
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 24 Be Your Tool Man

"Let's go too!"

"The main purpose is to prevent Moria from falling into the hands of Marine or other pirate groups."

"When necessary, kill Moria first!"

Kata Kuri turned his head and ordered, then he jumped high from the boat to the shore.

"Candy flyover!"

With a wave of his hand, Perrospero used his power to build a bridge between the shore and the bow, and the others quickly passed over the bridge.

Obviously, the Kata Kuri and John Pirates are here today for Moria.

At six kilometers above the edge of Vico Island, Moria, lying on the back of the giant eagle, recovered the injuries suffered by Garp and others by absorbing life energy.


"It's calculated!"

Moria got up and sat on the back of the giant eagle with a gloomy face.

At this moment, he recalled, Kizaru's momentary kick let him know that this was a trap against him.

Otherwise, at Kizaru's speed, Garp will be able to rush to Bullet as soon as he leaves. His speed is definitely not as fast as Kizaru's.

"Once I see Kizaru guarding Bullet, I will never take the risk, I will just continue to wait for the opportunity, and even if there is no chance in the end, I will just give up and leave."

But obviously, Marine seems to want to kill him!

So after Garp left, Kizaru leisurely and Akainu jogged towards Bullet.

The purpose is to give Moria a chance to appear at risk.

Then Kizaru appeared in an instant, a kick at the speed of light, kicking Moria to the direction where Akainu came, and Akainu killed Moria with one blow.

If Moria didn't react at that time and was hit by Akainu's high-damage magma fist, it might be melted directly.

Even if he escaped Akainu's attack, the situation where he and Shadow Servant switched positions afterwards was still counted by Marine.

At that time, Moria subconsciously swapped positions with the nearest Shadow Servant, and the nearest Shadow Servant was just within Aokiji's attack range.

So Moria, who had just appeared, was instantly frozen by Aokiji.

If it weren't for Moria to have a little cold resistance, he would be frozen and unconscious, and the result could only be caught by the seastone or killed directly.

In the end, his actions were counted. As soon as he appeared, Garp was punched in the face and almost beat him to death.

If it weren't for changing positions with Shadow Servant at the last moment, Garp was really punched in the face and touched the ground.

The huge power poured out, and he suspected that his head might burst like a watermelon.

"That guy Garp his power is terrible!"

Thinking back to that punch just now, Moria still had lingering fears to her.

The extremely condensed Armament Haki is very hard and hard, and Garp's fist is astonishing with that level of Armament Haki blessing.


Moria frowned, "Marine is obviously prepared, try again, it's dead!"

After the thrills just now, Moria understood that this plan to capture Bullet was a failure.

But it's nothing to be a pity. Without Bullet, there are other strong players.

After all, Bullet is not dead, it's just impel down…that's it.


"Impel down!"

Moria smiled, how could he forget this key place again.

As long as he can sneak into Impel down and face those with strong Devil Fruit abilities that are suppressed by seastone, with his current strength, he can't kill him.

When the time comes, a strong man like Bullet will not let him kill and devour the shadow, and then he will leave by swapping positions with the Shadow Servant, and there is no need to worry about being caught.

He can even leave a shadow servant in Impel down, making Impel down his cash machine and a treasure place to extract the shadow of the strong.

Of course, the premise of everything is that he can sneak in.

"So far, no!"

Moria shook her head slightly in her heart, but it might be possible later.

As long as the shadow fruit ability he envisioned in his mind can be developed, it is absolutely no problem to use Impel down as a back garden.





Moria, who was looking excited about Impel down, suddenly heard a fierce collision from Vico Island below.

"This is..."

"The legendary protagonist halo?"

Looking at the roar of battle coming from below, it was a fierce collision that can only be made when Garp and Bullet are fighting.

With this level of crashing sound, Moria knew what it meant.

It means that someone who can fight Garp is here, and… it doesn't seem to be here alone.

Marine's uniform color is uniform, and Shadow Servant is all black, which is very conspicuous.

At this time Moria saw other different colors in Garp on Vico Island below.


"There are also people on the other side!"

"The battle seems to be fierce!"

Ha ha!

Moria smiled, this situation was unexpected, but it was in his liking.

No matter who the person is here and what they are doing, it provides Moria with a chance to recapture Bullet.

Thinking about it, Moria stood up, just when he was looking for a shadow servant to switch positions and leave…


A scorching pillar of fire hit the air from far behind, and Moria's face changed abruptly by the high temperature waves.


Moria roared and jumped to the right to avoid it.

At the same time, the Shadow Servant Eagle took Victor and Perona and leaned to the left to avoid.


A pillar of fire with a diameter of ten meters in the sky whizzed past the original position of the giant eagle, piercing the sky.

Moria escaped the pillar of fire for an instant, controlling the shadow to turn into a bat to support him, and then hurriedly looked to the Shadow Servant Eagle.

I didn't see it!


It fell, and one of the wings of the giant eagle was burned by the pillar of fire, and its body was falling.

Victor grabbed the bewildered "Haha" Perona in one hand, and held the feathers of the giant eagle in the other and hung it on the back of the giant eagle.

With a thought, Moria input life energy to the Great Eagle of Shadow Servant, allowing its burnt wings to instantly recover.

The great eagle stabilized in mid-air, and Victor stood up again.

Perona seemed to think it was something funny, staring at Moria with her big cute eyes, and opened her mouth: "Ha ha ha!"

The head Moria Yaoyao looked at was really fearless as a child. She almost died and she was still there.


At this time, a loud roar came, and a cyan oriental dragon flew towards Moria from a high altitude in the distance.


"Why is this guy here?"

Moria frowned slightly, then stretched it out again, and smiled at Vico Island below, thinking: Come on, be a tool man for me.

"You fly away, don't stop."

After Moria turned her head to give orders to the giant eagle and Victor, she retracted her shadow and landed on Vico Island below.

call out!

The Shadow Servant spread its wings obediently, and took Victor and Perona to fly to one side with extreme speed.

"That is?"

"Forget it, it's important to get Moria back first."

Kaido glanced at the flying Shadow Servant Eagle, ignored them, twisted the dragon's body and flew towards Moria.


"Go back with me, you can't escape!"

Kaido put pressure on Moria. After learning about Moria's Shadow Servant ability, he decided not to kill Moria and gave him another chance to quit the king's addiction.

Ha ha!

Be your tool man!

The corners of Moria's mouth curled up, without saying a word, stomping, using the acceleration of the falling, coupled with the acceleration of Moonwalk, quickly fell to the bottom of the island.