
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 39 Zoological Honey Badger Fruit: Flathead Form


Moria hugged Hera and fell from the back of the giant eagle. Perona lay on Hera's stomach and grabbed the corner of her clothes reluctantly.

Now Hera put on a white shirt that Moria used to wear for a height of five meters. Because of her body shape, she showed an enchanting waist of a water snake.




After a few months of buffering in the air, Moria landed firmly on the open space in front of a house.


As soon as she landed, Hera hurriedly got rid of Moria body, crossed her huge tail, and walked towards the house like a penguin.

That gesture... made Moria silently turn around.

"Sidoro, Gangmir, are you there?" Hera pushed open the door and went in.


Moria looked around, it was a remote coast.

Hera's house behind her is half on the shore and half in the water. It should be built like this to facilitate Hera's entry into the water, Moria thought.

Looking at both sides, the sharp rocky hill at the top extends out of the island in a trapezoid shape, which just isolates the shore.

There is a small forest in front of it, and there is a trail leading to the outside, which should be the road to the center of Kelin Village.

"Hmm! Ferocious beasts? Still?"

Moria frowned, looking at the path in the forest, where a violent aura was rushing towards here at high speed.


A black shadow emerged from the forest, quickly leaped a hundred meters away, and rushed towards Moria from the air.

"This is..." Moria looked up with a strange expression.

The person in the form of a half-orc, about five meters tall, is a person with animal ability. It's just that the flat head and the flat white hair on the head make Moria somewhat familiar.

"I'll go!"

"Isn't this the first brother in Africa, the flat-headed brother who does not accept his life and death!"

"I didn't expect this animal-type devil fruit in the One Piece world!"

Moria, who sighed in her heart, turned slightly and avoided The sharp claws that slid down from the air slammed into Brother Flathead's stomach with a punch.


call out!

The huge force erupted, and Moria punched Brother Flathead into the distance, like a bowling ball, and broke five or six trees with a "click".

"Armed domineering???"

Withdrawing his fist, Moria looked surprised. If he didn't feel wrong, Brother Flathead's stomach was covered with armed arrogance.

Although because of the huge power gap, even if he didn't use his weapons to be domineering, Brother Flathead's domineering defense was still broken by his pure physical strength.


"In a place like the East China Sea, the person who can temper the domineering look of armed force is still a boy under 20 years old!"

"It's not even a pirate, just an ordinary person!"

Moria was a little curious, this How did the flat-headed boy inspire the domineering armed look.


The flat-headed brother who was beaten by Moria in the forest flew towards Moria at a very fast speed. He was still doing the same thing. He didn't even change the direction of waving his claws, but the speed was a little faster than before.

"Although the previous blow didn't use all his strength, the huge power gap should make him understand the huge gap between himself and me."

"But looking at it like this, he really has the spirit of Brother Pingtou, anyone dares to do it!"

Thinking to himself, Moria smiled and clenched his right fist to condense the domineering look of armed force. This time he wanted to let Brother Pingtou know the powerful armed look. How terrifying the domineering attack is.


Just when Brother Pingtou's attack was about to fall and Moria was about to shoot, Hera's expression changed when she heard the movement, and she quickly stopped Brother Pingtou.

call out!

A cold light flashed in front of Moria, Moria's expression remained unchanged, her clenched fists relaxed, and her armed domineering was also withdrawn.

The flat-headed boy, withdrew his sharp claws, turned around and tried to pass over Moria head.

But how could Moria allow someone to flip over his head.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Brother Flathead's ankle in the air, and threw it again.


Moria didn't exert any force, just rolled up a dust.

"Stop, Gangmir!!"

Hera came to Moria and stopped Brother Flathead who got up and wanted to attack again.

"Sister Hera, don't be afraid of me!" Brother Pingtou, also known as Gang Mill, came to Hera and looked at Moria defiantly.

Moria touched her nose and didn't speak. Hera quickly said to Gang Mir, "This is Mr. Mo...Pa, who saved me from the traffickers."

"That...isn't the enemy?" Gang Mir hesitated. asked.

"It's not an enemy!"

"Forget it!" Gangmir regained his height of three meters, showing an expression of letting go of you, which made Moria dumbfounded.

"Where's Sidoro?" Hera asked anxiously.

"Big Brother Sidoro, I'm looking for you, Big Sister, and let me wait for you at home."

Speaking of which, Gang Mier was a little embarrassed, and said weakly: "I just went to the woods to solve the three urgent problems. I didn't expect you to come back."

Three urgent?

Moria took a few steps back subconsciously. The forest is so big. If all three emergencies are in it, the past few years will be all tasteless.

"No wonder the woods are so tall and lush, and their feelings are nourished by Brother Flathead!" Moria couldn't complain in her heart.

"How long have you been gone?"

"Did he say when he'll be back?"

Hera frowned, ignoring what Gangmir said, and asked two more questions.

"I didn't say it!"

Gangmir shook his head and said honestly, "Big Brother Sidoro just asked me to wait here for you to come back." After

Hera heard this, she was in a state of disarray, not knowing what to do now.

Are you going to find Sidoro? Still waiting here for Sidoro to come back?

If you look for it, you are afraid that you will be separated again. If you don't, you are afraid that Sidoro will cause an accident.

"Wait here for two days. If you can't wait for your brother Sidoro, then leave here. After all, this place has already been exposed."

Moria explained: "The matter on the merchant ship, at the latest two days, definitely It will be discovered by people from the Beauty Chamber of Commerce or the Navy, and then there will definitely be people here to search."


Hera agreed, thinking that Moria was right, and Gangmir had no problem with him. Listen to Hera.


At this time, Hera suddenly reacted, looked at Moria, and asked, "Mr. Mopa, are you not with us?"

Hera looked apologetic after saying that, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you, after all, this matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better leave early."

Mopa's identity, but the actor - Moria, Hera remembered at this time that Moria didn't want to reveal her identity.

That with them, obviously not good, too conspicuous.

"I'll take Perona out for a trip now, and I'll find you after I've settled down." Moria looked at Hera and smiled.

"Okay!" Hera nodded.

Then Moria took a happy Perona to leave the air with a moon step and flew to the other side of Fant Island.

Looking at the back of Moria leaving, Hera's eyes flashed, and she suddenly thought of Moria's last words.

"Huh! Did he say he wants to come back to find me??"

"Yes!" Gunmir squinted.

"Ah... what does he mean??" Hera suddenly cried out with a blushing face, and Moria's eyes began to appear in his mind when he looked at him along the way.

Desire... no! He's a good guy, and he must be in love with me.

"What should I do? How am I going to reject him?" Hera was entangled in her heart and fell into her own fantasy.

She doesn't want to hurt Moria, she knows Moria is a good person, but she doesn't want to be with humans either, she still has unfulfilled dreams.

In short, Moria is destined to accept this good person card.