
I'd Kill for Love

The first name she ever recieved was Amyralis for her beauty ensnared all who laid eyes on her. Wars were waged over her beauty but she paid no heed to all them, she even laughed at the mere foolishness of men, she treated people like disposables but it wasn't always like that. In ancient times the wrath of the gods was not easy to incur but Amyralis had been the cause of the deaths of millions of people and destruction of empires. At a point some worshipped her as a god which angered the celestial beings and she was punished. She was given the immortality where she would die and live another life not forgetting a single death even hers, but no one even the gods who created her with the cursed beauty that caused her to face difficulties at the hands of men. They didn't remember she was supposed to be the beloved child of gods. She was supposed to be beauty that healed but humans naturally are greedy and destroy all that is beautiful so she became beauty laced with VENOM.

Fay_Ish · Fantasy
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4 Chs



That was the first feeling she felt when she was born, she could still feel the fire and stones pelted against her skin. She cried and cried, her mother Freya couldn't think of what to do, no matter what she did her daughter was in pain and she didn't know how to stop the pain. With time her cries drove her mad and she tried to take her own daughter's life, for the first time since she was born she was aware and the first thing she saw was a woman inflicting pain on her. Fortunately and unfortunately the people saw her and rescued her but the deed had already been done, the word she associated to her mother was pain.

Pain was beginning to be the only emotion she knew, the people in the village already isolated her even her beauty couldn't help her. Since she was human this time she was vulnerable, the men were waiting for the right time to pick her fruit especially because they knew her mother wouldn't protect her. On her 16th birthday her mother rented her to the village men who took turns laying with her until she was barely alive, as if that wasn't enough the women who discovered her blamed it all on her,

"Blame it all on that cursed beauty of yours!"

They paraded her round the village naked stripping her of her dignity as they threw her out. Her mother watching the whole thing unfold for the first time she cried out to her for help but what came out of her mouth then sent shearing pain through out her body,

"You wrench, you're a witch that brings misfortune and pain to those around you. Leave! You're lucky we didn't burn you to death,"

That was when she made up her mind that humans were evil,

"If this is what you so-called gods punished me for and protect your pride for... I'll destroy it all each and everytime I'm reborn."

The gods became alarmed especially when the ancient gods had put her under their wing.

She walked and walked without stopping, she avoided humans and lived in the woods surviving off nature. She was covered in mud, debris and what not, her hair looked like a birds nest with sticks poking out here and there this let her temporarily hide her beauty and live in peace in the woods. She had picked up survival instincts from living in the forest, the forest didn't scare her but humans did, she lived like that for years.

One day she while she was sleeping on a tree, a group of nobles came accross her figure sleeping on a tree, some men were sent to check if she was still breathing. They tried to poke her with a stick but due to her heightened sense of danger she grabbed onto the branch above and swung her body up the branch to avoid the sticks. She had been there for years and humans had evolved since then. Her people had long been extinct so no one spoke her language anymore so when she asked them who they were they couldn't understand her and thought she were a witch. The man ordered his men to bring her to her knees before him but due to how she had lived her skills were more than enough to overpower all of them.

"You can't bring down a single woman?!"

At the time they had a scholar who had not yet caught up with the group but by the time he caught up and watched the drama unravel, he noticed she spoke a lost tongue.

He cried out for them to stop and explained to him that she spoke could be the key to finding what they were looking for. He spoke to her in her language explaining that they were looking for the lady from her tribe that was protected by the ancient gods and explained that the village people drove her out.

She laughed a booming laugh which was surprising for a woman to even have.

"Haha! So you mean to tell me I wasn't the only one they drove out?"

This sent the man into confusion as it was mentioned that only one person had ever been driven out, but then it all began to fall into place.

"How long have you been in this forest?"

She told him that she couldn't remember except that she hadn't been there since the village people robbed her of everything.

He quietly whispered something to the nobleman in their midst and then offered that she come along with them.

She laughed and asked him if he was joking,

"Surely you jest! What good have men ever done for me?"

She hung upside down the tree giving them a condescending look, it was ironic because she was the one who looked to be in a desperate situation.

"You do not know your place commoner! I've been patient enough! Drag her if you have to."

The noble man yelled as he was getting impatient. They made move to drag her but the scholar was against it and reminded him of the tragedy that happened years ago. She got shot with a laxative dart and she passes out, they dragged her on the ground all the way to their kingdom much to the scholar's dismay.

She was handed over to handmaidens to clean her up and present her before the nobleman when she woke up.

When she woke up she found herself in uncomfortable clothes which she immediately ripped off and beat up anyone who dared approach her, the scholar was the only one able able to calm her down. She requested for more comfortable clothes, she put on men's clothes as that was the only thing she found comfortable. She was brought before the king who couldn't believe the beauty he witnessed before him.

Her image spoke of beauty untold, her long and unruly curls wet indicated she had just exited the bath, the long, dark curls cascaded down down her back to her generously endowed bottom. Her skin shone a light honey brown colour with cool undertone an etherealing light that she emitted, her eyes even more mysterious as the glowed an unearthly shade of amber they looked like the burning embers of fire. Her face spoke of delicacy in contrast with her body which was toned with muscles, she stood taller than any woman he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. She had a regal atmosphere, her aura clashed with her features, she had an air of elegance to her buy her body said the opposite. Her face which just reeked of innocence clashed with the air of poison, silent poison that you would only discover after the deed was done but there was the heavy and thick smell of naivety from her.

"What a welcome surprise," the noble man said his lecherous eyes roaming her form.

How it all began.

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