
I'AM~Destroy Spirit Ring Doulo

There is no system, money martial arts, and innate soul power are only at the third level, and the apprentice master is even rejected, and can't be licked dog Tang-san and Xia Wu . Su Xing is angry, it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself, after all, he was also a scholar in his previous life. Relying on the exploration of soul power, soul ring and soul spirit, and soul battle, Su Xing successfully walked out of the path of being a strong man of his own. No matter how strong you are, let me hit with my spirit money. Take the route of self-development of soul skills! Soul rings, soul battle, etc., No need be licked dog because i'am Transmigrator too. so good bye ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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A Sneaky Feeling

As soon as Ah Yin saw the attempt to wake up, he was terrified, it was too dangerous.

She felt that the spirit power of awakening and condensing was compressed to such an extreme that it would be too dangerous if it exploded out of control.

"It's okay, I won't continue trying for the time being, I'll think about where the problem comes first!"

Su Xing comforted Ah Yin, and then took out the inner alchemy of the ten-headed phoenix snake and studied it.

He didn't dare to try it for the time being, and he just woke up and realized the danger of trying to form an elixir in his body, so he wanted to study the inner elixir of the ten phoenix snakes again to see if he could find any inspiration.

"It's too complete. To study it, you must break its integrity!"

Su Xing looked at the ten-headed Lieyang Serpent's Neidan with a frown, and after thinking about it, he decided to conduct an anatomical study on it.

Originally, I wanted to leave the inner alchemy of the ten-headed Lieyang snake to Huo Wu, but Su Xing felt that it was more important to study the inner alchemy by himself.

For Huo Wu, just leave the immortal grass that originally belonged to Ma Hongjun to her!

Do it when he thinks of it, wake up and then conduct an anatomical study on the inner alchemy of the ten-headed fiery sun snake.

The fact is the same as Su Xing expected. After Su Xing destroyed the integrity of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, the energy of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Serpent's Inner Alchemy would no longer remain stable, and began to flow away with the opening cut by Su Xing.

Faced with this situation, there is no way to wake up.

You can only study the structure of the ten-headed Lieyang Serpent's inner pill while collecting the passing energy through the soul power trap!

By cutting the inner core of the ten-headed phoenix snake, Su Xing also clearly saw the structure of the inner core of the ten-headed phoenix snake.

"So that's how it is..."

Looking at the structure of the Ten-headed Lieyang Serpent's Neidan, Su Xing's eyes sparkled. Through research and observation, Su Xing got a lot of inspiration from it.

Brush brush! ! !

While Su Xing studied, he took out a notebook to record, and wrote down all the things that came to his mind.

An hour later, the inner alchemy of the ten-headed Lieyang Serpent collapsed, and then slowly dissipated.

The energy that passed by was also collected by Awakening's soul power catcher.

It's just the pure soul power collected by awakening,

The properties of the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent's Inner Pills that could help the Spirit Master evolve their martial spirits had passed away and could not be captured.

It's not a pity to wake up.

Compared with the harvest obtained after cutting it, Su Xing felt that even if the inner elixir of the entire ten-headed phoenix snake was wasted, it was worth it.

Then, through the structure of the Ten Lieyang Serpent's Inner Pill, combined with some of his own thoughts, Su Xing started to try again.

Only this time, Su Xing did not try again in the body, but tried directly in the palm of his hand.

Su Xing also suddenly thought, he just needs to ensure that the condensed Chengdan will always be integrated with his own soul power, then there is no need to do it in the body.

The same is true for forming a pill outside the body. As long as it is successful, it is determined that there is no danger before it is incorporated into the body!

In this way, your safety can be absolutely guaranteed.

Even if it is still out of control, it can be thrown away directly as a soul bomb, and it will not be attacked by it.

Seeing that Su Xing was studying in the body, Ah Yin was also relieved, and then did not speak to persuade Su Xing.

She didn't expect that Su Xing could still think of trying it outside the body.

For the next time, the awakening was maintained like this.

While accompanying Su Xiaotu and Xiao Wu, he studied how to condense the inner alchemy.

It's just that even if there is a reference to the structure of the inner core of the ten-headed Lieyang Serpent, and it is still outside the body, it is not so easy, and it took half a month to wake up and it has not been successful.

Even if it will succeed in the end, I don't know if I wake up.

However, there is still hope for the awakening feeling!

Finally, after another month, the awakening was finally completed.


In the palm of the awakening, a dark blue bead the size of a thumb, exuding navy blue soul power fluctuations, slowly suspended above the palm of the awakening.


Looking at the inner pill in his hand, no, this is still called the soul pill!

Looking at the Soul Pill in his hand, Su Xing was full of excitement. After spending a month and a half, he finally researched it.

Just awakening the small soul pill in his hand, the soul power contained in it has reached three times the sum of the soul power of awakening itself.

This is also awakening, and it can be condensed by continuously replenishing soul power through the heart.

Continuing to try, after finding that the Soul Pill is stable enough and there is no danger of explosion, Su Xing opened his mouth to swallow it, and finally condensed it in his dantian.

When the soul pill enters the body and integrates with himself, the soul pill keeps spinning in the awakened dantian.

While spinning, it absorbed the soul power of the awakened body, and then flowed out again, forming a perfect cycle.

"Really successful, wake up you are really amazing!"

Ah Yin was the most shocking witness to witness the awakening from scratch and really condense something like the Soul Pill.

However, she also knew that the success of the awakening was also due to the efforts of the awakening. Without the efforts of the awakening, it would not have been possible to successfully develop it in such a short period of time.

She saw the difficulty in it.

If it were someone else, I would have given up long ago!

So seeing that Su Xing succeeded, she was also sincerely happy for Su Xing.

"Hehe, that is, if I'm not good, how can I get Sister Ah Yin?"

The awakening is also extremely excited, and the speech is also full of pride and arrogance.


Hearing Su Xing's unobstructed words, Ah Yin spat Su Xing angrily.

But then, Ah Yin's voice came out of Su Xing's body, and then plunged directly into Su Xing's arms, put his arms around Su Xing's neck, and kissed Su Xing emotionally.

These days, awakening often fails, and she often comforts him after the awakening fails.

Now that the awakening has been successful, it is even more necessary to reward and reward a awakening!

Of course, every time at this time, Ah Yin was monitoring the movements of other people. She still didn't want Xiao Wu and the others to know that she had transformed again, and it was also related to the awakening.

Su Xing is also happy to see this happen, Ah Yin doesn't want Xiao Wu and the others to know, so it's better to hide it.

In this way, he can also enjoy the thrill of secretly messing with Ah Yin.

To be honest, this kind of sneaky feeling really has no mood.

Ah Yin is ready to reward Ah Yin, and of course he accepts everything when he wakes up.

Then, the tree house that was first created by awakening was filled with hormonal sounds.

This tree house has been a wake-up laboratory from a very early age.

When he wakes up here, Xiao Wu and Su Xiaotu basically won't come to disturb him!
