
I'd rather be with you.

"Do I know you?" I asked and she giggled. "No you don’t. Good morning." she said politely. "Who are you? Why am I here? Where is this place?" I asked. "Why are you on the floor?" She questioned, ignoring my questions. "Are you ok?" She asked. "What happened to me? Why am I naked?" I asked. "Um… technically, you are not naked, you are wearing a short." she said. "You think I don’t know that?" I asked. "If you know then why say you're naked?" she asked and I ruffled my hair and stood up. "What happened?" I asked and she sighed. "Well last night, you..." Meet Calvin Hart, twenty six years, owner and CEO of the multi billionaire VERA GROUP OF COMPANIES which specializes in Cosmetics, Known worldwide, and apparent heir to the HART'S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A recently heart broken bachelor who is every lady's dream guy in all ramifications; handsome, wealthy and hot. And then.. meet the sweet Hailey Drew. A self employed twenty-three years old lady, who studied medicine and surgery in Billhard University. She owns a Bakery. She's a modest young lady who is trying to work her way out in order not to end up like her mother who was a mistress to a wealthy business man. What happens when she cross paths with the heart broken Calvin Hart who finds her 'AMAZING' and wants to be friends? What happens when his Ex-fiancee and his mother makes life difficult for Hailey? How was Hailey able to get through the shocking truth about everyone around her. Follow me in this fantastic ride, giving you drama, suspense, betrayal, tears, love, jealousy and friendship.

Anns_library4321 · Urban
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71 Chs

I wouldn't say annoying.

I woke up at the sound of the continuous alarm. I rolled on the bed towards the alarm clock. I turned it off and stood up. It was five in the morning. I stretched and yawned. I smiled as I remembered that I’m going to work today. I happily walk to the bathroom and did my stuff. I sang all through. After bathing, I prepared myself a breakfast of hot chocolate and toasted bread. I hummed as I ate. After eating, I dressed up and checked my wristwatch, it was almost seven o’ clock.

I walked out of the house and locked the door. I boarded a taxi and it took me to the B.V hospital which I have come to know, is an acronym for Barry and Valerie hospital. Barry is our boss while Valerie is his girlfriend. He must truly love and trust her to use her name. I alighted from the taxi and walked through the gates. The securities greeted me and I responded cheerfully.

"Good morning, Eva." I greeted the receptionist who had shown me around yesterday. I walked to my office. Eva actually showed me yesterday. It was quite nice. I dropped my bag on the desk and wore my white coat which was sleeved. It stopped right before my knees.

I walked out of the office and walked to the children’s ward. They were in different wards. I took the necessary files that contained the information about their various illness. I walked to the first ward and opened the door. There was a little boy on the bed. And his mum, I supposed, sat beside him. Although, he looks sick, the ward was beautifully decorated like it was his own bedroom. I guess that’s what money can do.

"Good morning madam." I said and walked to them with his file in my hand. I’m sure after a week here, there won’t be need for carrying their files because I must have been used to it.

"Good morning. Are you the new children's doctor here?" She asked.

"Yes I am … and who is this cute little boy?" I asked with a smile.

"Come on, introduce yourself to the nice doctor." The lady said.

"I’m Jeff, can you make me well faster? I have a baseball competition next week at school and I would hate to miss it." He said at the brink of tears. I glanced at his mum.

"Listen Jeff, you just have to take your drugs and eat enough food, then you'll be well enough to be discharged." I said.

"But the drugs are so bitter and I always don’t feel like eating." He said.

"Yes doc, he doesn’t eat much." His mum said.

"Then we'll have to do something about that ok?" I said and he nodded. "If you do as I say, then I promise that you will be healthy enough for your competition next week." I said and his eyes lit up.

"Really?" He asked excitedly and I nodded.

"Yeah." I said and he turned to his mum.

"Mum, I want to eat now." He said and I smiled. His mum looked a bit surprised. I brought out his drugs according to the prescribed dosage and gave it to his mum.

"Let him have it after eating." I said and turned to him. "Take the drugs ok? I will come back to see if you have taken them." I said.

"Ok Doctor, and by the way, you look so pretty." He said and I smiled. His mum chuckled.

"Really? Thank you Jeff. I'll get going now ok?" I said and he nodded and I walked out of his ward.

I continue going to different wards until I was done with the kids. I just love kids so much. When I get married I am going to have a bunch of them. LOL.

I kept all the files neatly in a room.


I have to go to the boss office. He has asked me to come after I was done. I checked my wristwatch it was few minutes past ten. I shoved my hands in the coats pocket as I head to the boss office.

"Hello there." Someone said and I turned to see Liam. I smiled.

"Liam?" I called.

"Hailey, it's nice to see you again." He said.

"You too, I’m so happy you got the job." I said staring at him. He was also on a white coat.

"Yeah, I did." He said.

"So where is your station?" I asked.

"The pharmacy." He said.

"Oh, wow. That’s nice." I said.

"How about you?" He asked.

"I'm actually the children’s doctor for the mornings." I said with a smile.

"Lucky them." he said and I chuckled. "So I guess I'll see you around more often." He said.

"Yeah, but you lied about the boss being harsh, why?" I asked with my hands folded.

"He is." He said.

"He is not. He was nice to me yesterday." I said.

"That’s weird, but you can ask other staff around. They will tell you." He said.

"Whatever, I have to go. See you." I said and walked towards the boss's office. I knocked on the door gently.

"Come in." he said with a grumpy voice and I was surprised. Was he in a bad mood? I opened the door and walked in.

"Good morning sir." I said and he raised his head from the laptop, looking at me.

"Hailey?" He called with a smile and it doubled my surprised. I thought he sounded grumpy earlier.


I looked up to see Hailey Drew in front of me.

"Hailey." I called with a smile and she arched her eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"Um... nothing." She said.

"Alright have a seat." I said and she sat down. I leaned back on my chair. "So how was work today? How did you find the job? Stressful? Okay? Boring? Exciting? Tiring?" I asked.

"I think it was okay." She said.

"Really? You mean you are okay taking care of numerous annoying kids who would even refuse taking drugs at all cost." I said and she laughed.

"I wouldn’t say annoying, the kids are lovely." She said and I looked at her in doubt.

"Really? Then tell me about it." I said.

"Well, the kids are really sweet. You don't expect anyone to like the idea of taking drugs or having injections on them. They are just being kids, that they are. None of them actually refused the drugs or injections I gave to them." She said and I chuckled in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me. You mean, you didn't have to chase Ethan around the room before you could get him to take his injections?" I asked.

"Not at all. But I've got to admit, that kid was so funny." She said and giggled. "He called the syringe, a means to end him." She laughed. "I had to introduce him to one of my tactics and it worked." She said and I got curious.

"And what was that?" I asked.

"I asked him to close his eyes and imagine himself as his favourite superhero, which happened to be Spiderman, and he did. Before he could say Jack, I already gave him the injection. He was so surprised that he asked if I had administered his treatment to him when he saw me preparing to leave." She said.

"Wow that's.. that's amazing." I said. I can't believe the kids took all their medications. I was expecting her to complain to me about how stressed she was after handling the kids. I was prepared to give her a less stressful job, but it turns out she's got her own way of doing things and it's really amazing.

"Yeah, I love kids a lot." She said, enthralling me.

"It's obvious." I said with a smile. The door opened revealing my one and only queen.

"Babyyy." She screamed in excitement and ran to me. I stood up and embraced her. "Gosh I've missed you so much." She said.

"You know I've missed you more." I said, with my hands on her waist.


I watched as they played their lovey-dovey stuff. She actually looked more beautiful in person than in the photo. She was wearing a purple short gown with black heels and she had a Mexican accent which was amazing.They engaged in a passionate kiss. Are they supposed to do that here? Well they could but I am right here. I cleared my throat to remind them of my presence.

"Oh… sorry." She said with a smile as they disengaged. I nodded with a smile. "Who is she? I haven’t seen her around before." she asked Boss.

"She is the new children doctor in the mornings." He said to her.

"Okay, nice to meet you, I'm Valerie." She said stretching her hand for a handshake. I stood up and shook hands with her.

"I'm Hailey." I said and we let go of each other.

"So Hailey, I will get back to you a little later." He said and I nodded and walked out. Okay she is really nice, I guess I am fortunate to work for nice people. I walked back to my office and sat down. I took my phone and saw some missed calls from Darcie. I called her back and she answered.

"Hey bestie." I said.

"Why were you not picking my calls?" She asked.

"I was busy, plus I didn't take my phone along with me." I said.

"Ok, so how is your first day at work?"She asked.

"It's great, not too stressful. As it is now, I am done with work. I just have to check on the kids once before my shift is over." I said.

"That is nice, I just wanted to check up on you." She said.

"I am fine, thank you." I said. We chatted for a while before hanging up.