

Olivia's POV

“What the hell was that, “. I switched on the light and stared at the table clock. I checked the time and saw that it was pass midnight.

I hissed in frustration when I realized it was JUST a dream, I stood up from the bed and lazily walked to the kitchen, I open the fridge and brought out a bottle of water and drank all at once.

“It was all a dream”. I whisper to myself.

I went to my bed stand and took my phone, immediately I dialed Rona's number and waited for it to ring, but it did not, rather it wasn't going through.

I called his line for several times, but it wasn't getting through.

I hissed in frustration and went back to bed, I lay on the bed but couldn't sleep, my thought was on Rona and if he was okay.

I lay on my bed for hours till I was able to force myself to sleep.

“Jesus Christ oli, you are still sleeping”. I heard Aunt's voice, but I refused to open my eyes, I couldn't sleep all night, and now I was able to sleep my Aunt was disturbing me.

“Olivia”.she shakes me gently on my leg.

Hissing softly I turn around and open my eyes, the sun was already out, and it seems I was really late for school, 

“What's the time “. I asked in a sleepy voice.

“Pass 9 am, oli you are late for school.

I hissed and slowly stood up from the bed, 

“Good morning”. I greeted and sleepy walk to the bathroom.

I took a quick bath and wore my cloths, I took my bag and went downstairs for breakfast.

I got downstairs and saw that Aunt has already made breakfast.

“You are late, you can't eat, take I've already packed some food for you “. She handed me a flask and a bottle of water.

“I'm not a kid Aunt”. I murmured while taking the flask and water from her,

She chuckled softly and walked away.

I left the apartment and walk down to school, I got to school and saw that the class was already going on. I look through the window and saw that all the seats were almost occupied.

I met eyes with the lecturer and could see how angry he was, and I prefer not to anger him by interrupting his class, since he has anger issues.

Quietly, I move away from the window and walk away. I went to the library to keep myself busy for the next class.

I was going through my books when I noticed someone standing before me. I raised my head and met eyes with Rita .she was staring at me with so much anger, and I knew she was trying her best to hold it.

“You are here “.she circles me and stared at me before she stood before me with folded arms.

I hissed softly and went back to my books.

“I'm talking to you “.she hits the table with anger.

I look around and noticed the library attendant wasn't around, no wonder she was acting this way in the library.

“You think you've won, huh?, this fight isn't over yet “.she spoke with range.

I hissed in frustration and closed my books before staring directly at her, 

“I'm not in any fight with you, you are just fighting yourself”. She was about saying something when her phone started ringing. She stares at the phone then at me before she picks up the call.

I hiss in relief and went back to my book.

“How did it happen”. She asked in fear, and that was what got my attention.

“Is he badly injured”. She asked as tears drop from her cheek.

“He”. I whispered to myself 

The moment I heard those words from Rita, I began panicking, who was He and why was he injured.

“I'm fine, I'll go home right now “. She said those words and ended the call.

I quickly stood up and held her hand, 

“Is Rona injured”. I asked in fear, 

“Get your hands off me”.she removes my grip from her and points at me with anger.

“It's all your fault, my brother is in this condition because of you. Since you came into his life, his life have been turning upside down, and now he is badly injured because of you “. She said those words with so much anger and range that got the attention of everyone in the library on us.

“What are you even saying, how can you say that “. I asked, almost in tears.

I wasn't crying because of what she said, but the thought of Rona being injured brought a sudden pain to my heart.

“Yes it all your fault, it has always been your fault, I always blame my brother for falling in love with a girl like you when they are so many worthy girls out there “.she spoke angrily.

"In love with me “. I murmured to myself

“Stay away from my brother, Olivia am warning you “. She said those words and angrily left the library.

I could feel so many stares and whispering around me and I became uncomfortable, so I ran out of the library.

I ran out of the library with no particular place in mind.

I ran for sometime before I found a quiet spot and sat on the floor.

I close my eyes and all Rita's words were ringing in my head. I scream in pain while holding my head .this can't be possible, Rona can't be hurt, how can he let himself get hurt.

I fold my knees to my chest and place my head on it. Maybe the injury wasn't that bad as Rita painted it to be.

I hissed in relief and close my eyes, 

“He is fine, he's gonna be fine “. I murmured to myself.

The constant ringing of my phone brought me out from my thought. I brought out the phone from my pocket and saw that the caller was Derick. He must have heard what happened in the library or might have noticed my absence in class.

I hissed and drop the phone on the floor, I wasn't ready to talk to him, not when am in this condition.my phone kept on ringing and I felt irritated by it and put off.

I stood up from the floor and started walking back to class, since I have a test and I couldn't miss it.

I got to the hall and noticed Lizzy's eyes on me, but she couldn't say anything because the lecturer was there.

I hissed softly and sat beside her.

“Is everything okay “.she whispers

I stared at her but didn't say a word.

The test was about to start when Derick rush in, he met eyes with me and I could see how worried and concerned he looks, but I didn't feel anything.

He left the door and walk up to me and was about saying something when the lecture voice echo loudly in the hall 

“Mr Derick can you please wait until after the test Is over before you can do whatever you want to do “. He spoke in an angry tune.

Derick stared at me one more time before he took the available seat behind me.

I hissed softly and felt so many stares were on me, but I care less.

Throughout the test, I tried as much as possible to concentrate, but my thoughts was on Rona and how he was doing. I could notice Lizzy constant stares on me, but I wasn't bothered about it, my thought was on one thing and that was Rona.

After the test I pick up my things hurriedly, so I could go to Rona's house and found how what was happening, when Lizzy held my hand with a worried look 

“Is everything okay “.she asked while staring at me with concern.

I was about to tell her what was going on when I noticed Derick coming our way.

“I'll tell you when I get home “. I pick up my things and was About leaving when Derrick held my hand.

He stares at everyone in the hall, and they all knew what he meant, like a flash they all left the hall, only Lizzy was sitting down staring at us with curiosity.

“What's wrong, you were not in class, and you refused picking my calls “.he spoke softly

I hissed in relief when I realized he wasn't aware of what happened in the library.

“I'm fine, I just need to be somewhere at the moment”. I said this words while avoiding his gaze.

“Where to “.he asked 

I felt angry and irritated by his question, I was supposed to be in Rona's house to know how badly he was injured and here was Derick holding me down with stupid questions.

“Let go of me “. I spoke in anger while I remove his grip on me.

I could see shock and surprise written on his face, but I wasn't bothered about that.

“What is going on”.he tried to move closer to me, but I move away.

“I need to be somewhere, and I need to be there really fast, so I will really appreciate it if you would keep your questions for me to answer later “. I said those words in anger and rush out of the hall.

“Olivia”. I heard Lizzy's voice calling me.