
I'AM~Matou Shinji

I, Matou Shinji, just six years old this year, have been having strange dreams every day recently. The man named Ashes killed countless powerful Kings, turned their souls into firewood, accomplished the great cause of spreading fire, and saved the world. The silver-haired man known as the Demon Hunter killed monsters along the way just to find his apprentice. The man in blue, who pursued throwing tiles, set off a bloody frenzy for power, and fought with his younger brother. In the end, the two worked together to solve the crisis. ... or magnificent, or turbulent, or helpless stories, all appear in the dream. At last! He dreamed of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and in the Holy Grail War, the disgusting "self", the self-abased and arrogant character Shinji Matou who was twisted to the extreme! And the abused sister...and the "self" who was finally killed by her. don't want! Never have a future like this! When he was shocked, he saw the black-haired girl standing in the hall, and his father Matou Tsuruo said: "Shinji, come and welcome your sister Matou Sakura!" At this time, Matou Shinji knew , Matou Sakura was thrown into the wormhole tonight! He decided to be kind to Matou Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

38. A little experiment.

The arrival of Butterfly Ninja did not cause any trouble, that is, Matou Shinji's treatment of Butterfly Chanahui was taken over by her.

I don't know what Butterfly Chanahui said to her sister, Butterfly Shinobu's attitude has improved a lot, at least he is no longer guarding him as a thief, but he still has a lot of opinions about Matou Shinji, she is really a hot-tempered girl, Butterfly The tempers of the two sisters are simply opposite, and it is amazing that the relationship is so good.

After finishing a day's work, Matou Shinji began to work on some of his own affairs, and came to the backyard of the flower garden, where there was a staircase leading to the underground, and two members of the Ghost Killing Team with swords.

After seeing the arrival of Matou Shinji, they all nodded and said, "Doctor Matou."

"It's really hard for the two of you to guard here. This is the grilled eel that the kitchen just made. Let's taste it."

Matou Shinji handed the wooden box in his hand to the two of them, and the two members of the Ghost Killing Squad took it with a smile and sat down directly on the ground to eat their own dinner.

They want to wait for the shift changer to arrive, and it will take at least an hour. By that time, all the delicious food in the Huaguan kitchen will be picked out.

Matou Shinji entered the basement, and after getting used to the darkness inside a little, he would find that there is something special here.

Neatly arranged iron cages were placed on both sides of the basement, some things that could not be said to be torture instruments or restraints were placed on the ground, and the dim electric lights that were exclusive to this era swayed slightly in the air.

In an open space in the middle, there is a bed, table and chairs, which should have been here as a guard...

"Roar! Damn humans!"

"Ah!! Starved to death, let me take a sip, and take a sip!"

... Sharp howls, tragic whines, and all kinds of strange cries up and down each other, with the echoes of the basement, it is simply mental torture, I really want to stay here for a day, and my mind will not be disturbed. What a strange shadow!

These captured evil spirits, if the ordinary ghost killer team members do not kill them, there is really no way to make them shut up, but Matou Shinji is different, he looked around the basement imprisoned The few evil ghosts in the room just coughed lightly, and the place instantly calmed down.

After all... these evil ghosts are the spoils of Matou Shinji. After they were caught in Zhishui City, they were transported here by Matou Shinji with the help of the ghost killing team. As for these underground cages, they were in the flower hall. existed from the beginning.

There is no kindness or kindness between the ghost killing team and the evil ghosts. They often catch some ghosts and conduct various experiments and research in this place, and now the various equipment here is perfectly cheaper than Matou Shinji.

"Ka la la la..."

Some strange voices sounded, and it turned out that one of the ghosts was trembling all over, and the teeth kept colliding, and it was especially loud in the basement. Unfortunately, no one saw his unbearable scene, and the rest of the ghosts were not better than him. It was Matou Shinji who was looking at Shinji who entered here with trepidation.

I don't know what he did to make these fierce and terrifying man-eating ghosts look like this.

Taking a breath of the slightly rancid air in the basement, Matou Shinji looked at the evil spirits around him and muttered softly, "Today...who is it? It's just you! Yes, don't look at others, it's you today. "

Matou Shinji said to a tall ghost, the first moment he heard Matou Shinji's words, this guy was still holding a trace of luck, looking around hoping that he was not selected, but unfortunately the next moment this kind of expectation Hope was smashed by Matou Shinji directly.

"No! No—! Not me!"

The tall evil spirit slumped directly to the ground. He roared in horror, holding the iron cage with both hands. He looked extremely helpless.

It's a pity that Matou Shinji has no pity for this. In his eyes, these guys are just suitable guinea pigs. He opened the cage door with the key, and Shinji entered the cage directly, just dragging the evil ghost out.


Along with the shrill cry, his palms left blood marks on the iron cage, but in the end, because he couldn't match the terrifying strength of Matou Shinji, he could only wailing and don't drag him out, while the rest of the evil spirits watched this scene. , the eyes showed the sadness of the dead rabbit and the fox.

The evil ghost who was dragged out of the cage grabbed the floor hard, leaving scarlet marks on the hard ground. Now he especially wanted to return to his cage, but unfortunately it was impossible now.

Matou Shinji dragged the evil ghost and took him to an iron bed. The iron bed had a metal restraint device. When he was pressed onto the iron bed, the evil ghost struggled suddenly, no... not so much Struggling, it is better to say that the psychological defense line has completely collapsed, causing him to suddenly misbehave and start waving his limbs indiscriminately. It is really difficult to cooperate with the powerful power of the ghost.

"What trouble, arrogance!"

Matou Shinji almost couldn't hold back the guy, he frowned slightly, and he began to call for help without hesitation.


Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, the silver tower shield was on his back, and the holy and bright knight's long sword was inserted into the scabbard of his waist. The arrogant knight appeared here after a long time. It took over the work of Matou Shinji and directly took the tall man. The evil spirit forcibly pressed on the restraint bed and slammed the metal locks to death one by one.

And the evil ghost who was locked on the metal restraint bed seemed to accept his fate and never struggled again.

Seeing the ghost that had settled down, Matou Shinji nodded with satisfaction, took out a syringe from under the blue windbreaker, and a ruby-like liquid slowly flowed in it.

When Matou Shinji lifted his windbreaker, some sharp-eyed evil spirits saw that the belt around his waist was covered with all kinds of medicines and syringes.

"The fifth experiment, injecting my crude blood mixture with stabilizers and magic essence..."

Matou Shinji muttered slowly, his voice echoing in the basement, making the originally clear voice even more turbid, but this is not Shinji's business.

Following his words, there was a hint of despair in the dark eyes of the evil ghost lying on the restraint bed.

The syringe was inserted into the ghost's blood vessel. As Matou Shinji's fingers slowly advanced, the ruby-like liquid was injected into his body. He threw the syringe into the trash can next to him, and then Shinji took a few steps back and let him The arrogant knight stood in front of him, watching the next development with curious eyes.

There was nothing unusual at first, but after a while, the body of the tall evil spirit changed, and the red lines visible to the naked eye spread on his body.

"Ho ho..."

The tall evil ghost hissed in pain, but it seemed that something was blocked in his trachea, and he could only make a painful hissing sound.

The body was twisting quickly on the restraint bed, and even if the skin was rubbed, it still persisted. Occasionally, a large bulge would bulge out of the abdomen and chest, like a volcano about to erupt, but the next moment often quickly returned to stability.

Red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and eyes, and his sharp nails made an unpleasant scratching sound on the iron bed.

"Yes, the balance can be maintained this time..." Before Matou Shinji could finish speaking, he heard a bang.

A scarlet tendon burst out of the body, like a broken bowstring, and it was like the sound of a signal gun. The next moment, countless scarlet tendons and pale bones seemed to have their own consciousness. Out, let this evil spirit instantly turn into a pile of rotten flesh wrapped in tendons and bones, and become a thoroughly disgusting "monster".


With the last scream, ferocious blue long horns grew out of the forehead, the ghost's original hair fell off, the skin quickly hardened and stretched, the entire face became narrow and sharp, and some white fluff grew on the top of the head.

The blue scales rapidly proliferated on the surface, but stopped halfway through growth. The monster that was still alive just now, as if the lamp had run out of oil, quickly began to wilt, and the half-grown head made the last sound before dying. Roar, and then the entire body completely loses its vitality and falls into complete silence.

Matou Shinji looked at it with a stunned expression: "Wait... No way! Died so easily? This is the first time in the experiment!"

The body quickly began to wither, like a fast release, and the unknown monster in front of him quickly shriveled and turned black in just a few seconds, and finally looked like an unknown object that had been exposed to the sun for several days.