
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 55 White-hot, the attention of the news agency!




Top-notch battles often only require the most simple fighting skills.

Busy... No... Moria, who had been fighting Kaido for a few minutes, finally understood.

There is only one way for the strong to fight!


come and go!

Kaido and Moria have about the same strength now, the same speed, and they are not weak to each other.

Every attack is done with all his strength. Anyway, Moriah listened to Kaido's "thundering gossip" every time he attacked, and said that he was tired of listening to it.

Coupled with the strength bonus brought by high-speed movement.

There is no chance of you punching at all. I raised my arm with my left hand to gently block it, and then clenched my fist with my right hand and blasted the chance to hit.

Because under great power, you either block or evade with all your strength, and there will be no such thing as attacking while blocking.

Once your block strength is insufficient, before you can attack, the huge force will blow you away, giving you no chance at all.

Just like now...


Moria wanted to poke Kaido away with one hand with his left hand, and hit his mace in a slashing motion, opening it to the left of his body.

But it's impossible. The huge force doesn't give him a chance to split the force at all. As long as he exerts a little force, Kaido's mace can hit him directly on the head.

He could only use all his strength to bring Kaido's mace to the left while moving his body to the right.

Then, taking advantage of this gap, Moria's right hand condensed strength and punched out.

But just as his fist was about to hit Kaido's chest.


Kaido smiled contemptuously, instead taking advantage of the time between Moria's split, he swung the mace with both hands and swept from the left side of Moriah's body to the right.

"Damn it!!"

Moria's face changed slightly, and he scolded secretly. At this time, it was definitely too late to block. He could only condense his whole body to defend with a domineering look. At the same time, he continued to punch out, and whoever's attack hit the opponent first, or hit together.



Kaido's mace first attacked Moriah with huge force, deforming his body, and the right fist he swung out also deviates from Kaido's chest.




Another home run, Moria was hit by Kaido's stick, and under the huge acceleration of force, three white rings of energy exploded in the air. spread out.

It can be seen how powerful Kaido's attack is and how fast Moriah is knocked away.


"I understand now, why the top players such as Karp are fighting in a straight line, and there are no all kinds of bells and whistles in the weak."

"What's the matter, in Ping A is thunder and gossip . Under the attack of the enemy, there are only three options: counter-attack, full-strength defense, and evasion."

"Others, other than escaping directly, are not good choices."

Moria, who stopped in the air in the distance, muttered to himself, feeling a little depressed. .

Originally, I wanted to show Kaido's face with the fighting instinct skills I got from Barrett, but I didn't think so, and reversed it to show my face.


"Let's be honest, let's fight the most simple battle!" The

relieved Moria smiled, and then flew towards Kaido, who was flying towards him.

"Morlia!!!" The

roar had already been issued before the person arrived. Kaido during this period seemed to like roaring in battle.




A new round of battle between Moriah and Kaido began again.

At this time, the fighting range of the two had already left Skull Island and spread all over the surrounding air.


"Is that the battle of the top powerhouses standing on this sea!"

"It's so terrifying!!"

Ten kilometers south of Skull Island, there are five strange mushroom-shaped ships that are neither pirate ships nor warships. Dock on the sea.

They are the newsgathering ships of the five news agencies, which collect news from the sea.

They also broke the news about Moria's battle with Garp, so they came to the waters around Skull Island one day earlier than the Navy's observation ship.

At this time, it was a young man in black on one of the news gathering boats who expressed emotion.

The young man clung to the railing of the boat to prevent it from being thrown away by the shaking boat.

"I didn't expect the actor to be so strong that he could compete with the beasts Kaido."

"No wonder he dared to challenge the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp!"

Beside the youth, the middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap sighed, his body like a A nail was firmly fixed to the splint, and the ship could not move him even as the ship swayed.

"What a terrifying battle!!"

The middle-aged man was shocked when he looked at the huge waves that kept coming because of the battle between Kaido and Moriah.

"It's just the aftermath of the attack, and it can roll up a ten-meter-high ocean wave. It's really impressive..."

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man's complexion changed, and he saw a undulating black shadow in front of him rapidly growing in size.

"Bang bang!"

However, a huge wave more than ten meters high rushed towards them from the sea area where Moria and Kaido were fighting.

"Pay attention to the things around you, the waves are coming, don't be thrown out!" The

middle-aged man hurriedly grabbed the railing in front of him, and at the same time turned his head and roared to remind others to quickly find what they were holding on to.

"Yes! Yes!"

"Understood!" The

crew on board put down the camera and the phone bug and quickly grabbed the things around them. The scene suddenly became chaotic.


The waves of more than ten meters hit and slammed into the 100-meter-long ship.

Fortunately, the boat was hard enough, and after a burst of sea water swept the splint, the boat returned to calm.

Only a few unlucky eggs were washed away by the sea, and it is unknown which seabed they reached.

"Hurry up! Rewind!" The

middle-aged man quickly ordered, letting the man control the boat to retreat another two kilometers, and the other four boats made the same choice.

It's not very safe here, it's better to step back.



High in the distance in the distance, the battle between Moria and Kaido was approaching white-hot.

After Moria chose a simple fighting style, his fight with Kaido turned into a pure collision of power.

In the sky, because of the collision of the two people's attacks, the terrifying force spread and distorted the air, forming white energy bubbles that bloomed.

From a distance, it looks like countless white dandelions floating in the sky.


"What should I do?" the

young man asked the middle-aged man beside him: "Their battles are moving too fast, and the phone bugs can't take pictures of them!"

"That's it!" The middle-aged man pondered, and then asked : "Have you photographed Kaido and Moriah fighting on Skull Island before?" The

young man replied: "Yes, but not the front, only the side and back."


The middle-aged man smiled and said: "The current appearance of Kaido and Moriah, even if they don't look at them from the front, people can see it. As for those brains who can't see it, don't worry about it."

"Our target customers It's not them either!"

"Then..." The young man hesitated: "I will send these photos to the headquarters."

"Send it." The

middle-aged man said in a slightly anxious tone: "The photos are already available, hurry up and let the headquarters Those bastards will edit it and send it to the printing factory."

"Don't grind and chirp every time, and finally let other newspapers publish it first."

Hearing the middle-aged man's final complaint, the young man agreed and said heavily: "Understood. Now, boss, I will remind them again." After that, the

young man hurriedly used his almighty phone to send photos.

"The curtain has been set up, just wait for the heroes of all parties to appear!!" The

middle-aged man stood in the direction of the battle between Moriah and Kaido on the bow, his eyes flashing.