
I'AM~Destroy Spirit Ring Doulo

There is no system, money martial arts, and innate soul power are only at the third level, and the apprentice master is even rejected, and can't be licked dog Tang-san and Xia Wu . Su Xing is angry, it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself, after all, he was also a scholar in his previous life. Relying on the exploration of soul power, soul ring and soul spirit, and soul battle, Su Xing successfully walked out of the path of being a strong man of his own. No matter how strong you are, let me hit with my spirit money. Take the route of self-development of soul skills! Soul rings, soul battle, etc., No need be licked dog because i'am Transmigrator too. so good bye ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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296 Chs

Dad, Mom. I am Xiao Wu

Su Xiaotu, who was on the shoulders of awakening, saw her grandparents and introduced herself with a smile.


Hearing Su Xiaotu's words, Su Xing's parents who just stood up stared at Su Xiaotu in disbelief, and then looked at Su Xing again.

It seems to be asking about awakening is this true?

"Well, father and mother, this is Su Xiaotu, my daughter!"

"This is Xiao Wu, Su Xiaotu's mother!"

Su Xing saw that Su Xiaotu had introduced himself first, so he nodded quickly to confirm, then took Xiao Wu's hand to the front and introduced Xiao Wu to Su Xing's parents. "Xiao Wu, just call with me too!"

"Dad, Mom, hello, I'm Xiao Wu!"

Hearing Su Xing's words, Xiao Wu quickly and respectfully called her parents.


"Su Xiaotu, right? Hurry up and give grandma a hug!"

After the mother who woke up heard the confirmation of the awakening, she hurried forward.

Although she was very surprised and surprised, she felt more surprises!

Such a beautiful and cute little girl is actually my granddaughter!

"Xiaoxing, you are true, my granddaughter was brought back when she was so old, it's too outrageous!"

"Su Xiaotu, tell grandma, how old are you this year?"

Su Xing's mother asked Su Xiaotu kindly while scolding Su Xing, and wanted to hug Su Xiaotu, but she was afraid of life.

"Grandma hugs, the little rabbit is three years old this year!"

When Su Xiaotu saw that her grandmother was also very kind, she quickly opened her arms and hugged her.

"Oh my little granddaughter, she's so good!"

Hearing Su Xiaotu's words, Su Xing's mother was very happy, and she hurriedly hugged Su Xiaotu from Su Xing's shoulders, she was overjoyed.

Su Jinlong followed behind to see such a scene, his eyes full of envy, but he was too embarrassed to fight with Su Xing's mother.

"Xiao Wu, right? My stinky boy is really lucky to have found such a beautiful daughter-in-law!"

Awakened mother because she was too happy or cared too much about her granddaughter,

Ignoring Xiao Wu, Su Jinlong would not be able to, and responded to Xiao Wu quickly with a smile.

"Yeah, Xiao Wu, it's his blessing that you can see our Xiao Xing!"

When Su Xing's mother heard Su Jinlong's words, she also realized that she was just too happy to ignore Xiao Wu, and hurriedly spoke to Xiao Wu with a smile.

"Where... how can there be... I'm lucky to be with Su Xing!"

Xiao Wu was relieved when she saw that Su Xing's parents liked her.

Everything is as expected by awakening.

Although the awakened mother was surprised by what Xiao Wu and Su Xiaotu brought, she was more surprised.

Whether it was for Xiao Wu or Su Xiaotu, the parents were very happy when they woke up.

However, Su Xing's parents didn't forget to scold Su Xing, and they didn't tell them about it until now, which really pissed them off.

After that, Su Xing's parents put their minds on Xiao Wu and Su Xiaotu, and directly ignored Su Xing.

Of course, there is also a deliberate element, and the anger wakes up and hides them for so long.

Su Xiaotu brought it back when she was so old, it really shouldn't be!

Especially after learning that Xiao Wu basically brought Su Xiaotu up by herself, the parents who wake up are even more critical of the one who wakes up.

Of course, he felt more distressed for Xiao Wu and Su Xiaotu.

Feeling the love of the awakening parents, Xiao Wu was also very moved!

"What's the matter? You seem a little unhappy?"

After dinner, Su Xing's parents took Su Xiaotu to play, and Su Xing found Xiao Wu who was in a strange mood.

"No...no, I'm too happy to be happy!"

Hearing Su Xing's words, and looking back to see Su Xing, Xiao Wu hurriedly said with a smile.

Only after waking up, she still saw the dry tears in Xiao Wu's eyes.

"Do you remember your mother?"

Su woke up and hugged Xiao Wu tightly in his arms, guessing why Xiao Wu's mood changed.


Being guessed by Su Xing, Xiao Wu no longer concealed it, buried her head in Su Xing's arms, hugged Su Xing tightly, and hummed softly.

Feeling the love of Shun Suxing's parents, while Xiao Wu was happy, she inevitably thought of her mother's arrival, which made her sad.

As for Xiao Wu's father, she didn't have much memory, so she didn't miss him too much.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help your mother come back to life!"

Su Xing hugged Xiao Wu and comforted her.

"Well! I believe you!"

Xiao Wu hummed softly, and with the assurance of awakening, she felt a little down, and only then did she get better.

Originally, today was relatively happy, and she was not unhappy, but just missed her mother a little.

"Xiao Wu, I know you definitely don't want to see Bibi Dong, so I won't let you go to Spirit Hall!"

"Just stay here with Little Rabbit, I have important things for you to do!"

After Su Xing comforted Xiao Wu for a while, he also began to talk to her about his arrangements for her.

After hearing Su Xing's arrangement for her, Xiao Wu agreed without thinking.

She was definitely unwilling to ask her to go to the Spirit Hall, where she might see Bibi Dong at any time.

She was afraid that she would not be able to control her emotions.

"But I don't know what you said!"

After agreeing, Xiao Wu became a little uneasy. The things she asked her to help with were all business matters, which she didn't understand at all.

"Learn if you don't understand, I believe Xiao Wu you can definitely do it!"

"And you don't need to do anything. I will design a plan for you, and my parents will also help. Although they have been relatively low-key, they still have business methods!"

"With the plan I designed, and some creative inventions, it won't be too difficult!"

"When the time comes, you can learn from my parents, you don't need to know everything yourself, you can control everything, just grasp the main direction!"

Su Xing heard the words and smiled.

He had already designed a plan for Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu just had to follow it and study while she was doing.

As for whether doing these will delay Xiao Wu's improvement?

Waking up is nothing to worry about.

Before Xiao Wu reached the title Douluo, she didn't even need to cultivate, Her 'plug-in' that has been strengthened and combed by Awakening can support her promotion to Title Douluo.

At that time, the power of the 100,000-year soul beast that originally belonged to her will be completely exhausted!


Seeing that Su Xing has taken care of everything for her, Xiao Wu is no longer worried.

However, Xiao Wu still decided to work hard, hoping to help her wake up and make her stronger faster, so that she could revive her mother earlier.

Then, wake up and stay at home for a few days.

Su Xing also told his parents about making the Su family's business bigger.

At the same time, he also came up with some plans and inventions designed by him.

Su Xing's parents were shocked when they saw what Su Xing took out.

They didn't expect that they had never helped the Su family's business to wake up, and they were so good at management!
