
I'AM~ Have Brave Grandpa, Sorry Xiao Wu Its Mine

Cross the Douluo Continent and become the grandson of old Jack. What the old jack who have gut to slap Tang Hao doulo face and mad at him and don't give tang hao face at all "The lagend Mortal Old Jack". What should i do martial spirit is carrot 100% i hope there is goldfinger cheat to change my fate because my talent is low. "Tang San, I’m sorry, Xiao Wu belongs to me, " "don’t think about it if she with you she will die so as your good brother i will Steal your future wife" "ahmm no she still not counting stealing your wife so its not counting stealing i will love him wkkwkwkw.” "Now look at martial spirit Fusion" ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Select "Gamble or Not"

"As a low-level martial soul, in fact, it is very convenient to obtain a spirit ring.

Just like Xiaosan's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, ordinary, which means extremely adaptable.

In other words, your martial soul can almost absorb.

Any kind of spirit ring, this is the most useful for you."

  The master is indeed a master, and after some explanation, Hu Jiu's eyes are bright, and a certain idea in his heart is suddenly understood.

   "If this is the case, the effect of my first spirit ring will be able to increase the speed of cultivation."

  In Douluo Continent, every soul master cannot do without cultivation.

This is a life-long behavior, and Hu Jiu's cultivation talent is not good, so he can only think of a solution from the spirit ring.

But this requires the help of a master.

There are so many soul beasts in the world.

The spirit ring of the same soul beast used on different soul masters has different effects.

If you want to obtain the soul ring effect you need, please ask the master.

Of course.

   "Well, to improve the training effect, this is the spirit ring that all spirit masters hope. Unfortunately, according to the thousands of auxiliary spirit rings I have studied, there are only three types of spirit rings that can gain the improved training effect."

The master glanced at Hu Jiu faintly, as if looking at a fool, even so, he explained:

"The first type of moonlight beast, this kind of soul beast is only available in the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is very rare, unless it costs a lot of money.

The price, otherwise you won't find it."

   "Are there other two kinds?"

Moonlight Beast Hu Jiu had already ruled out. He had no money and no power.

This rare and hard-to-find soul beast had no hope at all.

"The second type is sunflower.

This kind of plant soul beast is not difficult to find.

It is found in the hunting forest.

However, using it as a soul ring has only one-tenth of the chance of gaining the training effect, or even lower. You have to consider it carefully."

   Seeing that Hu Jiu is Tang San's fellow villager and friend, the master kindly reminded him.

   "One in ten chance? Isn't this about the same as winning, don't choose."

  Hu Jiu looked at the master expectantly, and there is one last thing he didn't say!

"As for the last one, don't give you any hope.

It is called Frog Swallowing Clam.

The effect is indeed to increase the speed of soul power cultivation, but it can only increase by one percent, one thousandth, or even lower.

This effect is still It's better not."

   After the master explained, he stopped talking, and let Hu Jiu bow his head in thought.

   Gamble or not?

Hu Jiu was very entangled.

He wanted to use Frog Swallowing Clam as his spirit ring.

Although the rate of cultivation speed it can increase is indeed low, don't forget that he also has an on-hook panel.

If the spirit ring's additional skills can also be used on-hook Upgrade, then there is nothing to consider.

   The key is that he is not sure whether the skills on the spirit ring can hang up.

   This is the most tangled point.

"Hu Jiu, why don't you want this kind of spirit ring effect?

​​With so many spirit beasts in the world, why bother to increase the speed of cultivation!"

Tang San finally couldn't help but remind him when Hu Jiu fell into a tangled state. .

   Tang San wouldn't talk too much like this kind of soul ring choice related to the life of a soul master, but seeing Hu Jiu's tangled look, he couldn't help it in the end.

   Tang San's words made Hu Jiu sober, he nodded and turned to look at the master:

"Master, I have decided, I will swallow the Frog clam, can you introduce this kind of soul beast to me in detail?"


   Isn't it just a spirit ring?

Anyway, it's just a low-level spirit ring.

No matter how good the effect is, it can't go against the sky, and if he makes the right bet, it can really go against the sky!

   When the hang-up panel increases the skill effect level, not to mention the cultivation effect that is increased ten times and one hundred times, if it is doubled, he also earns.

   "Okay, then I will introduce you to the soul beast of the frog swallowing clam..."

   After a while, Hu Jiuyi left the master's residence with a calm expression.

In his hand, he was holding a token, which was the master's Wuhun Hall identity card.

   "Hu Jiu, have you really decided to choose Frog Swallowing Clam as your first spirit ring?"

In the evening, Tang San, who had finished the class with the master, rushed to Hu Jiu non-stop.


Hu Jiu nodded, as simple as choosing what to eat today.

"Don't you understand what the master said just now?

The maximum age of swallowing clams is only a few decades.

There is no existence of Frog swallowing clams for a hundred years, and the effect of the spirit ring skills obtained is not good, Hu Jiu, you think again.

We change to a hundred-year spirit beast,

if you are worried about our safety, you can rest assured, I can't guarantee anything else,

but I can still deal with the hundred-year spirit ring."

   In the face of Tang San's bitterness, he was a guarantee, and he was persuaded as if he was concerned.

Hu Jiu was warm in heart.

Tang San was indeed a person with a strong personality.

   Except at the beginning, he still used Tang San's mind a little bit in his heart, but after getting along with him, he slowly regarded him as a brother.

   "Don't worry, Xiao San, I chose Forg-Swallowing Clam as the first spirit ring after careful selection. Listen to my sophistry, oh no, explain."

   Tang San calmed down:

"You say it!"

   "Well, how should I put it, in the knowledge we have learned, it has been explained that the age of a soul master's soul ring cannot be changed?"

Hu Jiu asked when he looked at Tang San.

   "Yes, this is common sense."

Tang San nodded.

   "Then I tell you, I don't believe this common sense."

Hu Jiu said seriously.


Sometimes Tang San really wanted to break Hu Jiu's head to see what was inside.

The age of the spirit ring could not be improved. Isn't this something that predecessors have long recognized? How old are you, you dare to doubt it? This one.

   "Listen to me, in my opinion, soul power or soul ring is our own power.

There is nothing to say about that!"

   "Yes, spirit power spirit ring is our strength."

Tang San nodded.

   "Since it is our own power, why can't the spirit ring be improved through cultivation like the spirit power?"

Hu Jiu asked back.


Tang San was silent.

Hu Jiu's words sounded the same as perverted reasoning, but after thinking about it seriously,

it seemed to be correct.

Since the spirit ring is also its own strength, why can't it be improved through cultivation?

   "I think there are two reasons why people say that the spirit ring cannot be upgraded."

Hu Jiu raised his finger:

"First, the person who said this can't really control his spirit ring.

The control I said is not about releasing and retracting the spirit ring.

I mean controlling the power of the spirit ring. It's simple.

It means to control the spirit ring as part of one's body, like controlling the size of the spirit ring, the strength of the spirit ring, etc.

   "What about the second one?"

Tang San was attracted by what Hu Jiu said, and he couldn't wait to continue listening.

   Although Hu Jiu's statement is crazy, it really makes sense to think about it, and if what Hu Jiu said is true, how can Douluo Dalu change for him.

"Hmm, as for the second point, it's simple, even if the spirit ring can be improved through cultivation, there is this idle time.

Isn't it good to work hard to improve your spirit power and improve your own level?

If you want to choose, you use time To increase the level, or to increase the power of the spirit ring?"

   "Ah this!!!"

Tang San.