
Age Restrictions

Valentine's Day was on a Wednesday this year. As such, Rukelion forced himself to get through the workday then hurried home to freshen up and get those flowers before Daisy picked him up. Their reservation was at seven. 

They had exchanged numbers earlier in the day so she could let him know when she arrived. He already had it, of course. But if she knew that, she would probably get freaked out. 

She didn't know he had tracked her down using a private investigator and he planned to keep things that way. In case she never remembered her life in Mirea, he needed her to think that they had met naturally. 

Rukelion lightly spritzed himself with cologne as the internet had recommended and fussed with his hair for a moment in the mirror. He was nervous. If tonight didn't go well, everything would be ruined! He could NOT let that happen!

His phone buzzed with a text. She was here.