
I'AM~Destroy Spirit Ring Doulo

There is no system, money martial arts, and innate soul power are only at the third level, and the apprentice master is even rejected, and can't be licked dog Tang-san and Xia Wu . Su Xing is angry, it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself, after all, he was also a scholar in his previous life. Relying on the exploration of soul power, soul ring and soul spirit, and soul battle, Su Xing successfully walked out of the path of being a strong man of his own. No matter how strong you are, let me hit with my spirit money. Take the route of self-development of soul skills! Soul rings, soul battle, etc., No need be licked dog because i'am Transmigrator too. so good bye ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 33 Night Party Zhu Zhuqing

"One day you defeat the awakening, I will forgive you!"

After taking a deep breath, Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Zhu Zhuqing was still giving Dai Mubai a chance, feeling that if Dai Mubai defeated Su Xing, he should be able to remove the imprint of Su Xing in her heart.


"I will defeat him to prove it to you, only I am worthy of you!"

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's condition, Dai Mubai immediately agreed.

At this time, Dai Mubai's eyes were burning with anger.

He was very angry that Zhu Zhuqing actually compared him with Su Xing.

Otherwise, Zhu Zhuqing would not have said such a condition.


After speaking, Dai Mubai turned around and left.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave again, he would say something ugly to Zhu Zhuqing.

"I hope you can do it!"

Zhu Zhuqing said silently, and then came to the balcony of the hotel room.

Zhu Zhuqing wanted to blow the cold wind to calm his mind.

But when Zhu Zhuqing's line of sight saw a man and a woman on the street in the distance below, his expression suddenly turned cold.

"Bastard, looks exactly like Dai Mubai!"


"Brother Su Xing, do you think this looks good?" On the

brightly lit street, in front of a pavement, Ye Lingling held a pair of delicate earrings, comparing her earlobes. The location turned back and asked Su Xing.

"Hmm! It suits you very well!"

Wake up and look at it, it's really good.

"Then I want it, the boss, I want it."

Ye Lingling was happy when she heard the words, and turned around and bought it from the boss.

Su Xing watched silently, but he didn't really want to go shopping with Ye Lingling.

Ye Lingling had a crush on him, and Su Xing had already discovered it.

Ye Lingling is also very beautiful, but she can't give Su Xing the feeling of heartbeat, and she doesn't have the strong urge to get her.

Moreover, Su Xing had a hunch that he might leave Tiandou Royal Academy soon, so he didn't want to tease Ye Lingling.

If she didn't need to be responsible, Su Xing would have pulled her to open the room.

Don't laugh, in Douluo Continent, ten years old is considered an adult.

Ma Hongjun was taken by Flender to that kind of place a long time ago.

Accompanying Ye Lingling out this time, I really couldn't stand Ye Lingling's coquettish and cute pleas.

Ye Lingling, who is usually cold and stranger, can't stand it when she wakes up coquettishly.

Thinking of Ye Lingling's coquettish and cute appearance, she was a little hesitant when she woke up. Do you really want to pull Ye Lingling to the hotel tonight?


Suddenly, Su Xingxing felt a little strange, and looked up at the source.

"Zhu Zhuqing!"

As soon as he looked up, he woke up and saw Zhu Zhuqing.


When Zhu Zhuqing saw Su Xing and found her, he snorted coldly and turned back to the room.

"It turns out that they live in this hotel!"

Su Xing secretly said in his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing was on it, and when he woke up, he was moved again, and asked her to chat?

"Brother Su Xing, what are you looking at?"

Ye Lingling turned around and saw Su Xing's appearance, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's nothing, Lingling! I suddenly remembered that there are other things, let's go shopping here today!"

Su Xing turned around and smiled, and then said.

Take her to the hotel or something, forget it!

Or... next time!

"I'm going back now?"

"Okay! But next time I come out with brother Su Xing, you can't refuse!"

Ye Lingling was a little disappointed when she heard the words, but Su Xing had been shopping with her for more than an hour! She is also satisfied.

If Ye Lingling knew that Su Xing was going to find Zhu Zhuqing to leave her, he would definitely call him a scumbag.

"Well! I'll take you back first!"

Su Xing nodded, not daring to let Ye Lingling go back alone.

Even in the city, there are dangers.

Especially a young and beautiful girl like Ye Lingling is very dangerous. Ye Lingling's martial spirit has no fighting power, and it will be dangerous if she encounters a bad guy.

"Yeah!" "Every one of them is a bastard!



Zhu Zhuqing sat on the bed, the pillow was being torn apart by her hands, and she thought the pillow was someone.

Zhu Zhuqing also knew that he didn't need to be angry, nor was he qualified to be angry, because she didn't give him a chance to wake up, and he would have given up pursuing her long ago.

But watching Su Xing, who took her first kiss, go shopping with other girls, she was just angry.


When Zhu Zhuqing took the pillow to vent, a sudden ding sounded.


Zhu Zhuqing stood up immediately and lowered his head only to realize that a coin had been smashed in from the balcony.

Immediately afterwards, she saw that the coin disappeared out of thin air.

"It's his martial spirit!"

Zhu Zhuqing's expression turned cold, and he guessed that the coin was the awakened martial spirit.

That is, wake up outside?


Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly. After putting on his shoes, he slowly came to the balcony.

Sure enough, there was a person standing on her balcony at this time, the scumbag who woke up.

"What are you doing here?"

"Breaking into the private realm, I can notify the Soto City guards to arrest you!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Xing coldly and asked.

"You don't have to be so cruel, right?"

"I just came to see you and want to ask you something!"

Su Xing smiled, not afraid of Zhu Zhuqing's threats.

They are all invited by the nobles of Soto City. As long as they don't really commit a major incident, those nobles will handle it.

"Aren't you accompanying your girlfriend? Aren't you afraid of her misunderstanding when you come to me?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't continue to dwell on that issue, but sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, she's not my girlfriend yet!" Su Xing retorted.

"Not yet? That's it soon?" Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly.

After the words were finished, Zhu Zhuqing realized that his tone seemed to be wrong. This was a reaction only when he was jealous.

"It's not you, Zhu Zhuqing, be normal!"

After realizing it, Zhu Zhuqing was secretly embarrassed, his face was still cold, and he didn't wake up to find her strange.

"No, Lingling likes me, but she can't give me the feeling that my heart is pounding. So far, only you have given me that feeling!" Su Xing shook his head and denied.

Although he had just thought about La Ye Lingling going to the hotel, didn't he go? That doesn't count!


Bang Bang Bang Bang! ! ! !

In the face of Su Xing's answer, Zhu Zhuqing found that his heartbeat suddenly increased.

There is a coursing!

But Zhu Zhuqing quickly suppressed it, this was not what she wanted.

"I see that you and Dai Mubai didn't reconcile at all, are you planning to forgive him?"

"Indeed, that trash is not worthy of your forgiveness!"

"Leave Shrek and follow me, you saw it during the day, Yu Xiao Just now, I was a waste, and if I stay there, I will only be taught by him!"

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing did not respond, Su Xing continued to speak.

Although Zhu Zhuqing had given up before, but since he encountered it, it wouldn't prevent him from trying again!

What if it succeeds?

It's just that he woke up and knew that if Zhu Zhuqing accepted him before, he would have loved her very much.

Now? Maybe maybe not.
