Ira had spent almost every second of his free time the past few months trying to strengthen his magic and be able to use it in battle but he still didn't know if it was enough. This worried him because it had to be. He absolutely had to save Miss Veronica or he didn't know what he would do.
The problem was he wasn't sure how much danger she was actually in. They were all going off the word of Professor Gallagher as an eyewitness. Professor Lucien seemed to believe her but he had questions.
He had heard some rather interesting rumors about everything that was going down in the capital. They made him wonder what in the world was truly going on here.
Very few students at the academy were nobles and their status meant nothing here. But there was one in his Biology class and he overheard him talking with another noble the other day about how there had been several executions for treason among the upper nobility and even more arrests.