her the previous day before departing. With a composed demeanor, she recited, "I, Occiditis, the leader of the Nameless Squad, hereby accept the terms of the contract and pledge to safeguard our patron, along with the whole party at the risk of our life, provided he does not betray the group before he becomes stronger."

As her declaration concluded, the paper radiated a luminous white light and proceeded to wrap itself around her neck.

"I, Saber, accept the terms of the contract and vow to lend my unwavering support to the entire group, pledging never to betray until I am stronger."

My own affirmation followed suit, causing the radiant light to cascade toward my neck, enveloping it in its brilliance.

With the luminosity briefly blinding, I shut my eyes, permitting the contract to embed itself upon the paper before dissipating into thin air.

The other three observed the proceedings, maintaining their silence as the contract between their leader and me reached its conclusion.

"Is it done?" Reaper inquired, her voice finally breaking the silence as the radiant light finally subsided.

When I opened my eyes, the afterglow of the contract's completion had dimmed, revealing a lock-shaped tattoo on the side of Occiditis' neck—a symbol of our binding agreement. This mark was only perceptible between the two of us, unnoticed by the others.

"Let's work hard together then," I proposed, a faint smile on my lips as I extended my hand towards Occiditis.

She hesitated for a brief instant, scrutinizing my outstretched hand before eventually accepting it, our hands clasping in a firm handshake.

"Alright," she replied simply.

And thus, the pact with the Nameless Squad had been sealed, a fateful alliance formed amidst the shadows of uncertainty...

This is why you should be aware of the DEVIL you are dealing with.