
Chapter 1

remember when rachel was five and I was 7, my friend Lane gave me a beautiful snow globe on my birthday. I absolutely loved the snow globe. But i saw the way Rachel eyed the snow globe. She looked at it like it was cheese and she was a mouse. I loved my little sister. So i gave her the snow globe. I promised her and i will share all my belongings with her forever. She smiled at me and that was enough for me to give her whatever she wanted from me. As kids, even if my parents refused to give her something, i would find a way to get it for her. Once Rachel asked for this really expensive pair of shoes, thas was definitely too expensive for a pair of five year old's shoes. My parents refused immediately. I, on the other hand, saved my lunch money for a month and got it for her. She was so happy, if she became happy everytime i got her these shoes, id swear off lunch forever and buy her shoes every month.

Jamie Hunter, one of the most handsome boy in the school, and my best friend since kindergarten just entered the cafeteria. As expected, all the girls stared at him, they continued staring until the entry of Hayden , the most handsome boy in the school entered. Jamie took a tomato from my salad bowl and asked me "Why were you so excited today? Are to finally going to say yes to Hayden?" . The sentence ended with a slight nudge on a shoulder and a mocking smile. Only if he knew, the only boy i would like to go out with was Jamie himself. I have been in love with Jamie starting from third grade when he saved me from his neighbour's dog. I finally respond "No, my sister Rachel is starting Junior Year today." Hayden suddenly appeared from behind, "Another Ortega? I dont think anyone will be as pretty as you Adrianna, wanna discuss it over hot chocolate after school?" I roll my eyes and he leaves me alone for the day.

Rachel, along with a clique of girls in cheerleading uniforms enter the cafeteria. "Thats Rachel" I tell Jamie. He suddenly gets all excited and says "Thats Rachel? When did she become so hot? Damn. " Even Hayden seems to be staring at Rachel. "She looks a lot like me, you know?" I inform Jamie. "Yeah... but you are Adrianna.. and she is... hot!" Ouch. There is a rush of emotion in my head and that is.... jealousy? I would share anything with Rachel anytime. But definitely not Jamie. I have been waiting for years for Jamie to look at me like he is now looking at Rachel. " Do you think she will go out with me?" Jamie asks excitedly. Thats it. " Do whatever you want." I yell at him. He looks at me startled while I start walking away from our table.