
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 23-Kizaru who habitually releases water

"Kizaru, stop him!"

Sengoku, who rushed to, saw the sudden appearance of Moria, his eyebrows condensed, and he yelled at Kizaru who came on the other side.

In the first time Garp left, you obviously could turn the light and come to Bullet in an instant, but in the end you were running leisurely with Akainu.

Kizaru's attitude of always letting go of water made Sengoku a headache.

"I don't know what Salino is, when he hits someone, he will do his best."

Sengoku never thought that Kizaru would only work hardest when he played Zephyr, otherwise he might vomit blood now.

Of course, maybe when playing Sengoku himself, Kizaru might work hard.

call out!

Here, Kizaru, named by Sengoku, changed his indifferent appearance before leaving, turning his whole body into a beam of light, leaving Akainu behind to eat ashes instantly.

"This bastard!" Akainu cursed secretly.

It's not good for you to go early if you are fast. You have to run with him. What does this mean? I want to show off.

Akainu, who was upset, stepped a little faster again.

"It's done!"

This was Moria's thoughts at this time. At this time, his hand had grabbed Bullet's arm, and the shadow had covered his body.


Just when he was about to fly away with Bullet.

A dazzling and dazzling yellow light flickered in front of Moria's eyes, and then a sound that made him dream of twelve supernovae gathering in Sabaody Archipelago sounded.

"Speed ​​is weight. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light!"


Moria had no time to react. She only felt a sharp pain and distortion on her left face, her mouth widened, blood flew out, several teeth flew out, and then a huge force came.

At this moment, Moria's head flew away physically, and then her body flew away with her head involuntarily for an instant.


Under the severe pain, Moria who was flying in the air reacted, and she was just showing off her face fiercely by Kizaru.

But… it was also at this moment that the curse in his heart just came out, and a scorching high temperature hit him, making his scalp numb.

"Great Eruption!"

But it was Akainu who saw Moria flying in the direction he was coming from. He waved a huge magma fist and blasted towards the flying Moria.


"What a tactic understanding!"

Moria cursed inwardly, but fortunately, he reacted this time and instantly swapped positions with Shadow Servant and left.


The moment Moria left, Akainu's magma fist blasted, and the Shadow Servant who swapped positions with Moria was instantly melted and dissipated.

On the other side, Moria, who appeared on the battlefield of Aokiji's side with the Shadow Servant, hadn't had time to make any moves, as if Aokiji had already prepared a big move.

"Ice Age!" Aokiji's ultimate move was issued.

A large frozen ball with a diameter of ten meters appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

It's cold!

The cold is about to lose consciousness.

Moria in the ice hockey woke up cleverly.

"Dammit, it's so risky, I almost passed out by freezing!"

Moria was in a cold sweat, feeling a little grateful.

During the days when he was being served with a whip at the Jiuwang Addiction Center, his skin didn't feel much pain.

It also indirectly made him a lot stronger against low temperature, and he didn't lose consciousness without being frozen, otherwise he would be GG today.

"However, you have to leave quickly, otherwise it will be too cold and you may not be able to hold on."

Moria didn't hesitate, and before Aokiji was moving, she swapped positions with Garp's Shadow Servant and left.


Unfortunately, Garp, who had been prepared for a long time, appeared next to Moria instantly, swiping a punch with a strong anger, and hitting Moria's front face, who had just appeared but was too stunned.

The powerful force plunged Garp's fist into Moria's face.

Moria's eyes whitened instantly and she was about to lose consciousness.

"I can't lose consciousness, or it's over."

At the last moment, Moria survived with a strong will to survive.

With a thought, when Garp's head was punched and he was about to fall to the ground, he instantly exchanged positions with Shadow Servant and left.


With a loud noise, the earth shook for a while, and a pit with a diameter of 100 meters, cracked like glass, appeared.

"This ability is really troublesome!"

"and also..."

"When has the body of this bastard Moria been so strong!"

Seeing the shadow attendant disappearing under his feet, Garp frowned.

With his strength and Armament Haki's strength, Moria would definitely not be able to hold it, and would lose consciousness or even die from a single blow from him.

But in the end Moria escaped with her ability!


Garp didn't want to understand, because they didn't know that Moria could also gain physical strength by devouring shadows.

They are still taking the previous information as the standard, thinking that Moria is strong only in the ability to create Shadow Servant, which is not strong in itself.

So what they have been worried about is that Moria was acquired by the top pirate groups such as Kaido and Whitebeard, which would become very dangerous to Marine.

But with the attack just now, Garp understood that Moria is not an easy man. If he doesn't stop him, he can become a strong man like Kaido himself.

Then it will be the most troublesome.

Thinking of these Garp, quickly use Observation Haki to perceive Moria's location.


"Where did you go?"

No, Garp jumped in the air and looked around. He didn't see Moria, and Observation Haki didn't perceive Moria.


Sengoku came from a distance and asked, "Where's that kid, Moria?"

"It's gone!"

Garp punched a shadow servant and responded to Sengoku.


Sengoku frowned, and while attacking the shadow servants around him, he also used Observation Haki to perceive Moria's location.

The same can't be felt!

"Did that guy leave!" Sengoku didn't look very good, Moria appeared, and even almost succeeded Bullet, but they didn't catch Moria.

"what happened?"

Sengoku approached Garp and asked, frowning, "With your strength, Moria can't stop your blow."

Garp Yaoyao said solemnly: "We all underestimated Moria's physical strength and strength. First, we took a blow from Kizaru, then was frozen by Aokiji, and finally I was punched in the face with an angry punch, and we were still able to leave with our ability. ."

"His strength is definitely not what we thought before. Given his age, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with in the future."

"Damn it!" Sengoku cursed secretly, and he felt even more depressed after hearing Garp's evaluation of Moria.

Unexpectedly, Moria escaped in the end!

"Clean up these annoying shadow servants first!"

The two Garp Sengoku, who have not seen Moria reappear, can only speed up the cleaning up of Moria's Shadow Attendants.

On the other side, Kizaru also ran to help Aokiji clean up the Shadow Attendants, only Akainu was still guarding the Bullet.

He did not intend to give Moria a chance to take away Bullet.

Just stay here, if Moria dares to come, he will let Moria know how hot his magma is.

Vico Island, in the waters close to Garp, a pirate boat stopped on the sea not far from the shore.

"John, there is news from the dark forces that Moria has appeared and has already played against Marine."

Deron came to the bow and reported to Captain John.

"Then go get our companions back! Brothers."

John said loudly, leaping forcefully with his legs, leaping over a distance of 100 meters, and jumping directly from the bow of the ship to the shore.


"With Moria, we will dominate the New World, just around the corner."


The other members of the John Pirates group, the strong ones, followed Captain John and jumped onto the shore one after another, and the weak ones took a boat to the shore.

"Kill Marine, take Moria." After getting ashore, a group of people killed Garp.

At this time, the John Pirates did not know that Moria did not fight against Marine at all, but was beaten away by Kizaru and others with a combined punch.

At the same time, there was also a pirate ship in the sea near Aokiji. The people on it were fighters from the aunt pirate regiment led by Kata Kuri.

At this time, they also received the news from the dark forces. Like Captain John, they knew that Moria had appeared, and they had met Marine.