
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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Chapter 38 Someone is trying to steal my meal ticket

"That is to say, Lord Moria came to the East China Sea for Perona!" On

the back of the giant eagle flying to Fant Island, the mermaid looked at Perona, who was asleep in the shadow attendant's arms.

For this girl who had the same experience as herself, and was even worse than herself, there was a hint of distress in her eyes.

From the conversation just now, she learned that Perona was caught by human traffickers and made a slave when she was only about two years old.

If Moriah hadn't rescued him, the days to come would be imaginable.

Absolutely life is better than death!

Thinking of this, the mermaid looked at Moriah without a trace of alertness.

"This is a good person who can be trusted!" The

mermaid sent Moria a good person card without authorization.

"It seems that the favorability has improved a lot!"

Looking at the mermaid's eyes, Moria seemed to have misunderstood something, and he had a feeling: This woman is about to be conquered by him.

"That's right!"

Moria explained with a smile: "Perona is too young after all, it is very dangerous to stay by my side. I came to the East China Sea this time to find a family for Perona to adopt her."

That's right! Hearing this, the mermaid nodded inwardly.

Thinking of the reports on Moriah in the newspapers, the enemies of the battle are all terrifying and powerful such as naval heroes and generals.

Under such circumstances, Perona was still well protected by Moria, and finally, for safety, she sent Perona to the East China Sea to settle down.

"Sure enough, he is a good person who can be trusted!" The mermaid secretly sent Moria a good person card.

Moria, who didn't know why, looked at the mermaid and smiled, and suddenly remembered:

"By the way, my current name is Mopa, which is my nickname, because I was very timid when I was a child, so I took such a nickname. " The navy

and the world government don't know. You can call me like this in the future. My identity is not easy to reveal now."

The photos on the list are different, if it wasn't for your Devil Fruit ability, I wouldn't dare to confirm it was you."


Moria thought for a while, the original appearance seemed to be a little unsatisfactory, and the strategy It was useless, so he smiled and said, "This is my original appearance. The photo of the navy's bounty was disguised by me, mainly to live a peaceful life." After

speaking, Moria told the mermaid again: "This secret , I hope you don't tell anyone!"

"Don't worry!" The mermaid felt tight and nodded quickly: "I won't tell anyone, Lord Mopa!"


Moria smiled, and then asked the mermaid's name and how she came to the East China Sea.


Only then did the mermaid react, she had never introduced herself, her face turned red, and she was a little embarrassed.

"My name is Hera, I'm from Mermaid Island, six years ago..."

As the mermaid Hera slowly came, Moria knew the tragic experience and great ideal of this mermaid.

She studied medicine on Mermaid Island since she was a child, thinking that one day, if the mermaid came to live on land, there would definitely be some changes in her body, and she would get some diseases that humans have, even some diseases that humans don't know about.

So, in order to prevent and treat these possible diseases in advance, she chose to leave the Mermaid Island and come to the human world to study medicine.

Then, through my life in the human world, I personally experience the changes in the body and the diseases that occur, and write a medical book on the treatment of the mermaid after it came to the land.

In short, like the protagonists in all stories, the greater the ideal at the beginning, the more tragic the later encounters.

As soon as she left the Mermaid Island, Hera, who was not deep in the world, was deceived by the traffickers and caught as a slave.

Of course, like the other protagonists, Hera was rescued by her brother at a critical moment.

Then came the two brothers and sisters, who were rewarded for killing someone while escaping from the traffickers' pursuit.

Mermaid Island can't go back, and Hera doesn't want to go back.

The siblings wandered in the first half of the Great Route until the navy's pursuit and the human traffickers' pursuit became more and more severe.

As a last resort, the sister and brother entered the East China Sea from the Twin Gorge to live in seclusion, and this was a peaceful day.

Until now, he was caught by human traffickers again and rescued by Moria.

"It seems that the previous view is correct. It's not a vase. It's been a lot of twists and turns."

Looking at Hera, who calmly described the past, Moria thought to herself.

Although she didn't say it in detail, she thought that there was a lot of suffering in the middle.

After that, the two chatted all the way, and Hera's affection for Moria rapidly increased.

Moria herself came from a five-good youth in a harmonious society, and Hera was delighted by her equal treatment in her words, behaviors, and behaviors.


and not long after Moria took Hera away, an uninvited guest with a height of eight meters came on the merchant ship.

"Just a trick!"

The tall man standing outside the door of the cabin, the general manager of the Beauty Chamber of Commerce, looked at the human beings divided in half on the plywood, and guessed in his heart.

"It's very strong, it should be a swordsman!" The tall man's wet body was a little hot at the moment, and his eyes flashed with excitement.


The tall man opened the door and entered the room where Hera was before.

Looking at the two guards who fell to the ground at the door, and there was no sign of a fight in the room, the tall man frowned slightly.

"Depending on the situation, it's either that my sister is powerless to resist, or that she voluntarily left with the strong swordsman." The tall man thought to himself.

His sister is not a weak and weak woman, and her strength is not something that people from this place in the East China Sea can defeat with one blow.

There is no sign of fighting, it can only be said that the elder sister at that time was either restrained and unable to resist, or voluntarily.

"No matter which one, they shouldn't have gone far!"

Thinking that the blood on the splint was not fully coagulated, the tall man, Hera's younger brother, guessed.

So he immediately left the merchant ship, entered the sea, and searched with the merchant ship as the center.

"If my sister is willing...then she will definitely rush back to Kelin Village."

Thinking of this possibility, Brother Hera decided to search until dawn, and go back to Kelin Village to have a look before finding any trace of her sister.



The night passed and the sun rose.

Moriah and the mermaid Hera are not weak, they haven't slept all night and are in good spirits.

Instead, Perona, who had slept all night, woke up in a bad mood.

"What should I do, someone is coming to snatch my meal ticket!"

Looking at Hera standing beside Moria, Perona thought in her heart, staring at a pair of fierce cute eyes, trying to scare Hera away.


"What a lovely child!"

Hera was adored by Perona, the corners of her mouth were raised, and Yingying's laughter came out.

But in Perona's ears, it was so irritable and unpleasant.

"Sure enough, this woman is here to grab my meal ticket!"

"What should I do?"

"This woman is too big, and I don't know how much to eat at one time. Will Lord Moria give me my portion as well? The woman has eaten."

Perona, who was full of drama in her heart, couldn't sit still here, and felt that she should take action.

"Mo... Mr. Pa, I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

"Didn't I just input life energy to you?"

"I still want to eat."

"No, your body can't bear it if you eat too much life energy. Wait. When I get to Kelin Village, I'll find you something to eat."

Sure enough!

Hearing this, Perona pouted and glared fiercely at Hera: Lord Moria must have eaten my share for this abominable woman, and you have to pay me back the meal ticket.

Moria didn't know and didn't care about Perona's thoughts.

The giant eagle was still very fast. Under the guidance of one of his navigator shadow attendants, it arrived at Kelin Village at about nine o'clock in the morning.