
I'd rather be with you.

"Do I know you?" I asked and she giggled. "No you don’t. Good morning." she said politely. "Who are you? Why am I here? Where is this place?" I asked. "Why are you on the floor?" She questioned, ignoring my questions. "Are you ok?" She asked. "What happened to me? Why am I naked?" I asked. "Um… technically, you are not naked, you are wearing a short." she said. "You think I don’t know that?" I asked. "If you know then why say you're naked?" she asked and I ruffled my hair and stood up. "What happened?" I asked and she sighed. "Well last night, you..." Meet Calvin Hart, twenty six years, owner and CEO of the multi billionaire VERA GROUP OF COMPANIES which specializes in Cosmetics, Known worldwide, and apparent heir to the HART'S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A recently heart broken bachelor who is every lady's dream guy in all ramifications; handsome, wealthy and hot. And then.. meet the sweet Hailey Drew. A self employed twenty-three years old lady, who studied medicine and surgery in Billhard University. She owns a Bakery. She's a modest young lady who is trying to work her way out in order not to end up like her mother who was a mistress to a wealthy business man. What happens when she cross paths with the heart broken Calvin Hart who finds her 'AMAZING' and wants to be friends? What happens when his Ex-fiancee and his mother makes life difficult for Hailey? How was Hailey able to get through the shocking truth about everyone around her. Follow me in this fantastic ride, giving you drama, suspense, betrayal, tears, love, jealousy and friendship.

Anns_library4321 · Urban
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71 Chs

Stay away from my fiancé..

"You know, if you could just get wholesale buyers from hotels, eateries and so on, you will make it big." He said and I smiled.

"And that's a business man talking." I said and he chuckled.

"Well I thought of that too, and I am going to get there someday. Then I will have the largest bakery in the town." I said. I wonder why I feel comfortable telling him about my dreams when I had never told anyone, not even Darcie.

"Just the town? How about the county?" He asked and I thought about it.

"We'll see about that." I concluded and he smiled. Louisa came with my orders and placed them on the table and left.

"Whoa, it smells nice." He said inhaling the aroma. "Okay, I'm salivating right now." He said and I chuckled.

"Alright, have a taste of the muffins first." I said and he did. He shut his eyes as he munched the Muffins with a delightful moan that says he was enjoying his meal. After swallowing it he opened his eyes. "How is it?" I asked.

"It's the best Muffin I've ever had." He said and I giggled.

"Alright, have a taste of the others." I said. He ate each of them, one after the other.

"Oh my GOD, my friends have got to have a taste of these." He said after he finished everything. PS, Guys really eats a lot. "My friends would love these a lot. I will make sure I bring them along the next time I'm coming." He said.

"Anytime, just inform me on time." I said.

"Yeah." He said and leaned back on the chair. "You are really amazing Hailey, it's a true fact." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and tried so hard not to blush. My eyes met with his tattoo again and I was prompted to ask. "Why do you have a tattoo?" I asked.

"Oh this?" He asked touching it.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well.. I had it since college. I was actually dared to do it." He said.

"You were dared to have a tattoo?" I asked.

"Yup, by my crazy friends." He said with a slight smile.

"And you had to do it." I said.

"Of course. It was either the tattoo or I'd have to make out with my then ex-girlfriend, Selene. I was dating Janice then, so I had to go with the tattoo." He said and I nodded.

"So do you regret it?" I asked.

"Hmm… no, I don’t think so. It's actually nice, right?" He asked and I just shrugged.

"What do I know about tattoos? When I saw you the first time, that night, and I took off your shirt, I thought you would turn out to be a…"

"Wayward, rugged dare- devil?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Kinda." I said.

"Then why didn't you take me back outside? What if I had harmed you?" He asked.

"You couldn't have… because I slept with my pepper spray beside me." I said and he laughed.

"Self defence right? I like that." He commented and I smiled. Why do I always feel elated when he compliments me? He glanced at his wrist watch. "Oh, it's getting late already." He stated.

"Yeah." I said, glancing at my wrist watch.

"So what's my bill?" He asked.

"Your bill?" I asked.

"Yes, for your delicious snacks." He said.

"Oh, um, don’t worry about it, it's on the house." I said.

"No way, they are too delicious for me not to pay." He said and I giggled.

"Well, I can't accept your payment." I said.

"Come on Hailey." He said.

"We are friends, right? I can’t accept for you to pay and moreover this is your first time here." I said.

"But the snacks were much and you could loose some profits." He said.

"That is for me to worry about." I said, but those snack are not enough for me to loose any profit. I give out more than this. "Okay let’s make a deal, if you pay me then we can no longer be friends. How about that?" I said and his eyes widened.

"What!" he exclaimed.

"You heard me right." I said and he sighed.

"Fine, you win." He said waving his hand in surrender. I smiled. "I have to go now." He said. A huge part of me didn't want him to leave. But who am I to stop him? We both stood up and walked out to his car. "So.. I was thinking, since I brought up the idea of you being a whole seller to companies, eateries and the likes, I would want to be the first to patronize you." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, how would you like to supply my company snacks for lunch, everyday?" He asked and I gasped.

"What? Really?" I asked.

"Yeah and I can also talk to other people about it. Just imagine a conference meeting filled with rich folks and what is for the snack? Hailey’s bakery. I am sure once they have a taste of your products they would ask questions like, where can I get these snacks? And before you know it, everyone is talking about Hailey's bakery. Before this year runs out you would be able to transform this place into a bigger and more luxurious place. How does that sound?" He asked and I screamed so loud and embraced him.


I almost went deaf due to her screams. She embraced me tightly and I smiled. I was not joking with what I said. I actually meant it. And right now, I'm receiving the best embrace ever, even though it was out of excitement. She refrained from me and was full of smiles.

"Do you really mean what you said?" She asked.

"Of course." I said.

"What's in it for you?" She asked.

"I get to eat your delicious sausage rolls everyday" I said.

"Just that?" She asked.

"Yeah, you do all work so why should I get anything other than that?" I asked.

"But you'd be helping me with…"

"Shh." I placed a finger on her lips and slowly brought it down as I stared at her lips. Why do I have the urge to kiss her? I quickly looked away.

"Calvin." She called and I turned to her.

"Um, what I'm trying to say is that… I am doing this as a friend to you, okay?" I said. And also because I think I have feelings for you Hailey. I just can’t fathom it right now.

"It means a lot to me. Thank you so much." She said.

"You are welcome." I said and fondled her cheeks. "I'll call you later." I said.

"O.. okay." She stuttered and looked downwards. I pecked her cheeks before I could stop myself. She looked at me.

"Bye." I said and got into the car. I drove off. I don't regret pecking her at all. I had the urge to do more but she might get mad at me. I will talk to her later, over the phone.

I drove off, seldomly glancing at her via the side mirror.

I arrived home and got inside. Mum and Dad were having dinner.

"Good evening mum, dad." I greeted.

"Welcome son." Dad said, through a device which I bought. It is attached to his chest and it says what is on his mind. Mum didn't respond to me. She just went ahead eating.

"Mum." I called and walked to them. I felt her temperature and it was normal. "Mum, why are you not responding to me?" I asked.

"Because you hate me." She said and I glanced at Dad. He just shrugged.

"Mum I can’t hate you, you're my mother." I said.

"Really? I'm your mother? Then why do you refuse to do what I say? Why are you refusing to stay with Janice?" She asked and I sighed.

"Mum, are we still on this?" I asked.

"Yes we are. If you consider me as your mother you would do anything to make me happy." She said.

"Even if it endangers my future?" I asked.

"Janice will not endanger your future. She is…"

"That's enough." Dad said.


"I said it's enough." Dad retorted at mum. "Calvin go to your room." He ordered and I gladly walked upstairs. GOD, I can’t wait for my Dad to be able to speak again. Barry said he will be able to speak after some time. I just hope it's true.



I sat on my swivel chair as I reminisce our hangout yesterday. A smile crept my lips. He is so sweet.

Gosh, what am I thinking?

But it's the truth. I wonder if he pecked me for a reason. I placed my hand on my cheek. I actually loved it. And more so he is going to help me fulfil my dream.

"I so love him." I blurted out. Wait, did I just say I love him? We've just been friends for three months. Ugh…Come on Hailey, just calm down. You guys are friends and nothing more.

The door was thrown open and a lady scuttled in, looking angry. She was putting on a white fancy top and a pink tight skirt with white heels and a pink purse. I stood up on my feet immediately. I’m not sure I recognise her.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I asked.

"There is no way a little wrench like you could help me." She said curtly.

"Pardon?" I said.

"Let me make this clear to you, stay away from my fiancé." She said.

"Your fiancé? Excuse me, who the hell are you?" I asked, getting pissed off with her attitude.