
I'd rather be with you.

"Do I know you?" I asked and she giggled. "No you don’t. Good morning." she said politely. "Who are you? Why am I here? Where is this place?" I asked. "Why are you on the floor?" She questioned, ignoring my questions. "Are you ok?" She asked. "What happened to me? Why am I naked?" I asked. "Um… technically, you are not naked, you are wearing a short." she said. "You think I don’t know that?" I asked. "If you know then why say you're naked?" she asked and I ruffled my hair and stood up. "What happened?" I asked and she sighed. "Well last night, you..." Meet Calvin Hart, twenty six years, owner and CEO of the multi billionaire VERA GROUP OF COMPANIES which specializes in Cosmetics, Known worldwide, and apparent heir to the HART'S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A recently heart broken bachelor who is every lady's dream guy in all ramifications; handsome, wealthy and hot. And then.. meet the sweet Hailey Drew. A self employed twenty-three years old lady, who studied medicine and surgery in Billhard University. She owns a Bakery. She's a modest young lady who is trying to work her way out in order not to end up like her mother who was a mistress to a wealthy business man. What happens when she cross paths with the heart broken Calvin Hart who finds her 'AMAZING' and wants to be friends? What happens when his Ex-fiancee and his mother makes life difficult for Hailey? How was Hailey able to get through the shocking truth about everyone around her. Follow me in this fantastic ride, giving you drama, suspense, betrayal, tears, love, jealousy and friendship.

Anns_library4321 · Urban
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71 Chs



It was Sunday. I sat at the living room with my laptop on my thighs as I searched for available jobs. Darcie actually enjoined me to look for a job online. My eyes caught sight of a certain hospital, B.V hospital.

There were job openings. I read all the details. They were in need of a medical doctor and some other personnel. I was to fill the application form and submit it to the site. Then if I get selected, I will have to go for an interview. I searched for the hospital address and found it. It’s not too far from where I live.

I took out my credentials and entered the necessary information into the application form. After that, I submitted it. I really hope I get selected. I am tired of these fruitless job hunts.


I drove to Barry’s house since I was feeling like getting out of the house. My mum has made it a duty to always talk about Janice to me.

I alighted from the car and walked inside.

"Hey man." He said looking up from his laptop.

"Hey." I sad as we did our special handshake. I sat beside him.

"I never knew you were coming." He said with his eyes fixed on what he was doing with his laptop. I sighed and leaned back on the sofa.

"I needed some space from my mum and her attempts on making me get back with Janice. I said and he chuckled.

"She’s still on that?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am just waiting for tomorrow. At least I will be at work all day." I said and he looked at me.

"You are always getting yourself busy. You don’t even try to have fun, lighten up will you?" He said and turned to his laptop.

"Well I am not the one working at home on a Sunday." I said referring to him. He laughed.

"This isn't work, I am just selecting qualified applicants for the job openings in my hospital." He said.

"Yeah, it’s still work." I said and checking my wristwatch, it was already thirty minutes past one.

"Let me get us some drinks." He said.

"Now you are talking. I thought you didn’t realise that there was a guest in your house." I said.

"Guest my foot." He said and dropped the laptop on the sofa and stood up.

"Where is your house help anyway?" I asked.

"She went to get some groceries. I won't be able to listen to Valerie's scolding if the house is not stocked up with groceries." He said and I chuckled. He walked to the bar. I switched on my phone.

"Dude, I thought Eric was supposed to arrive today." I said.

"Yeah, so is Davis." He said. "They called me earlier that they were on their way." He said.

"Here?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said.

Eric and Davis are also friends with us. They've just been out of the country for a while now. Eric is the son of the president. He's also an engineer. He's mostly cold, especially to strangers. Davis is a lawyer but seldomly appears in the court. He loves the company of ladies a lot. Barry is a medical doctor who owns the most biggest and luxurious hospital in all of New York. He's the sensible one amongst us. I am the business mogul, and mostly calm.

I heard a beep from the laptop. I turned to it and saw that it was a message.

"You’ve got a message." I told him.

"Coming." He said. I was about to look away when I saw a familiar name. I carried the laptop and placed it on my thighs. I checked the name again. "HAILEY DREW."

"Are you reading my message?" Barry asked coming with a wine and two glasses. He placed them on the table.

"No I am not, this name looks familiar." I said.

"The one who sent the message?" He asked sitting next to me.

"No… I guess one of your applicants." I said. The door opened revealing Eric and Davis who were laughing over something.

"What’s up dudes?" Eric asked and shook hands with us, Davis did same. They started talking about one thing or the other. I focused my attention on the laptop, I clicked on the name and all her credentials appeared. I saw a photo of her, I was about to click on it when Barry took the laptop from me.

"Stop invading my privacy." He said.

"Come on dude, I just want to confirm if she is who I think she is." I said.

"And who do you think she is?" He asked.

"The girl who helped me." I said.

"Oh, you are still in touch with her?" Eric asked. Well we are always aware of everything happening in each other's life so Davis and Eric already knew about what happened to me.

"No I'm not." I said and took the laptop from Barry. I clicked on her photo and they all gathered around me. I stared at the photo. "Yup, she is the one." I said.

"Whoa, she's hot." Davis said and we all glanced at him.

"What?" He asked and I looked back at the photo.

"So, what are you going to do? Reward her for her kind gesture?" Eric asked and I smiled.

"Since she is in search of a job, I might as well accept her." Barry said.

"Dude really?" I asked.

"Yeah. If anything had happened to you that night, your mum would have killed me." He said and I chuckled.

"Thanks, I really need to thank her once again." I said

"And ask her out on a date." Davis said, sitting down.

"He just broke up with his fiancée and you want him to delve into another relationship?" Eric asked.

"Of course, he will get over Janice easily." Davis said.

"Ok, I'm with Davis on this one. You need to stop thinking about Janice." Eric said.

"Who says I'm thinking about her? I'm not, I'm just…really sad about everything." I said.

"Whatever it is, dating someone will get your mind off everything." Barry said.

"Even if you don’t date her just have some fun with her for a while, you know what I mean." Davis said and winked. Barry threw a pillow at him and he laughed.

"Idiot." Barry said.

"I can’t do that to her." I said and sat uprightly.

"Why? I’m sure she is dying to have you. Seriously, I mean, you are Calvin Hart." Davis said.

"Yeah, but she doesn’t seems to know who Calvin is." Barry said.

"Come on, that’s not possible. Who doesn’t know him?" Eric asked.

"Certainly Hailey." Barry said.

"Dude, she addressed me as Calvin, no formalities." I said.

"Then, I guess she is not the social media type." Eric said.

"Yeah, those miss- goody- two – shoes. They are no fun at all." Davis said.

"Anyways, I can’t use her, she helped me and I owe her a lot. And she is … simple." I said as I remembered the event that took place after I woke up in her house.

"Don’t listen to Davis, he is always saying rubbish." Barry said.

"Oh really? Mr sensible." Davis mocked and Barry hissed.

"Wait, is she related to Mr .Drew?" Eric asked.

" 'D' Mr Drew?" I asked.

" Yeah, her name is Hailey Drew. She might be related to him." He said.

"No I don’t think so. Mr Drew is one of my business associates. He is a well-known and wealthy man. His only children are Travis and Trevor, you know that. Hailey lives in a two bedroom apartment and runs a restaurant so there's no way they would be related." I said.

"Yeah, there is no way Mr Drew would allow his daughter to live in poverty." Davis said. I wouldn’t say poverty.